Showing Tag: "belief" (Show all posts)

Everyone has the same amount of FAITH or BELIEF

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Tuesday, January 28, 2020, In : Personal Development 

The title for the blog is that everybody has the same amount of faith or belief.

Now, before you go nuts and go, “Oh, that’s not true.” Let me explain because for me when I got this concept it was quite interesting, quite a revolutionary concept. So the faith that you have in something and that's not necessarily religious faith, it could be faith in yourself, faith in your business, faith in your opportunity or you could call it belief, belief in yourself or belief in your product or bel...

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How do you see yourself?

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Monday, January 27, 2020, In : Personal Development 

I wanted to talk to you about how do you see yourself, they say that you cannot consistently perform outside of your belief system. What does that mean?

What if you don't believe in yourself, if you don't think you are good enough, if you don't think you are smart enough? Then there is no way that you can consistently perform well with that type of belief because whatever you believe about yourself, you have to go on and prove it. So it's what they call self-fulfilling prophecy, if you doubt y...

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6 Types Of Belief In Network Marketing

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Thursday, January 9, 2020, In : Personal Development 

Today I want to talk about the six types of beliefs that you need to have in your network marketing business. What are these six types of beliefs?

Well, the first type of belief that you have to have is the profession. Do you have the belief in the network marketing profession? Well, I used to looking at it as a hobby. So network marketing is a profession and in order for you to build your belief, in order for you to build your belief in the profession, you need to go to events, you need to se...

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Six ways to build belief in Network Marketing

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Thursday, October 25, 2018, In : Personal Development 
Having a strong belief in yourself, your business opportunity and your products is absolutely vital in network marketing. Here are 6 ways how to build and keep those beliefs STRONG:

1. Immerse yourself in success. Spend time with successful people and immerse yourself in everything to do with your business. Watch videos, listen to audios, read books, attend seminars and training events and constantly communicate with people about your business. You have to almost become obsessed with your busi...
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Seven mental laws that will assist you towards success

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Friday, December 4, 2015, In : Personal Development 
I would like to share a very interesting training with you on seven mental laws. Now these laws can become your best friend and assist you on your way to success or they can become your biggest enemy and be the reason for your failure. It all depends if you actually know about them and how you use them. Therefore, it goes without saying how important it is to learn about these laws and utilize them in an appropriate way.

The seven mental laws are as follows:

1. Law of cause and effect: this law...
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