Why a lot of people are BROKE?
I'm going to talk to you about why so many people are broke, why so many people
are poor, why so many people are not living the life of their dreams. Why are
so many people poor? Why so many people are broke?
And most people will answer
that question well, because they're not earning enough money, because they're
not making enough money and actually, that's not it. That's not the main reason
why lot of people are broke, and they stay broke. That's the most important
problem. And the reason why that is, is because of what do these people buy
with the money that they make. So even if somebody is making not a lot of
money, even if somebody is not earning a lot of money, it's important to see, what
do they buy with that money? And poor people or broke people, very often, they
buy stuff.
soon as they made money, they straightaway spend it on stuff, because it's so
cheap, because of whatever. It's all about keeping up with the Joneses, buying
the brand new car that you can't afford really, living in the house that's
really too big that you can't afford in that area, but you have to show people
that your status, buying the
People buy that stuff to impress people who don't really
care about it. Most people are not going to care about the car you drive or the
house you live in, or the brand name of the clothes you're wearing but people get so caught up in that, buying all the brands and the latest phones
and the latest this and the latest that in order to show off in front of other
people and keep themselves broke and keep themselves in the situation where
they are.
you look at rich people, they don't do that. They just don't do that. Do they
have some luxury in their life? Yeah, they have some luxury in their life, but
they don't really flash off, they don't really show off that, oh my Gosh, look
I've got Brad, I’ve got Gucci.” And they've got the money, they could buy that
stuff, but they don't really care about that stuff. Instead, most wealthy
people, most rich people, they reinvest the money. So when they make the money,
unlike the broke people, unlike the poor people who as soon as made the money,
they’re off to the shops, they’re off to spend the money, they have to splash
out, they have to the pub and so on to get rid of that money. What wealthy
people do, they invest that money.
So one way of investing, straight away you're
probably thinking, well, they are investing, like in shares and stocks and real
estate and that's true, but also wealthy people invest in
themselves. So instead of spending that 500 pounds on a Gucci handbag, they go
and buy a course that will educate them and help them to make even more money.
They go and hire a coach that will educate them and help them to make even more
money, they go and attend the seminar, which will educate them and help them to
make even more money.
They invest in other businesses, they invest in passive
income streams, they invest in things that's going to generate even more money,
instead of just splashing it on things, to impress the neighbors to impress
their friends. Look at my face inch plasma TV. I heard somebody said that the
bigger your TV, the smaller is your income in your house. Jim, Ron used to say,
“When I come into somebody's house, I look at the size of their TV, and I look
at the size of their library, and it tells me everything I need to know about
that person.” So if the library is small, and the TV is huge, you know who
you're dealing with. If the TV is small, but the library is huge, again, you
know who you're talking to.
it's not about how much money you make, but it is what you do with that money. So
even if right now, you're not making an awful lot of money, even if right now,
you're not a millionaire it's okay, but what do you do with that
little money that you're earning? After you paid your bills, after you paid
your food, after you paid your petrol with what's left, what are you
doing with that money? Are you going and splashing out? Are you spending it on
bare? Are you spending it on books? Are you spending it on courses? Are you
spending seminars? Are you spending it on mentors? Are you spending it
investing into home based businesses that you can start with a couple of hundred
pounds and start making extra income into your household, with that extra
income, then you can go and invest even more and make something out of it.
you realize that most millionaires nowadays are first generation millionaires.
They’re not old money, they’re not that they inherited millions from the
parents.Yeah, there are some people like that, but majority of
millionaires nowadays are new money. Are people who are first generation millionaires,
so their parents, they were just ordinary people, but they become millionaires.
Why? Because they learn these things, because they apply these things and
because they go and change their mindset, and they go on a hustle, they go and
use the money wisely.
So that's my message for today. Don't be like poor
people. Don't be like broke people. As soon as you making money, spending it on
all sorts of rubbish. Focus on growing your financial freedom; focus on
building a financial wall around your family that nothing can get through.
That's my wish for you for today.
That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group http://titaniumsuccess.co.uk/successtraining.php. There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!
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In : Personal Development
Tags: what to do with your money in business