3 steps to transformation of your situation

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about three steps towards transforming your situation.

If right now you're not getting the results you want to be getting, or you're stuck in a place or maybe you mentally just not in the right place, I want to share with you a couple of tips that hopefully will help you see the shift, see the paradigm here and see a different perspective towards your situation. So three things towards the transformation of your situation. So the first thing you need to understand that you shouldn't be forcing yourself.

If whatever you're doing feels like you have to force yourself, maybe you're not doing it right. Maybe you're not seeing the point. So maybe the thing that you're doing is the right thing to do, but if you have to force yourself, maybe you don't see the purpose in that. Maybe you don't see the meaning in that. Maybe you don't see why you should be doing that. So I'm not saying hey, if ever you have to force yourself to do anything, go quit it. No, no, no, that's not what I'm talking about.

What I'm talking about is that you have to look into your mission. So you have to determine what is my mission in life? What am I trying to achieve here? What is my big purpose? Why are you on this planet, what is the reason for you to exist on this earth? Now I'm sure that's not to pay your bills. I'm sure that's not to survive somehow, I'm sure you have a bigger purpose. So think about what is my purpose? What am I meant to achieve in my life, and then the things that you hate to do, suddenly, you start seeing them in a different light, you start seeing them as a necessary thing to achieve your big goal, they’re necessary thing to make that impact.

Let's say maybe for you doing a Facebook Live is out of your comfort zone. Maybe you have to really force yourself to sit in front of a camera and to talk to people. Maybe that's something that you have to force yourself. Now I'm not saying quit it, don't do it. What I'm saying is, think about why should you be doing it? How is doing this thing that is out of your comfort zone will help you to advance in your purpose in your mission. And if your mission is to impact thousands of lives is to inspire other men or women, is to show other people example, is to inspire people who are scared to do Facebook Lives, that they can do lives, then guess what, doing the Facebook Live, doing the thing that is out of your comfort zone becomes not so bad anymore because you know the reason why you're doing it.

Now it's on purpose. So now you don't have to force yourself anymore, because you feel excited about it. Because you know, every time I do one of these, I impact another life. Every time I do one of these, I change somebody else's mindset one more time. So that changes your perspective. So that's number one.

Number two is you have to understand that nobody lives a better life than you. Nobody is better off than you. It may appear like that. When you watch from your position to somebody else's live, you may think, ah, that person has it easy. Oh, look at that person. They are a lot more wealthier than me. Oh, this person is so lucky. And it's so easy to compare yourself and say, “Oh poor me, life is unfair. And for them is so good.” It's a mistaken way of looking at it because you don't know their journey.

You don't know how far they have come to be where they are today. You don't know what they had to sacrifice to be in the position that they are today. Where you looking at them and saying, “Oh, it's easy for them, so unfair.” But you don't see the backstage. You don't know what they have done. And if you are not yet there where you want to be, you have to understand that the life requires growth. Life requires growth in order for you to progress. So if your income is not increasing, if your business is not growing, if your relationships are not getting better, if your whatever is not improving, it's because you're not growing. It's because you're not growing.

Every time you feel stuck, every time you feel like your income is not growing, every time you feel like your business is not progressing, ask yourself, have I stopped growing myself? Have I stopped progressing myself? And most of the time, the answer will be yes. Because when you start growing yourself, when you start investing in yourself, you'll get new ideas, you'll get new plans, you'll get new directions and all of a sudden, your income starts increasing. All of a sudden your business starts growing.

Why? Because you stopped looking at other people, you stopped comparing yourself to other people, and you started focusing on what you need to do in order to get better in order for you to start progressing. So that's number two.

And finally, number three is you have to understand that all the limitations, all the excuses, all the bad things that you’re holding is not real. It's not real, because when you were born, when a baby is born, the baby is afraid of only two things, loud noise and heights. That's the only two things that are baby scared of. Everything else the baby is not scared of. So every other fear that you have apart from loud noises and heights, you have learned. So it's not real. It's not part of you. It's not like your hand. It's not part of your body that fear is foreign. That fear is external. Somebody told you to be scared of that thing, or an experience made it that way.

So every single limitation that you have in your mind, every single fear that you have in your mind, you have to understand that it's not real. It's just in your head. If you say, “Oh, I'm not smart enough, I'm not beautiful enough. I'm not young enough. I'm not old enough. I'm not.” It's all bullshit. It's all the stuff that you've learned. It's all the stuff that you picked up from your teachers, from your parents, from your friends, from your school, from television, from government, from whatever, it's all external stuff. And it's not real it's just you accepted it to be real.

