Showing Tag: "meaning" (Show all posts)

Life has no meaning! ?

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Tuesday, January 28, 2020, In : Personal Development 

Serious title for the blog, life has no meaning.

Some of you probably jumped on the city just to check if I'm okay. Don't worry, I'm not in depression or I'm not you know having any bad day or anything like that? There’s reason why I called the blog like that, because I want to talk about something and it's again, it's about your attitude. Again, it's about your mindset. So the blog says life has no meaning and it doesn't. Life has no meaning, like people all the time talk about meaning of l...

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Lack of ORGANISATION vs lack of MEANING?

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Wednesday, March 20, 2019, In : Personal Development 

Today I wanted to talk about why you’re not doing your follow up in business and maybe why you’re not doing some of the other things in your business. 

So some of you are in the business and you’re not doing follow up, like you’re reaching out to people and then forget who you reached out to. You forget who you sent the video to. And some of you are using that excuse where you just go, “Well, I'm just not good at follow up. I just forget, you know, I’m not that organised. I don't ...

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