What you do TODAY does not show up until TOMORROW
I want to talk about the delay of
results. The title of this blog post is that what you do today doesn't show up
until tomorrow. What does that mean?
It means that there is a slight delay on
the change in your life. Very often, let's say you didn't do much work, and
then you go, “Okay, what I'm going to do? I'm going to now really focus and
really start working hard in my business and you start doing this work and work
and work and there's no result and you go, “Oh my Gosh, it doesn't work. I'm
doing all of this work. But it's not giving me any result.” Because there's a
slight delay, what you do today is not going to show up until tomorrow, what
you do this week, is not going to show up until next week, what do you do this
month is not going to show up until next month. So it is a bit of a delay
before you start seeing the results, before you start seeing the fruits of your
labour and sometimes the opposite is true as well. Because there's a delay on
that crap that is chasing, so if you didn't work very hard, then this bad stuff
is also still coming.
The lesson here is just to be a bit patient. Especially when I coach people on social media, and they think that, “I’ll start doing Facebook Lives and three days later people start joining my team.” Probably not! “Oh, I'll create a product group and maybe tomorrow, people will start buying my products.” It might not happen tomorrow. So it takes a bit of time to get things going. And in general, when we speak about home based business, you have to put in some work before it gets going.
That's why I always see that people
overestimate what they could do in six months and they underestimate what they
could do in six years; because most people want the results very fast. They
want everything to happen straight away but we have to have this delayed
gratification. We have to have this thing where we put the work in today to get
the results tomorrow and be patient with it and don't quit as soon as we don't
get the results first day. Because there's a lot of people who jump from
business to business hoping that the next one will be the one but they don't
stay long enough with any company to actually get results in any business, because
you have to focus and spend some time with it.
That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in
this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you
would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success
Training” group http://titaniumsuccess.co.uk/successtraining.php. There
are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the
breakthrough in your business!
Yours in success
In : Personal Development
Tags: patience in business pays