Change “some day” into “I will never”

February 13, 2019

Ok so today I wanted to talk about replacing ‘one day’ with ‘I will never’. So if you're one of those people who says one day I'll quit smoking, one day I will lose weight, one day I will really reach results in business, one day I will do something. Stop it! Because you don't get to do it. That's the fact. So instead of saying, “Hey, one day I'll quit smoking. One day I’ll lose weight. One day, I'll get a six pack. And one day I'll build a business.” Just say, “I will never quit smoking,” and just smoke the hell out of it. Just say,“I'll never lose weight,” and just go and have some burgers and some pizzas and some donner meat on chips. And instead of saying, “Hey, one day, I'll change my life.” Just relax; just enjoy your life, right? 

Because being out of integrity, is much worse than actually not doing that thing. So don't worry about it instead of just getting, “Hey, one day I'll do it.”, which you definitely won’t because “someday”, it's not a day in the week, we have Monday to Sunday there's no someday. A lot of people live in the magical place called  someday isle”. Someday I'll do that, someday I'll do this, someday I'll do that someday I'll quit smoking, someday I'll lose weight, someday I'll build my business, someday I'll get serious about this and they live on a someday isle, it doesn't exist. 

Wake up! So start replacing it. Every time you catch yourself saying, “One day I will do that, one day I'll retire my husband in business, one day I'll retire my wife by doing this business.” Just go,“I'll never retire my husband. I'll never quit smoking. I'll never stop eating junk food,” and see how that feels. Because being out of integrity is worse, because if you keep saying that one day I'll do that, deep down, you know you're letting yourself down, you know you're letting those other people down, you know you're not going to do it and it's just getting worse. It just gets worse because you feel deep inside that,“I'm not doing what I said I will do. I'm not keeping these promises, I'm not being a person of integrity,” and that's worse. 

It doesn't matter if you fool other people. It doesn't matter if you fool friends or family or people in business, etc. You can't fool you, you know that, you know deep inside but I know it's sexy to say those things like,“Yeah, one day I'll be a diamond, one day I'll be super healthy, one day I'll lose five stone, one day I'll do this business so hard so I can retire my husband or I can retire my wife from their full time job.” And they’ll go, “Oh my God when is that some day going to come.” 

It's sexy to say those goals, it's sexy to share your vision because everybody could go, “Wow, you're amazing person for trying to do that.” So you get a pat on the back just for having that goal, just for saying it to other people, “Yeah I'm going to work so hard I'm going to save some orphans in Africa. Yeah I’m going to work so hard one day, I'll build some schools in Zimbabwe.” But you're not doing anything, you're out of integrity. And that's worse, than actually saying it. But you get a pat on the back and you go, “Yeah, I'll do it.” So start just replacing that, replace some day with I will never and see how it feels. 

That will make you real, that will make you in integrity where your actions match what's coming out of your mouth, because for many people, it doesn't. You say one thing and you do completely the opposite, whether it's in business, in health, in exercise, in relationships, in finances etc. You saying one thing and you do completely other thing. So stop it, just replace it and just say, “Hey, I'll never be good at money I keep spending the hell out of it. And I'll stay in debt for the rest of my life and let banks rip me off and make all that money for me,” just say that instead of, “One day I'll get out of debt.” Make sense? Hope this makes sense.

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in success



Sheep Goats and Wolves

February 12, 2019

Today, interesting topic, sheep, goats and wolves. What on earth am I talking about? Trust me, this is going to make sense in just a second. So in network marketing, there's going to be three types of people who are going to join your team. The first group of people that you will be in your network marketing business are sheep and you might think sheep are bad people, actually this is the best group of people, why, because sheep follow instructions, they listen to what you tell them. They fol...

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2 COOL ways to prospect using Facebook groups

February 11, 2019

Today I wanted to give you two cool ways how you can prospect people on Facebook using Facebook groups. So the first strategy is think about where you’re going to travel to in the next few months. So you might have booked already some holidays in certain places, you might be going to have some training, some conference in some places, etc., so think about where are you going to travel next? So then what you do is you go ahead and join the groups in that city or in that country, but best is ...

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The Rule of 5

February 10, 2019

Today I'm going to talk about the rule of five. It is a super important rule in business as well as in life. So first of all, before we get into the five things I need to tell you a little story. There was a man who decided to cut the tree down. So he would get out every single morning, take his axe, go to the same tree and go bam, bam, bam, bam, bam! five times and then go back home and do whatever he does all day. The next day, he would come out of the house, take the axe, go to the same tr...

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3 Key Performance Indicators in Network Marketing

February 9, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about free key performance indicators in network marketing. Three things you need to look at if you want to make sure that your business is working well, if you want to make sure that you're going to get good results and if you want to make sure that your business going to last for a long time, three key performance indicators for your network marketing business.

Key performance indicator number one is how many people have made at least one pound or $1 in your business....

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7 Network Marketing SUPERPOWERS

February 4, 2019

Today I want to talk to you about seven network marketing superpowers. If you want to become a superstar in network marketing, then you might want to develop each and every one of these.

