Showing Tag: "wealthy" (Show all posts)

3 reasons why you MIGHT NOT get rich

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Thursday, September 10, 2020, In : Personal Development 

I want to share with you three reasons why you might not get rich in your lifetime. So what are the three reasons you may not get rich in your lifetime?

Number one reason is simply you don't want to. You might be surprised but some people don't want to get rich. Some people don't want to get wealthy. They're just happy living the way they live and they happy the way they are right and they don’t aspire to make millions of dollars or pounds or Euros. They don't aspire to buy the luxury cars a...

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The difference between the POOR and the WEALTHY?

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Saturday, February 22, 2020, In : Personal Development 

I want to talk to you about the difference between the poor and the wealthy. So how different are they? How are they thinking in a different way? What's the difference between the wealthy and the poor?

The poor usually think about today. So if you think about money, if you think about work, if you think about impact, the poor people mostly are thinking about today, how to get through today, how to put food on the table today, how to do things today, and that's the main concern, the day that th...

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