How to earn MORE money?

June 8, 2020

I want to talk about how to earn more money. Almost everybody would like to earn more money but they do one critical mistake and I will try to show you how to avoid that today. The title of this blog is how to make more money and of course there's a million strategies how to make more money, you can get an extra job, you can start your own business, you can invest and do all of that, but this blog is not about that really.

The reason why you're not making more money right now is because of your self-worth. You’re actually making the right amount of money right now. You're making the amount of money that you think you are worth right now.

I know this may sound silly and this may sound stupid, and you might say, “Well, that's what my employer is paying me. That's what my job is paying me and I don't have any choice.” Really? Do you really have no choice in how much money you making? Or have you chosen the job that you're working right now? Have you chosen not to go for the promotion? Have you chosen not to apply for the higher paying jobs? Have you chosen not to go to college or university? Have you chosen not to study or attend seminars or invest in yourself or read books?

Everything in your life is because of a choice you made or a choice you didn't make. So the reality is that the amount of money that you making right now, it is completely under your control. And whatever you’re making right now is the amount of money that you decided that you're worth. And that's the job you went for. That's the job you accepted. That's the work you're doing right now. And that's what you being paid.

So, not talking about different strategies, how to make more money, but talking about the fact if you want to make more money, first thing you have to do is you have to increase your self-worth, you have to increase your self-value. When you start valuing yourself more, when you start looking at yourself as a bigger, more successful person, as somebody who's worth a lot more money than somebody is paying them right now, that's when your income will start increasing. That's when you will start setting a higher price. And it applies everywhere guys, and you will see it.

Right now if I'm saying these things and it doesn't make any sense to you, probably it's too early for you and I was there too, so don't worry about it. I was there at some point where I used to hear these kinds of thoughts and these kind of things and I was just like, “Hey, I just have to pay my bills. I don't care about my self-worth, I just need to make sure that I have enough money to pay the rent by the end of this month.” And that's why I kept struggling. And that's why I was always broke because that was my self-worth. That was my goal to survive.

If your goal is to survive, you're going to hit that goal, you'll achieve that every month. And next month starts and you go, “How to survive this month again.” But when you start increasing your self-value, then you start saying, “Well, I don't want to just survive. I want to thrive. I want to be wealthy. I want to be successful.” And when you start raising that bar, then guess what happens, your income starts catching up, the money you’re being paid starts catching up. So how can you increase your self-worth? There's probably different ways but my favourite is personal development.

The fastest, the most economical, the cheapest way to raise your self-worth is to start investing in yourself through personal development. Start reading books, start watching videos, start attending seminars, start watching video courses, and so on and so on. Start pumping into your head, good, positive personal development, and that will start raising your value, that will start raising your self-worth, because it's impossible for you to start listening to Les Brown, to Zig Ziegler to Jim Ron to Tony Robbins, to T Harv Eker, to Grant Cardone, to all of these guys. It's impossible for you to start listening to all of these guys, reading their books, attending the seminars, and still look at yourself as this low person, still look at your goal to survive a month, it will not be possible because you your mindset will shift so much that you will say, “This is not enough. I have to achieve more, I'm worth more, I am better than this.”

And when these thoughts will start coming into your head, guess what's going to start happening? You will start making more money, you'll start being paid more, people will start seeking you out and saying, “Hey, can I pay you money? You come work for me? Can I pay you money? You come consult me? Can I pay you money? Can you show me? Can you teach me?” It will start happening. But you have to raise your own self-value. Nobody can come from outside and do something with you and raise yourself value so that you now feel all worth and all brave, that's impossible. Only you can do that. And you have to make that choice. You have to make that decision. When you make that decision, your life will change the ways you can't even imagine.

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in success



Six steps to achieving your DREAMS!

June 8, 2020

I want to talk about the six steps to achieving your dreams. Whatever your goals are, whether it's financial goals, health goals, relationship goals, whatever they are, this six step process has been time tested and proven to work. And I want to share it with you because I think it's so powerful because I have experienced the power of this six step process and it has helped me to achieve many things in my life. So I know for sure firsthand that it definitely works and that's why I want to sha...

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From ZERO to Millionaire!

June 8, 2020

I want to talk about how to go from zero to a millionaire. I've been watching a training by T Harv Eker. I love that man. He shares a lot of great ideas and he shared these couple of steps that can help you to go from zero to a multimillionaire. So I wanted to share with you those tips. Maybe you'll find them useful the way I did when I listened to that training.

Step number one, if you want to go from zero to a millionaire, you have to own your business. So it's going to be very difficult to ...

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Why you should NOT earn an hourly wage?

June 8, 2020

I want to share a quick idea with you about why you should not get paid an hourly wage. The title of the blog today is why you should not get paid an hourly wage.

Now some of you will say, “Well, why not? I like to get paid. I like to receive money in my bank again. Why should I not get paid an hourly pay?” But actually, if somebody is offering you to get paid per hour, you should run. You should run as far as you can. I'm kidding of course, all of us have done jobs where we get paid per h...

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3 things to do to get RICH!