Okay, so the first superpower in network marketing is speed, success loves speed, so that's why the first network marketing superpower is speed, get better, faster, do less thinking and more doing, I love the quote where they say: “Done is better than perfect.” So get things done instead of waiting for th...

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6 step CLOSE for Network Marketing prospects

February 2, 2019

Today’s topic is about six step close for network marketing. Once you show the business to somebody, when somebody attended your business opportunity presentation, or they watch the video, how do you close and close basically stands for helping a person to make a decision, because a lot of people when they get into home based business, when they get into network marketing, they're just scared of a person saying NO to them, so they never actually get the decision from a person. They just sor...

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Poor or Broke?

February 2, 2019

Today I wanted to talk to you very quickly about poor and broke. Okay, so what's the difference? You might say? Well, it's the same thing, isn't it? Poor broke? What's the difference? Both don't have money, right? True, but not entirely same. You see, poor is the mentality, you have to decide to be a poor, you have to make a decision that you know what, I'm a poor person, and once the person decided that they are poor, it's very difficult to help them to become wealthy, to get out of being po...

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4 steps to telling your STORY

January 25, 2019

Today I wanted to share with you four steps to telling your story because your story is so powerful and so important in business that actually every time before you start the presentation every time before you start the training every time before you start a three way call you should tell people your story. Because that's where people will be able to relate when they want to know your story. First step is your background. So what did you do before you got into network marketing before you sta...

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The number #1 key for LONG TERM success in Network Marketing business

January 25, 2019

Today’s topic is number one secret for long term success in network marketing business.  There's many factors in network marketing business that people look at and think that “this is the most important thing” . People look at a product they say, “Oh, you have to have a really good quality unique cutting edge product that's the key to success for the long term business.” Other people say, “No it's about the marketing plan, it's about compensation plan, it’s how much money the co...

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Are you swimming in GOOOP?

January 25, 2019

Today I wanted to share with you something that I found quite interesting and we picked it up at the success summit two and the question is, are you swimming in the GOOOP? 

What is the gooop? Well, gooop stands for “good opinion of other people”. And there are so many people who are stuck in the gooop because they can't do anything unless other people think good about it, unless other people accept them for it, unless other people say it's okay to do that. So many people are stuck in life...

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Are you gambling with your life?

January 25, 2019

Hey guys. So we're here in Las Vegas, just arrived about an hour ago. So I wanted to do a very quick video because Las Vegas is famous for what? For gambling, right? People come here to gamble, etc. And a lot of people also gamble with their lives. A lot of people, they hope for a better future but they don't do anything about it, they hope maybe they'll win the lottery or they hope something will change and their life will improve etc., but life only improves by you doing something about it,...

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Light, Love and Life

January 25, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about three things, light, love and life and what do I mean by them and why are they important maybe? So number one is light and what does it stand for? What does it mean? So, for me, light is about happiness. Most of us, we build businesses, we have jobs, we buy cars, we buy houses, we buy clothes, computers, phones, and things like that, we travel the world and we do bunch of different stuff in our lives, but what is it all for? 

Well, most of us, we do all of that, ...

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Are you HUNGRY?

January 25, 2019

Today I'm going to talk about hunger and why it's important in business. I'm not talking about physical hunger for food. I'm talking about hunger for bigger things. Why is hunger important? Well, you see, I can teach you how to create success but I can't teach you how to want to create success. So it's possible to teach somebody to create success but it's almost impossible to teach them to want to create success. So that's why when you're working with your team, and you have to really look wh...

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Using RECRUITING BLOCKS in your network marketing business

January 17, 2019

Today I wanted to talk to you guys about using recruiting blocks. Okay, so what is recruiting blocks or recruitment blocks? Well, a recruitment block a 15 minute time intervals that you can really use and you can show other people in your team how to use in order to really propel the business and get the business out of standstill and into motion and really to destroy the myth that you have to have a lot of time on your hands in order to be able to do network marketing. Because a lot...

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Managing people’s EXPECTATIONS in network marketing

January 16, 2019

Today I want to talk to you about managing people's expectations. Now let me ask you this question. Have you ever had somebody quitting your team? Have you ever had people who were not happy with anything in the business? If you had, in the next few minutes I'm going to share with you something that you might find very, very useful in terms of growing your business and reducing amount of people that might be unhappy or quit your business or even talk badly about you.

I wanted to talk about m...

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Are you using PRICE in your business?

January 14, 2019

Today I wanted to talk to you again about PRICE

I'm going to explain what it actually stands for. It’s five things, first one is P and P stands for post something. It applies to your social media. You need to obviously in order for you to attract people, in order for you to get new team members, get new sales first; obviously you have to post something on Facebook whether it's a picture, it's a text or it's a video or best of course is a Facebook live. You do some sort of a post. 

Then se...

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Are you an ASKHOLE?

January 12, 2019

All right, so let me ask you this question. Have you been trying for a while to succeed in business and you haven't had the success and results yet? Maybe you try to get better at different areas in life and things don't seem to be changing. You're not seem to be getting the results. If that's the case, I'm going to try and see if we can uncover and find out the reason why you're not getting the results you'd like to get in your life.

All right, I'm going to describe something and see if that...

