The purpose of SOCIAL MEDIA in network marketing
I want to talk about the purpose of social
media in network marketing, because I believe a lot of people miss the point
why they need to use social media in network marketing and what's the point of
using social media in network marketing.
What do I mean that people miss the
point about social media and why to use it and how to use it? Well, first of
all, think about how does network marketing business grow? How did you join
network marketing? Why did you join network marketing? And again, the chances
are, the reason why you joined network marketing was you probably tried the
product and you loved the quality of the product and you probably got presented
the business by somebody, you know, like and trust, that's most likely how it
would happen to you.
So maybe your friend, maybe a work colleague, maybe
somebody that you know, introduced you to the business, showed you the
presentation or took you to the presentation meeting, maybe you tried some
product as well, and you fell in love with the business and you decided to
join. Awesome. So that's why in all days, like, you know, when the dinosaurs
were walking, they used to build network marketing or face to face. So they
would go out and speak to people, or recruit them into the team go out, speak
to more people, recruit them into the team, do home meetings, do hotel
meetings, where people meet, belly to belly, face to face or over a cup of
coffee and that's how they would build the business.
Then came social media and
people forgot how network marketing works. So they decided, okay, I can use
social media, to replace human contact, to replace communication with real
humans, so that I don't need to speak to human beings anymore. I can just do
social media, I can just send messages, put Facebook videos, do all sorts of
other stuff, spam the groups and everything and I'm going to build a huge team,
and I will never have to speak to people. You're missing the point. If that's
how you think of social media, that it's there to replace meeting people face
to face, that it's there to replace a real human communication, that it's there
to replace all of that, then you’re missing the point of social media, and you
will struggle to build your business on network marketing.
The purpose of social media is for you to get people
to meet you face to face, is for you to get people to a real belly to belly
meeting, and is for you to get people to build around relationship with you. So
social media is just a source of where to find people. The reason why social
media is so powerful that using social media, you can find people in your city,
you can find people in your country, or you can find people all over the world,
right? So social media has made the world small, whereas before 20 years ago,
if you lived in a small village, you would have struggled to build a successful
network marketing business, because there are not enough people for you to
speak to.
Well, social media made that not a problem anymore, because now you
can, even if you live in a small village, you can go on your phone, open your
social media, and you can contact hundreds and thousands and millions of
people, , which is awesome. But you have to not to forget, what's the purpose.
So the purpose of social media is just to connect you with other people in your
city, in your country, around the world, but the End Game, is still to build a
relationship with that person, the end game is still to meet face to face, if
you can with that person and if you can't, if they live too far away, then at
least to go on Skype call, on zoom call or the Facebook video call, so that you
can see that person and you can have a face to face communication, you can
build a relationship because still, for that person to buy products from you,
for that person to join your team, they have to know you, trust you and like
you, that hasn't changed and it will never change.
A thousand years from now,
somebody else is going to be doing a Facebook Live and saying the same thing to
you, teaching the same thing to you that you have to build relationship with
people, that this is a business of relationships. It's never going to change.
It doesn't matter what technology comes in, what other social medias will come
in, what sort of virtual reality will come in, it will always boil down to you
building relationships with people, to you being known, liked, and trusted by
people who will then go and buy your products, who will then go and join your
So social media is just a way for you to contact
people, is just a way for you to reach out to people, and is just a way for you
to expose people to what you do. But the end result is not to replace human
communication, is to actually start that communication. So when somebody saw
your Facebook Live, when you reached out to somebody on Facebook or Instagram
or whatever the purpose is to start that conversation, is to start that
communication and then hopefully go from Facebook onto video call, from video
call maybe on a phone call from phone call, maybe to meeting face to face where
you can give them to try the product, show them the business, build a
relationship with that person so they understand you, they know you, they trust
you, they like you and do want to be part of your business.
Okay, so that's my message, don't miss
the forest because of the trees. You know, don't miss the point of building the
business, and don’t miss the fundamentals of building the business. Because
some new technology comes in, new technology doesn't replace the fundamentals.
It just makes your life slightly easier, slightly more interesting, but there's
still a need of that human communication.
That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!
Yours in success
In : Personal Development
Tags: relationship building in business