Will you take the swing

April 14, 2020

I want to talk about being persistent and becoming a leader and achieving big things in life.

As I'm isolated, as we’re self isolating, as we quarantine and all of that, I'm trying to use my time productively. I'm actually watching a recording of the event called 10 x growth corn. It's an event run by a guy called Grant Cardone, and he had loads of amazing speakers there. And one of the speakers he had, one of the keynote speakers he had there was Kevin Hart, the comedian, but also incredible businessman and very wealthy man as well and super smart. And as I was listening to his speech, he mentioned this one thing that I thought wow, this is genius, and I have to share this with you. He got asked, how would you explain patience? Being patient in business because like, sometimes it looks like people who achieve big things in life, like, especially in business, who achieve big things in business, they're not patient.

They’re going after it, they’re conquering the wall, they’re achieving everything, but that's not the type of patients that you need to think about. He goes, “Look, imagine there's a baseball field in where you live in your city and they say, look, if you come, not being a pro baseball player, if you come to the baseball field, to the stadium, they will throw the ball at you once, and if you hit it out of the field, what it's called the home run, if you hit it out, you get a homerun, you will get $5 million or 5 million pounds if you’re in UK.” If you hit it out of the field, you get 5 million. How many people do you think would come to that stadium to try, to try their luck, to take a swing? the chances are, there's going to be thousands of people because everybody wants to take the shot, it's 5 million. If I hit it out of the field, I get 5 million for this one swing. Pretty neat deal.

When you come there, there's going to be a massive queue. First thing, there's going to be a group of people who will come, see this massive queue and go, “Ah, sorted. I can't be bothered to stand in the queue. I know I could get 5 million for that swing, but look at the queue. There's like thousands of people in the queue. Ah, not worth the hassle.” Isn't it how most people are in life? There might be opportunities, there might be a business opportunity that you could do tremendously well, that you could achieve incredibly well, but you need to wait. Like it doesn't happen right away, it doesn't happen the first day. And most people come, they give it two, three days and they go, “Ah, too hard, can't be bothered, I quit.” That's one.

But imagine you're not one of those people. And you say, “You know what, I'll wait in the queue.” So you stand in a queue. And it's hours, it's taking hours, you're in this queue, it's slowly moving slowly, everybody gets they go, they swing and they go, and they swing and they go, and of course, behind you, there's also a queue, also thousands of people. Imagine you get to the thing, you get to the stadium, you get to the front of the line, they put you on the field, and they throw the ball at you, and you swing and you miss, which is most likely going to happen because you've never played baseball before. You're not a pro, you either miss it or you hate it, but like awfully, it doesn't fly out of the field. Now you've done it, will you go to the back of the queue again? Will you go to the back of the queue and wait again for the half a day or for the whole day, or for how many hours because again, there's thousands of people now behind you? So you have to go all the way to the back of the queue and start it off? Will you do that? Most people won’t.

Most people will go, “Ah, I gave it a shot. I gave it a shot. I'm good. I'm going home. I had enough.” Unfortunately, I see this all the time in network marketing. People go and go, “Yeah, I'll give it a shot. I'll give it a shot.” They do it for three weeks. They don't make a million, they go, “Ah, I quit. I gave it a try. I tried. I tried. But it didn't work out for me. I didn't become a millionaire in three weeks. So I'm good.” You know what separates the top, top, top, top, top leaders in network marketing from everybody else? Do you know what a top, top, top, top, top, top leader would do in that situation? If that was the situation, a baseball field, you hit it, you get it, you get 5 million, thousands of people in the queue, the top, top, top leader will go back to the queue.

Wait the whole thing, hit again, back to the queue, wait for the whole thing, hit again, the top leader will keep going back to the queue until there's no more people in the queue, until everybody else have quit, until everybody else have gone home and the top leader will still keep going back to the queue until he's on his own. He's like, “Hey, there's nobody behind me. Can I just keep hitting? Can I just keep punching him until I get the result?”

That's what the top, top, top leaders are in the business, you cannot defeat them. You cannot stop them. You cannot prevent them from success because you can't defeat somebody who doesn't give up. You can't destroy somebody who doesn't give in, who just says like, “Yeah, I fell down, get up. Let's go again.”

Like you can't deal with a person like that. You can't defeat a person. And a person like that usually is the person who's gone to the top. I've attended loads of conferences in Las Vegas, in different parts of the world for network marketing, for business and it's a trend. It's a trend. When you hear very wealthy people, successful people, rich people, you hear their stories. And I'm yet to hear an easy story. I'm here to hear somebody walk up on the stage goes, “Yeah, I'm a multimillion dollar person, it was easy peasy. I just woke up, bam, Bob's your uncle, I'm rich.” Like, I've never heard one like that.