June 8, 2020

I want to talk about three things you need to do or you can do if you want to get rich. I was listening to the good old Robert Kiyosaki today and as always, he shared a bunch of great ideas. But one of the ideas I really liked that he shared was three things to do if you want to get rich, and hey, who doesn't want to get rich? Everybody wants to get rich. So how do you get rich? What three things you need to learn to do if you want to get rich?

Item number one that you need to learn if you wan...

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UGC User Generated Content

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about the UGC, User Generated Content.

When you observe social media of successful companies, successful people, successful influencers and so on, whether that's on Facebook or Instagram or other platforms, one thing you will notice that people who run successful businesses or who make a lot of sales, who impact a lot of people, they use not only but one of the types of contents that they use is something called user generated content.

For example, if you have a product that you ...

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Create your DREAM 30

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about who to follow on social media. So the title of this blog today create your dream 30. What do I mean by that?

Well, it's all about who do you follow on social media. So most people just follow random people on social media and it's okay if you want to do that. That's no problem. However, what I've observed that leaders do or influencers do or successful business people do, they become very selective, who they follow, and who they see on their timeline on Facebook or in thei...

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A sign of true WARRIOR

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about what does it mean to be a warrior? And in a business world, in personal development world, in growth world, I would really encourage you to look at yourself as a warrior. Because when you look at yourself as a warrior, it gives you strength, it gives you that resilience, it gives you that power, doesn't it? But what does it mean to really be a warrior?

I remember seeing this quote somewhere on social media and I think it was the best quote about being a warrior ever, and t...

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Do you want an EASY or HARD life?

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about easy life or a hard life. So the question is, what sort of life do you want to have? You want to have an easy life or a hard life? The title of today's blog is, do you want an easy life or a hard life? So what do I mean by that?

Well, I love this phrase, which says, “If you're only willing to do what's easy in your life, then your life will be hard on you. But when you you’re willing to do what's hard in your life, then your life becomes easy.” And it's such a powerf...

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The Law of Momentum

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about the law of momentum. I want to very quickly talk about the law of momentum. Now, what is the law of momentum?

Well, the law of momentum states that a body in motion stays in motion and the body that is not in motion remains not in motion. So what does it mean? It means that if you stay ready, you don't have to get ready. I meet so many people say, “Well, when I get ready, I'll start doing my Facebook live videos. Yeah, when I get ready. Yeah. When I get ready, I'll start...

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What is FEAR?

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about fear and why fear stops so many people in their tracks, so many people in their lives from achieving their dreams and their ambitions. We're going to talk about the horrible word fear. So what is fear? Different people have different ideas of what fear is, but in reality what fear is, it is anticipation of pain.

That's what it basically is. So it's knowing that, “Oh, I'm going to get hurt here or if I touch this, is going to burn me. If I go there, I might fall. If I say...

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Expert Story Positioning

May 20, 2020

I want to share with you a strategy that I learned from Brendon Burchard, in one of his trainings about the expert story positioning. So how to position yourself as an expert, and how to sort of present yourself if you want to present yourself as an expert. What is this expert story positioning?

Well, if you want to position yourself on social media, or when you're doing a training or any speaking engagement as an expert, a there's a recipe if you like that helps you to do it in the most effec...

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3 most DANGEROUS words!

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about the three most dangerous words. I've actually been watching a training by T. Harv Eker. And in that training, he's talked about those three most dangerous words. And I thought wow, how powerful that is and how many people use these three most dangerous words. So do you want to know what these three most dangerous words are?

Well, these three most dangerous words are I know that. “Oh, I know that. Oh, I know that. Oh, yeah, I know that. Yeah, I've been there. I read that ...

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INFO SHEET with the orde

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about a strategy that you can use with your customer orders.

This topic is something that I heard on the training. We had a team training a couple of days ago and I heard this idea and I thought, well, this is actually quite clever. So if you actually send products to your customers or you deliver products to your customers,you can actually use the strategy.If your company sends the products to your customers, then you probably won't be able to do this but still you could do it ...

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Five worst marketing MISTAKES

May 20, 2020

I want to share with you five worst marketing mistakes that you can make when marketing your business on social media.

Over the last couple of days, I've actually been going through a course by Brendon Burchard and it was a course for thought leaders for people who want to share the message, who want to share, to do trainings and to do courses and things like that, which I do a lot of. So I've been going through this course and there's been a bunch of great value in this course. But today I wa...

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Are you using SECRET SALES?

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about secret sales. So it's a great strategy that you can use in your business. And I will share with you in just a minute how it all works.

We had some zooms within our company with some leaders. And on one of the zooms, we actually had the CEO of our company here in UK. And she shared some amazing ideas and one of the ideas that I loved that she shared was an idea of secret sales. There are some websites nowadays where they do these, what they call secret ad sales where basica...

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How to build CREDIBILITY?

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about credibility, how to build your credibility, whether that's on social media or other platforms. How do you come across as credible person? How do you increase your credibility in front of other people?

How do you come across as credible? How do you build your credibility in front of other people and how do you improve it if you haven't got much credibility right now? So it's actually four steps towards building your credibility. So step number one is connection. You have to...

