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Bless that which you desire

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Wednesday, February 27, 2019, In : Personal Development 

I've got a very, very important tip for you in terms of getting what you want in life, and one of the biggest mistakes to do on your journey to success, on your journey to where you want to be in life is to be jealous. It’s actually a negative programming for your mind. So if you see somebody who's making more money than you, or who's driving a better car than you, or who lives in a better house than you and you say bad things about them, or you are jealous of them, or you see somebody succ...

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Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Wednesday, February 20, 2019, In : Personal Development 

Today we're going to talk about living intentional life. Well, if you want to succeed in life you have to understand that all success in life, everything worthwhile in life is uphill. So we had a pleasure of seeing amazing John Maxwell at the GoPro in Las Vegas and when he came out, he said his speech, he said, everything that is worthwhile in life is uphill. Relationships are hard, are uphill, it doesn't have to be hard but it's an effort. Worthwhile business is going to be an effort. If you...

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