Most of these people who go on stage who became incredibly successful and made loads of money. These are the people who say, “Look, I've survived cancer. I've survived my child's death. I survived bullying, I survived being beaten by my husband. I survived this that.” Like they all had hard stories. And that's why they become so successful in business because they go, “Look, if I survive that, then this, I don't give a crap. I will persist until I get the result. I will work my ass off until I get the result.”

But people who are spoiled by life, people who had it easy, people who would take everything for granted, they come to home business and they go, “Ah, it's too hard. It's too difficult. They’re not buying from me, they’re not joining me, I quit.” That's what they do. That's what they do. So if you want to become that top, top, top, top leader, if you want to make you know big money, achieve the top results, remember this story, you just have to keep going back to the queue, back to the queue and take the swing and take the swing and take this one.

And eventually you'll hit the freaking ball and it will fly out of the field. And when it happens, you know what they're going to say, they’ll say, “You're an overnight success. Oh, you just became lucky all of a sudden. Oh my gosh, you're so lucky.” And you'll say, “Yeah, yeah. Yeah. 10 years of trying, overnight success, sure, definitely.”

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group
http://titaniumsuccess.co.uk/successtraining.php. There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in success



Stay at home Mum vs Work from home Mum

April 14, 2020

I want to talk about the difference between stay at home mom and work from home mom.

Very often when I speak to aspiring, entrepreneurs aspiring network marketers, people who want to start building their own business, and sometimes they already started, very often they say, “Well, if only I could do this full time, then I would really crush it in this business. But now that I only do this part time, sort of doesn’t work for me, I'm not making any money. I'm not having any success. But if o...

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Everyone is LAZY when they FAIL

April 14, 2020

I wanted to talk about laziness. Why are you being lazy? I'm going to tell you why you're being lazy. Believe it or not, I might have an answer to that. The title of this blog is that everyone is lazy when they're failing.

You see, most people are not lazy in essence, like they're not lazy by nature. Like they don't want to be lazy. But what happens is, when you don't know what to do, when you’re struggling to get results, when you're not making money, when you're not getting the customers, ...

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If you become AWARE of the past you can PREDICT the future

April 14, 2020

I wanted to teach you how to predict future. How about that? Today's title is if you become aware of the past, you can predict the future.

You see, awareness is one of the things that a lot of people are lacking especially in a home based business, especially number in network marketing. Too many people are just going like zombies. They’re completely oblivious of what is happening around them. They’re completely oblivious of people's reactions of why things happen the way they happen? If y...

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If you are getting a NO that means you don’t KNOW something

April 14, 2020

I wanted to talk about what to do if you getting no’s, if people are saying to you, “No, I'm not interested in buying your product or no I don't want to join your business.” Or in whatever other field of life you’re getting the no’s. The title of this blog today is if you're getting the no, if people are saying to you no, that means you probably don't know something as in K-N-O-W.

The only reason when you get an objections or when you're getting people to say no and they shoot down y...

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Do before you are READY!

April 13, 2020

I wanted to talk about doing before you're ready. The title of this video is do before you're ready.

And very often when I speak to people, when I talk to people, they say, “Oh, I'd love to achieve this or I'd love to do that, or I'd love to accomplish this, but I don't feel I'm ready. I don't feel like I know enough. I don't feel like I have enough money. I don't feel like I have enough time. I don't feel like I have enough connection.”

Most people are never ready. They always wait for tha...

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Best way to TEACH a team member

April 13, 2020

I wanted to talk about the best way to teach your team member something. They say, “Say and I will forget, show and I will remember. Let me do it, and I will understand.”

The mistake that a lot of Network Marketing Leaders make and I was one of those people when I first got started in network marketing is that I used to tell people what to do. “Oh you go do that blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. All you need to do is this, that and the other.” And I couldn't understand why my team members ...

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You can’t GIVE something you don’t HAVE

April 13, 2020

I wanted to talk about the fact that you can't give something you don't have. The title of this blog is you can't give somebody or you can't give something that you don't have.

One of my favourite quotes is if you can't help the poor, if you're one of them. And money doesn't buy happiness, but it's much more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes than on a bicycle. When it comes to talking about money, of course it's clear, if you don't have the money, you can't give it to somebody. To have a notion...

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Why you should BRAND yourself?

April 13, 2020

I wanted to talk about why you should brand yourself. Today’s topic is why you should brand yourself.