If somebody told you that, ah, you're not good enough, you're not smart enough. And you bought that. Now you keep telling yourself, but I'm not smart enough. I wish I could be building my business back but I'm not smart enough. I wish I wouldn't be earning like she does, but I'm not smart enough because you bought that story, because you bought that excuse, but it's not real.

As soon as you understand that, as soon as you understand that all of those things that are stopping you right now, and I know every one of you would have a different story, if I asked you right now, what is stopping you from greatness right now? What is stopping you from greatness right now? Why are you not a millionaire yet? Why are you not living in the house of your dreams? Why are you not driving the car of your dreams? Why are you not in the relationship of your dreams, and so on and so on and so on? You'd give me a story.

You'd give me a story. I'm sure you would give me a story. And you have to ask yourself, is that story real? Oh, because I had a bad childhood. Is there other people who also had bad childhood who have achieved what you want to achieve? If the answer is yes, then it can't be your bad childhood. It's the story that you bought. So any excuse you can throw it to me, I'll find the person who had it worse than you who have succeeded. I'll find another person who had it much worse than you who have reached the result. Do you get it? Do you understand it? Do you know how powerful that is?

Once you understand that every limitation, every fear, every excuse you have is not real, it's not true, you can change it, just like that at any point in your time in your life when you make a decision, then you become free. You become unstoppable. You become powerful, because now you know that you can do whatever the heck you want. You can achieve whatever you want. And that's true. That's the truth.

You were born a champion. Think about it. There is one egg and there is a millions of sperm all swimming, and guess what? Out of the millions of sperm, only one day gets to the egg and gets inside the egg and becomes a baby. And guess what? You were that sperm. You were that champion. You were swimming upstream and you made it faster than the million others. And you were the champion before you were born. So why should you not be a champion right now in your life. That's what I wish for you to be the champion of your life.

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group
http://titaniumsuccess.co.uk/successtraining.php. There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in success



How to RELAX your body?

May 20, 2020

I want to share a very quick strategy on how to relax your body. The title of this blog is how to relax your body.

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Two mice ? in a bucket of milk ?

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about a little story that I heard today and you might find it interesting and learn a lesson from it too. I heard this story on one of our webinars today.

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Having a VILLAGE around you makes you STRONGER!

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When to ask for HELP?

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Your job is NOT to close people!

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Do you work in your DREAM JOB?

May 20, 2020

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There are different ways how you can start conversations with people but of course I enjoy questions that involve about the lifestyle, about their job, about their dreams or the free time. ...

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Reach out to people who had to LET GO a lot of employee’s!

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about inviting or reaching out to people or who had to let go of people and I'll explain that in just a moment.

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5 types of posts to do on Social Media

May 20, 2020

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The first type of posts to share on social media are value pos...

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Success and Failure are living next door ?

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about why success and failure actually live in next door. The topic is success and failures are living next door.

When I talk to people about business, about success, about personal development, very often I notice that their understanding is a little bit different. You see, their understanding is that success is very far away from failure. So it's like where I am now, if I'm failing like this is light years away from success. And that's how a lot of people think, but the realit...

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Become a collector of TOOLS ?

May 20, 2020

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What it means to be a PRO?

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about what does it mean to be a real pro?

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Can you do a SAFE delivery option?

May 20, 2020

Today I want to share a strategy that many companies are now starting to use that you may want to also use in your network marketing business for your local people. In this blog, I wanted to talk about safe delivery option, and because of the Coronavirus, because of the quarantine, because of all the self isolation, many companies started doing this to adapt to the current situation.

So there are many restaurants now that got shut down. They can't operate anymore, but what they're doing instea...

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What is FEAR?!

May 20, 2020

Today I wanted to talk about fear. Not a very nice topic maybe to talk about, but important to talk and maybe you will get some value from this call today. So what is fear?

That's the title of today's topic. And I wanted to talk about fear just for a few moments. So there is two meanings that you can give to fear. The first meaning which I think a lot more people give to the fear is forget everything and run. FEAR stands for forget everything and run. And that's what a lot of people do. When t...

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The ripple effect how you do anything is how you do everything

May 12, 2020

I wanted to talk about the ripple effect. This blog post is very simple and very quick but totally important.

Very often I talk to people and they say, “Well, I suck in business, but I'm great at other things. I suck in this one thing, but I'm cool in other areas.” But actually, you are like a stone thrown into a pond. If I took a stone and thrown it into the water, what would happen?

The ripples will start coming out and where do the ripples go, which direction to the ripples go? All the d...

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Finding SUCCESS is like playing Hide and Seek

May 12, 2020

I want to talk about finding success or discovering results. If you want more results in your life, if you want more success in your life, this may just change your mindset and give you a paradigm shift. So the title of today's video is finding success is very much like playing hide and seek. Finding success is very much like playing hide and seek. So what do I mean by that?

