Showing Tag: "why" (Show all posts)

You are the PRIZE!

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Thursday, September 10, 2020, In : Personal Development 

Today’s topic is you are the price. And what do I mean by that?

Is that very often I see people in network marketing who don't value themselves enough. There are more people that have problems than there are people who have solutions. And I see all too often that people in network marketing arena, in a home based business arena, sort of put the value down. They start begging people to join the business. They start begging people to buy their products, when the reality is, they are the prize....

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2 reasons why people DON’T make money in network marketing

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Tuesday, January 28, 2020, In : Personal Development 

In this blog in particular, I wanted to talk about two reasons why people don't make money in network marketing. Of course, there are more than two reasons why somebody might not be making money network marketing, but I think these two are very, very common and they happen quite a lot. So what are these two reasons?

The first reason why people don't make money in network marketing, they simply don't do the work. So the very first reason why a lot of people don't make money in network marketing...

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Why would I join you?

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Thursday, January 23, 2020, In : Personal Development 

This question, why would I join you?

That's the question. I know you're building a home based business, I know you help people earn extra income. I know you have wonderful products, but so do everybody else. So if you're in social media, if you're out there and about, and you're recruiting people, and you want for people to join your team, you have to ask yourself a question. Why would somebody join you? Why would I be attracted to you? Why would somebody want to be part of your team? So first...

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3 things you should do as a LEADER!

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Friday, March 29, 2019, In : Personal Development 

So if you want to be a great leader for your team, obviously you want to make sure that you're doing the right thing. So today I wanted to share with you three things that you should do as a leader if you want to make sure that your business works well. 

Number one, as a leader, what you should do is show example. Best thing you can do for your team is build a new one. When you are in action, when you’re doing the activity, that's when you're going to inspire your team the most, not by send...

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Recipe for Successful Business - 13 Ingredients for business growth and consistency

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Monday, December 14, 2015, In : Personal Development 
I want to share a training with on 13 steps to make your business more successful. I will outline the 13 steps below and go more in depth in to them in the video below.

Step #1: Timetable
To control your business you need to make sure you are in control of your timetable. You cannot manage time, but you can manage yourself and what you do with your time on a daily basis.

Step #2: Systems and Structures
Do you have systems and structures for promoting your business and prducts and for growing your...
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