Showing Tag: "adding" (Show all posts)

Generals don’t give up to soldiers

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Tuesday, February 25, 2020, In : Personal Development 

The title of this blog is generals don't give up two soldiers.

So, in a war situation, a general would never give up to a soldier, a general would rather die than be captured by a soldier will then be whatever. But that's not really what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about it also applies to network marketing industry, to home based business. What I mean is in network marketing very often, somebody new in business sees a huge leader in another company and they will go and try and recruit...

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Expanding your list

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Wednesday, January 22, 2020, In : Personal Development 
This blog is about expanding your list.

So as you may know that professionals in network marketing, they're constantly expanding their list. So maybe you've done it, maybe not, when you first get started in network marketing, one of the first things you should do is grab a piece of paper and write down the list of all the people that you know. So that's your phone contacts, your people from school, people from work, etcetera, you basically write down the list, the larger the list, the bigger t...

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