Showing Tag: "patience" (Show all posts)

Sowing season and Reaping season in business

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Friday, December 4, 2020, In : Personal Development 

I want to talk about the two seasons of business, what is the sowing season and the second one is the reaping season.

The sowing season is the investment stage where we’re putting in a lot of time and effort, and we don't necessarily see very much result but we put in all of this work and we put in all of this effort.

And then the reaping season is when we’re making the money, when we’re getting the results, when we’re getting the reward for all the sowing that we did.

But the very g...

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What you do TODAY does not show up until TOMORROW

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Friday, December 4, 2020, In : Personal Development 

I want to talk about the delay of results. The title of this blog post is that what you do today doesn't show up until tomorrow. What does that mean?

It means that there is a slight delay on the change in your life. Very often, let's say you didn't do much work, and then you go, “Okay, what I'm going to do? I'm going to now really focus and really start working hard in my business and you start doing this work and work and work and there's no result and you go, “Oh my Gosh, it doesn't work...

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The QUICKER you want it the harder it will be

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Wednesday, September 9, 2020, In : Personal Development 

I want to talk about patience and wanting things to happen quickly in your business. The title of this blog post is if you want things to happen quickly, it will be harder for you. And I've only seen it 1000 times and especially in a home based business arena where people join the business and they want the results quickly.

Now hey, look, all of us want for the things to happen quickly. But the more you realize that you have time, like, I meet people who are in their 30s, or in their 40s and t...

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Your Business and Bamboo Tree

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Tuesday, December 31, 2019, In : Personal Development 

Today I wanted to talk about what does your business have to do with the Chinese bamboo tree?

The Chinese bamboo tree, now I expect that most of you probably heard the story, but I will repeat it one more time. So let's say you wanted to grow the Chinese bamboo tree. So you plant the seed and in the first year, you're watering it, every week you're watering, watering, putting fertilizer, nurturing the seed et cetera and nothing happens. You don't see any growth whatsoever. Year two you’re wa...

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The BIGGEST challenge in business

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Friday, March 22, 2019, In : Personal Development 

Today, very important topic; the biggest challenge in business. Now, if you're going to do business, there's going to be a lot of different challenges, there's like loads because your job as a business person is to deal with challenges, as a business person, you're a problem solver. You’re going to be dealing with challenges and problems on a daily basis. If you're the person who hates challenges, don't get into business, trust me just get a job for six pounds an hour at McDonald's, wear th...

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