Showing Tag: "positivity" (Show all posts)

3 questions to evaluate your LIFE

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Monday, June 8, 2020, In : Personal Development 

I want to share with you three questions that you can ask yourself to evaluate your life. These three questions actually come from Brendon Burchard.

He is one of my favourite motivational trainers, speakers, lectures, amazing personal development guy, and he experienced a car crash where he nearly died. And at that time he was very depressed. He was not valuing his life very much, and when the car crash happened, it sort of made him think again and made him want to live. When he was in the car...

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Believe in your Team Member before they start believing in themselves!

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Sunday, January 5, 2020, In : Personal Development 

I want to talk about believing in your team member before they start believing in themselves.

A lot of people who will join your business, they've been beaten up in life so many times that they lost the belief in themselves, they don't actually believe they can become successful, they don't actually believe that they could make the money, they don't believe that they could reach the top level, they don't believe that they could stand in front of hundreds of thousands of people speaking to them...

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The 5 fingers law for successful business

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Friday, February 15, 2019, In : Personal Development 

Today I'm going to talk about the “five finger rule”, so what is this five finger law for success in business? Okay, so you have five fingers on your hand. So let's work these fingers and let's see what each of these fingers means for your successful business. First finger is thumbs up and what does this mean? It means positivity. You know, you have to have positivity in your business and you have to be positive to build a successful business because if you’re always looking for problem...

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