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It’s not about the followers it’s about the connection

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Friday, November 20, 2020, In : Personal Development 

I want to talk to you about connection versus amount of followers.

A lot of people nowadays that chasing the number of followers how can I get more followers? How can I get more likes on my Facebook page? How can I get bigger numbers? But bigger numbers is not always better results. It's more about the connection that you have with your audience with the value of the information that you provide, and how engaged your audience is. Just recently, I was watching this training, and I heard the sto...

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How to improve your CUSTOMER AVATAR?

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Thursday, November 19, 2020,

I want to talk about how to improve your customer or potential business partner avatar.

First of all, what is a customer avatar? Well, that's like an ideal person that you want to be talking to, on your social media, in your marketing, in your advertising, and so on. Because, like they say things that suit everyone usually don't suit anyone. Some people say, “Well, the whole world is my market, anybody can do my business.”

Well, that may be true, but you probably have a certain group of peo...

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Why you should start talking as soon as you start your Facebook live?

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Tuesday, February 25, 2020, In : Personal Development 

I want to talk about why you should start talking as soon as you start your Facebook Live. I'll explain it in just a second. So today's topic is why you should start talking as soon as you start your Facebook Live.

One of the newbie mistakes, one of the newbie errors in doing Facebook Lives is when people will start the Facebook Live and they look, it’s  like, “Nobody's watching or like it's one in that corner.” And then they go, “All right and guys, so we'll just wait for more people ...

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Why you should NOT use HYPE in your business?

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Tuesday, February 25, 2020, In : Personal Development 

I want to talk about hype. Why you should not use hype in your network marketing business. So what is hype and why you should not use it?

Well the hype is basically when you're exaggerating, when you’re using large numbers, when you’re over estimating, when you’re saying things that might not be true.

So an example of that would be you talking to a friend and saying, “Hey, join my business, you can make 10,000 pounds a month.” Can they make? For sure, but will everybody make? Probably...

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Why RESENTMENT doesn’t serve YOU?

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Thursday, January 9, 2020, In : Personal Development 

Today’s topic is why resentment doesn't serve you. So one of the best quotes, one of my favorite quotes of all time, I think it was Nelson Mandela who said it and he said, “Feeling resentment is same like drinking poison and hoping for your enemy to die.”

So feeling resentment is same like drinking poison and hoping for your enemy to die. What does that mean? Well, it means if you hate somebody, if you with all of your might, if you despise somebody, if you really resent that person and...

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The POWER of Positive Thinking in Network Marketing

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Monday, October 29, 2018, In : Personal Development 
Having a positive attitude is one of the most important things in network marketing journey.

Firstly, because of Law of attraction. If you have never heard of the law of attraction I would highly recommend you to watch the movie "Secret". But long story short, what you focus on grows in your life. Therefore, if you are constantly focusing on negative things in your life then you will attract even more negative things in your life. However, when you shift your focus on all the positive things a...
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