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4 Tips to THRIVE in quarantine

May 11, 2020

I want to share four tips to thrive in quarantine that I've learned from Les Brown last night on the amazing webinar we had with Eric Worre.

So if you missed that webinar, these four tips might really inspire and help you. So yesterday we had this amazing world tour webinar organized by Eric Worre over three hours of content with legends like Bob Proctor, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, and many, many other people. So it was just incredible amount of information that we learned, but one thing I wante...

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How to achieve BALANCE in your life?

May 11, 2020

I want to talk about balance.

Now balances, it's a big word, a lot of people throw it around and I truly believe that it's important to have a balance in your life, but the balance I'm talking about might not be the balance you think about so I wanted to share it with you. And I hear a lot of it around like all work life balance, how to get the balance in your business and your life. So, I heard this story and I really, really loved it. Actually, I heard it on Sunday and the priest actually wa...

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The true SIGN of learning

May 11, 2020

I want to talk about the true sign of learning. How to know that you're truly learning something because a lot of people say they're learning, but they're not learning. And I'm going to give you a very simple answer to that. So how do you know you learn something?

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Can’t is not a word the word is WON’T!

May 11, 2020

I want to talk about why success and failure actually live in next door. This topic is success and failures are living next door.

You see, when I talk to people about business, about success, about personal development, very often I notice that their understanding is a little bit different. You see, their understanding is that success is very far away from failure. So it's like where I am now, if I'm failing like this is light years away from success. And that's how a lot of people think, but ...

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How to find CUSTOMERS using Facebook groups?

May 11, 2020

I want to give you a couple of tips on how to find potential customers using the Facebook groups and to also talk very briefly about finding potential customers or maybe sometimes even potential business partners using the Facebook groups.

The challenge that I find that a lot of people have is that they get so overwhelmed with the amount of information, with the amount of people, with the amount of groups on social media that is sort of paralyzes them, and even though they have potential to re...

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Don’t talk to STRANGERS!

May 11, 2020

I want to talk to you about expectations and you not talking to strangers. When we try to build a home based business very often people are quite scared.

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How to choose the right home based business network marketing company?

April 14, 2020

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How to make your partner ULTRA happy

April 14, 2020

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And I was like, “I need to go and buy that webinar.” I bought that webinar and I went on to that training and it was like 200 women and three guys, three super cle...

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Why you should build an EMAIL ? list?

April 14, 2020

I want to talk about why you should build an email list. Email list? Is email even still alive?

Yes, trust me. You want to hear this one out. As I'm using my time productively during this quarantine, I've been watching the Grant Cardone, the fourth growth conference that happened last year and I've been watching the replays of it. And one of the videos that I watched was a guy called Ryan Deiss. And Ryan Deiss is the owner of a company called Digital Marketer. And he's one of the top, top, top...

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4 step process for presenting and public speaking

April 14, 2020

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Step one in presenting well, in being a great speaker is the heart. You have to start from connecting with the human beings, from connecting with other individuals. And that starts with the h...

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Marketing is all about EMOTION and Simplicity

April 14, 2020

I want to talk about marketing and how to make it more effective and how to make it work better for you.

Since I'm using my time productively at home during this isolation, this quarantine, I've been watching today again, the 10 x growth con by Grant Cardone and I was watching one guy called Brad Pascal, and he spoke about marketing and really I liked the ideas that he was sharing because I found from experience that what he was saying works very well in business too.

So when it comes to market...

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What is the BEST content to create first?

April 14, 2020

I want to talk about what's the best piece of content to create first.

So if you're just getting started in making content and doing the actual marketing, I know it's crazy that our business is called network marketing and most people don't do marketing. Most people only do prospecting and most teachers and leaders only teaching prospecting. This is how to message somebody. And this is how to invite somebody for a cup of coffee and this is how, that's all prospecting. That's not marketing. Mar...

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Most people do network marketing every day but they just don’t get paid for it

April 14, 2020

This topic is about most people do network marketing every day, but they just don't get paid for it.

You see, when people hear network marketing, they have different ideas and different associations. And sometimes they get scared, sometimes they don't know what it's all about. Sometimes they're sceptical, whatever. But whether you think you work with a network marketing company or not, you actually been doing network marketing all of your life, but you were just not paid for it. What do I mean...

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April 14, 2020

I want to talk about responsibility.

Now you can notice that it was an interesting way how I wrote the responsibility. And there's a reason for that. The reason why I wrote it like that response ability, because responsibility is basically an effective way to respond to things because people who don't make much progress, people who don't get very good results, usually, they don't know how to respond to things that are happening to them in life, or even better way to say for them in life, and t...

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