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Why you should spread your business over different platforms?

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about why you should spread your business across different platforms. Why you should spread your business across different platforms.

A lot of people only build their business using one platform which is Facebook, and I get it. I understand why because it's so easy to use. It's so versatile. There’s so many people on it, you can virtually build a tremendous business just by using Facebook. But there's one problem with that. You don't own your Facebook profile. Facebook does. F...

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2 types of experts

May 20, 2020

I want to share with you two types of experts and how you can become one of those two types of experts and gain influence, make money from that and get results.

I want to talk about the two types of experts because sometimes people think that there's only one type of expert so the first type of expert that most people are aware of and most people think that that's the only type of expert is what they call a results expert; that means it's a person who went out there, got the result, the desire...

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7 Personal Pivotal Needs

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about seven personal pivotal needs.

There's a lot of trainings and information out there about goals and goal setting and writing your goals, but one interesting thing that I learned from a training that I attended last year about, there was a lot of things that the training was about, but one of the things was about making the definite major purpose in life. So writing out your major goal of life that encompasses all of your smaller goals.

And one of the things we were encourage...

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Get comfortable with being UNCOMFORTABLE

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about being uncomfortable. The title of this blog post is get comfortable being uncomfortable.

You see most people would love to be successful in business if it was comfortable. Most people would love to lose a lot of weight if it was comfortable and most people would love to make a lot of money if it was comfortable and convenient.

But guess what? Most of the worvy things in your life most of the great things in your life will not be very comfortable to achieve and you will have...

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A LEADER can’t do it ALL on their own

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about the fact that the leader can't do it all on their own. So I'm going to talk about the leadership role in network marketing. Today’s topic is a leader can't do it all on their own.

Actually, we had a training call this morning, about two hours call with a bunch of our leaders and I've learned this topic, if you like, this idea from one of our team leaders Margarita, she's a huge leader in our company, a diamond leader and she shared this idea and I thought, I go to an aha...

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Don’t sacrifice LONG TERM for SHORT TERM

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about long term and short term decisions. This topic is don't sacrifice long term for short term.

You see, one of my mentors always used to say that every decision you make in your business is a long term decision; even the decisions that look like they are short term. So sometimes you see an opportunity, maybe an opportunity to take advantage of something, maybe to make quick money, maybe to do something unethical, maybe to do something that is not totally good, right?

But you t...

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Take time to meditate and read

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about a part of my morning routine.

Very often people ask me, “Well Gediminas, how do you come up with all of these ideas? How do you come up with topics to talk about? And how do you come up with ideas for trainings and things like that?” So today I wanted to very quickly share with you how do I do it and where all of these ideas come from. Today’s blog topic is take time to meditate and read.

Sometimes it might look like the time you take to read books, or the time you ta...

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Why Network Marketing is better than University?

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about why network marketing is better than University. Today's topic is why network marketing is better than University. What? How dare he say this thing? Right blasphemy right. But let me explain myself.

Look, nowadays, just bachelor's degree very often is not enough. So very often you have to do the BSc or whatever, and then you have to do masters as well in order to have better prospects of getting a job. Let's put this together; three years for the bachelor's degree, another...

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Do the BEST with what you HAVE

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about doing the best with what you have. The topic is do the best with what you have.

I meet and I see especially on social media, so many people who say, “Well, if only it was different, if only this was other way, if only my product was cheaper, and if only people listened to me better, and if only my husband was supporting me, and if only this happened, then I could properly do the business and then I could have better results, but now that it is like it is, then I can't do...

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Hard work and Skill beats Talent and Luck

May 20, 2020

I want to talk to you about hard work versus talent and skill versus getting lucky. I want to talk about misconceptions that people have.

The first misconception people have is that you have to be talented in order for you to become successful in business, they say, “Oh, that rich person, that wealthy person, they must be very talented, they must have been born that way. They must have just haven't built in them.” But what I've learned from experience, what I've learned from studying succe...

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Do you want a F A T Bank Account

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about you having a fat bank account. Would you like a fat bank account? If the answer is yes, then you need to be watching this blog. Today's topic is would you like a fat bank account?

As you can imagine the fat F-A-T is actually an acronym and it stands for something. So I'm going to share with you what free things you can do that can help you to have a fat bank account.

Step number one that you can do, F, stands for find people. If you want to become successful in network mark...

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Are you trying to be normal?

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about being normal, and what does that mean? And should you be normal really? Today's title of the blog is are you trying to be normal.

I was watching a training by a guy who's a millionaire, multi millionaire actually. And he became a millionaire when he was like 22 years old or something like that. So he started being very entrepreneurial, thinking about how to make money from the age of 16 and by the age of 20, 22, something like that, he actually became a millionaire now by ...

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What do RICH people do differently ?

May 20, 2020

I want to talk about what do rich people do differently in order to become rich and stay rich, while a lot of the poor people don't do those things, and that's why they stay poor. What do rich people do differently to most of the other people?

The first thing that rich people do, they live below their means, which means they spend less than they earn. Now I know it sounds straightforward, but guess what? Most people don't do that way. Most people spend more than they earn or they spend everyth...

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