Now when it comes to branding and marketing on social media, I see many people in network marketing who are constantly posting pictures of their products, constantly posting logos of their company, the name of the company. They have the name of the company on the T-shirt and they have the name of the company on the hat and they've got everything and it's everywhere on the profile. Now I know...

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Are you in I F D trap?

April 13, 2020

I wanted to talk about something that I learned from the good old Wayne Dyer rest in peace. I was just re-listening to his book, How to be a no limits person. And he reminded me of this concept and I really wanted to share it with you today. I hope you'll find it useful. What is this IDF trap?

This is a way how people keep themselves unhappy. How people keep themselves sad and miserable all the time. It consists of three parts as is in three letters. 
The first letter I stands for idealizing. A...

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How to start training your new team member before they even joined?

April 13, 2020

I wanted to talk to you about how to start training your new team member or actually your potential team member before they even joined your team. How to start training your new team member before they even joined your business?

Well, my favourite way of getting somebody to take a look at the business is to get them to watch a video, to send that person a video with the presentation. And when I send the video with a presentation, I straightaway tell the person, “Hey, here is the video that I...

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Are you speaking to WOMEN in your marketing?

April 13, 2020

I wanted to talk about marketing to women in your network marketing business. Are you doing it? Are you doing it in the right way? And if you're not doing it, why the hell are you not doing it? I want to talk about marketing to women. Are you marketing to women when you’re building your business?

Now, what you may be asking me, “Well, why would I market to women? Why would I target women?” Well think about it. 77% of people in network marketing are women. 77% of your team, most likely ar...

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Coffee shop interview

April 13, 2020

I wanted to talk about a coffee shop interview, you might find this extremely useful for your network marketing business and when you're talking to your prospects in business.

Originally, I've learned this idea from amazing couple, Tom and Denise Chennault, shout out to these two rock stars. They are legends in the business and they're masters of relationship building of communicating which people, just absolutely incredible people. I've learned from them when I attended one of the GoPro event...

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The 3 P’s is SUCCESS in Network Marketing

April 8, 2020

I want to talk about the three P's of success in network marketing.

The first P is plugged in. In order for somebody to achieve high level of success in network marketing, they have to be plugged in. Now what on earth does that mean? Does that mean like a socket, plug something into the socket? Well, similar to that. A team member on its own is very vulnerable. It’s like when you watch those Animal Planet type of programs about the herd of gazelles and the tiger comes at them. Who dies? The ...

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Create a daily set of habits that make your success INEVITABLE

April 8, 2020

Today I wanted to talk about making a daily set of habits that makes your success inevitable. Inevitable is a good word. When it's inevitable, it has to happen.

It’s okay to have days of low activity, but you should never have days of no activity. Whatever you do, even if you’re hanging out, even if you’re having fun, even if you are spending time with the family, every day, you should do at least a little bit towards your business. This way you will ensure that success in your business ...

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Are you making this MISTAKE in your network marketing business?

April 8, 2020

I want to ask you about a mistake that you're possibly making in your network marketing business because I've seen so many people in network marketing actually make that mistake. What is this mistake I'm talking about?

Well, the mistake is that a lot of people in network marketing think that network marketing business is about selling a product or selling the business opportunity. They think that the main core of the business like the main thing, like the cornerstone of this business is all ab...

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A TIME MACHINE for your business ⏳

April 8, 2020

I want to talk about a time machine for your business. Would you like to have a time machine in your business? What is he talking about a time machine for your business?

Guess what you actually have access to almost the time machine for your business. A time machine for your business is events. Event is like a time machine for your business. You might go, “Well how is event a time machine for my business?” Well think about it. When you go to event, you get to meet people who are six months...

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3 Team Building Tips!

April 8, 2020

I want to give you three team building tips. For some of you, this will be quite interesting and may give you like a light bulb moment or aha moment. Three team building tips.

Tip number one is to create an environment where everybody feels good and you make as little people as possible, as few people as possible, make them feel bad. What does it mean? As a leader, you're probably like an alpha male, you're probably building your business, you're probably crushing it, you probably getting grea...

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I don’t have many followers

April 8, 2020

I want to talk about having more followers or maybe having not enough followers. I hear this quite a lot, especially the more we building business on social media, the more you hear this.

A lot from people will be, “Oh, I don't have enough followers. There is not enough people liking my posts and commenting and sharing on my post. There is not enough people following my videos.” What I'm about to say, you may not like it, but it may be true. You need to ask yourself, maybe you are not wort...

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Don’t get EMOTIONALLY INVESTED in your prospect

April 8, 2020

I want to talk about not emotionally investing in the prospect, why it's bad and why it can really make it harder for you to build business if you do that. Today’s topic is why you should not emotionally invest in your prospect.