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Reducing OVERWHELM in Network Marketing

January 11, 2019

Today I wanted to talk to you about overwhelm. 

When people start in a home based business you know and they have big goals, they want to achieve high levels of success they see other people achieving great results, they sometimes get overwhelmed by the fact that there's so much to learn and so much to do and so much to know.

They get what is called “analysis paralysis” where because there's so much to learn and because there's so much to know they actually stop doing it all together, the...

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4 C’s in Network Marketing

January 6, 2019

I wanted to share with you 4C's for network marketing. 

So the first one is communication if you want to achieve great results in business, you have to be in constant communication with your leadership, with your team, with everybody in your business. If you're not in communication with people you are unplugging from the business. So firstly C, is Communication you need to make sure that you have constant communication with your leadership, with your sponsors, with your team members, ...

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7 steps to SUCCESS LAND in Network Marketing

December 19, 2018
Here is 7 steps to SUCCESS LAND in network marketing business. 

Step #1: Be a product of your product
Make sure you are using your products daily. This way it will be easier to recommend your products to other people and you will show example to your team.

Step #2: Speak to your up-line leader daily.
You know if you have a desk fan and you unplug it from the electricity the fan stops. Same way if you unplug from your upline leader the chance of you quitting the business increases. 

Step #3: Attend...
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3 ways to INVITE people to take a look at your Network Marketing business opportunity

December 14, 2018
When it comes to inviting people that you know to take a look at your business opportunity many people are unsure what to say NOT to scare their friends away. Many people actually do RUIN their contacts by saying the WRONG thing or in a wrong way. 

Here are the three ways a network marketing rockstar Eric Worre recommends to invite people:

1. Direct Approach

This is, unfortunately, what most network marketers use ALL THE TIME. Using this approach you are basically directly invite the person to t...
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What we have learned at the GoPro Recruiting Mastery 2018

December 10, 2018

We just got back from LAS VEGAS and we are Fired Up and Ready to GO!

It was by far the best training event I have ever attended and I believe it will have a massive impact on our business.

On this training webinar I have shared with you the BEST nuggets we have learned at this years GoPro where over 10,000 people attended and we had amazing speakers like:

Magic Johnson (ex Basketball player now a multi millionaire business man)

John Maxwell (the number #1 authority on leadership in the world)


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What we learned at Success Summit 2

December 5, 2018
Success Summit 2 was an absolutely amazing training event. Two days packed full of incredible speakers sharing brilliant training tips.

I have got together with few of my team members to go over our notes. 

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group Th...

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What if you RUN OUT of people to talk to about your business opportunity?

November 28, 2018
Once you have been in network marketing for a while you will start hearing people say or maybe you will even start saying it yourself "I have no people to talk to anymore" because you've spoken to everyone you know.

Here is 2 strategies you can use to start speaking to loads of people right away.

First strategy is very easy and literally EVERYONE can use it. This strategy involves you using Facebook. All you have to do is go to your facebook profile and go into your friends list and then go and...
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8 ways to STOP your new recruit from quitting

November 25, 2018
When a brand new distributor joins your team they are the most 'fragile' over the first few weeks and first few months. They have not achieved anything yet and it is fairly easy for them to quit your business because they have nothing to loose. That is why jour job as a sponsor is to keep them in the business long enough for them to get to the point where it is harder to quit than to stay in the business.

Here is 8 ways you can increase the chances of your new business partners staying in the ...
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The POWER of 3-way calls in network marketing

November 23, 2018
3-WAY CALLS can be a very powerful tool for you network marketing business growth. The 3 way call is when three people do a call. Usually one person is an expert like a leader in network marketing business, the second person is their team member who is building a team and the third is a potential business partner of the team member. The purpose of the call is to give more confidence to the prospect to join the business, to give more credibility to the team member and to give social proof for ...
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Do you need HELP in your Network Marketing business?

November 23, 2018

NEW 1 Hour Coaching Session

We know how busy you are building your own home based business but we also appreciate that sometimes you have specific questions that you need some answers to. We provide a lot of FREE training on all things concerned on our BLOG, however, we know that sometimes you might want a private consultation about recruiting, team building, social media, selling products or anything else to do with your network marketing business. That is why we would like to offer you a one...

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How DUPLICATING is your Business?

November 21, 2018
It doesn't matter what WORKS in network marketing, it matters what DUPLICATES!

The challenge in network marketing is that even if what you do works but your team members can't repeat it, then the business will not grow. 

Now you might recruit doctors, influential people, great speakers etc. into your business which is absolutely ok, however, they should not rely on their skills and abilities when introducing others to the business because those people will think they can't do it. Instead, what ...
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5 Types of Facebook POSTS to Grow Your Business

November 18, 2018
Have you ever wondered what a re the best posts for Facebook to grow your business? Here are my favourite five: 

1. Value Posts

These are the best posts and you should always try give value to your audience. Weather it's tips, solutions to problems, your favourite things, etc. These could be articles, videos or Facebook lives. 

For a video it's great to have following format:
-Ask a question
-Give the content (tips, answers)
-Give a Call To Action

2. Recognition Posts

Recognition posts a...
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