If I had a pound for every time somebody joined my team and said, “Oh my gosh, I'm going to be that rock star. I'm going to be the number one person, I'm going to open five different countries and I'm going to do this that and the other, it’s going to be unbeliev...

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Instead of selling BIG business idea sell the extra income opportunity

April 8, 2020

I want to talk about changing your approach when recruiting people in your network marketing business. Today’s topic is instead of selling a huge big business idea, sell the extra income idea.

What I mean by that is that again, I understand that most likely if you're a network marketing, if you're building your home based business, probably you have big dreams, you have big ambitions, you have big goals and probably you want to make a lot of money in your network marketing business. However,...

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What you do a little your team will do a lot!

April 8, 2020

I want to talk about duplication in not so positive way, so a negative duplication in your business. The title of this blog is what you do a little your team will do a lot.

Now, this is basically a negative duplication in your business. As a leader you have to be aware that you are teaching your team members how to behave, as a leader you’re showing them what is acceptable to do. Any negative behaviour, any negative habits that you practice, your team will duplicate it out of proportion.

For ...

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Self sabotage and patterns in your life

April 8, 2020

I'm going to talk about self sabotaging yourself and patterns in your life.

Yesterday because I'm not very intelligent, I went to the gym, I put too much weight on and I pulled my back badly. Like right now I'm on pain medication because it's hurting me quite a lot, but this is not the first time it happened. Everything we do in life is for a reason.

Yesterday I was talking to my wife Rita and she said, “Did you notice that every time you had a break from the gym, you go back at the gym and y...

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How to sort your leads on messenger

April 8, 2020

I wanted to share a quick strategy on how to sort your leads on messenger.

Basically today I heard one of my leaders use the strategy and I thought, whoa, that's actually quite clever. When you start building your business on Facebook, you're reaching out to a lot of people on messenger and sometimes you're losing track of who is who, who you spoke about what.

What some people are doing actually, which is quite clever, you know how on Facebook Messenger you can set the colour of the chat. It ha...

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Never stop MARKETING

April 8, 2020

I want to talk about marketing and why you should never stop doing it. Today’s title is never stop marketing. What does it mean?

Well, what it means is that as business people, as network marketers, very often we do a lot of marketing to attract a customer or to attract a business partner. We might be putting out videos, we might be putting out posts and stories and all of that to get somebody interest, but once the person decides to buy something from you, or decides to join your business, ...

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You have to do the WORK

April 7, 2020

I want to talk to you about the fact that you still have to do the work.

I know that a lot of people go into home based business, a lot of people go into network marketing because they want the freedom. They want the independence, they want to work when they feel like they want to work, they want to be their own boss, they don't want anybody to tell them what to do and so on. And I understand that completely.

Look, we all I think, most of us come into business for that, we want to make more mon...

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Living your life with a purpose

April 7, 2020

I want to talk about living your life with a purpose and why that actually can help you a lot in business as well.

Today has been a very special day in our life because today, my wife's Rita's brother Marius has been
ordained into the priesthood. So he's been studying for seven years to become a priest and today, we attended a celebration where he became a priest. They have ordained him into the priesthood, and from now on, he's a full on priest, he is going to get allocated his parish, and is...

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Are you trying to get LUCKY?

April 7, 2020

I want to talk about trying to get lucky. The title of this blog is are you trying to get lucky.

There's so many people in network marketing, there's so many people in home based business arena, who are trying to get lucky, like, “Oh, I'm just trying to get a break. I'm just trying to get some luck in this business.” And, hey, if you've been trying to get lucky in network marketing for a while, let me ask you a question. How is that going? Some people do get lucky, but some people win lott...

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Are you speaking a foreign language to your prospects and new team members?

April 7, 2020

I want to talk about how sometimes we talk a foreign language to our prospects and our team members.

We came back to Lithuania and of course we visiting family and Rita's sister with her children was visiting us too and her youngest boy is about three years old. And Rita was speaking in English to Migle, our daughter and she was saying something in English and Rita sister’s boy goes to Rita’s sister and goes, “How come our Auntie Rita is saying, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah?...

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ACT before you are READY

April 7, 2020

I want to talk about acting before you're ready.

When it comes to you achieving any level of success, when it comes to you building a great business, when it comes to you making big income, it will require you to make a lot of decisions, and to take a lot of action and more often than not, you will not be ready for it. I can promise you that. Like almost everything that I've ever done that really shifted the needle, that really pushed my business forward, most of the time, I was not ready for ...

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