Think in 10 year increments

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about thinking in 10 year increments. What does it mean thinking in 10 year increments?

Well, the idea is to help you to stop beating yourself up because a lot of people are upset about the lack of progress because they're comparing themselves with the yesterday's version of themselves, or the last week's version of themselves. And if you take your life and you check, compare yourself today with last week, most likely you’ll be disappointed, because there hasn't been that much progress in your life since last week, since yesterday. You haven't changed that much in personality, you haven't made that much more money, you haven't built that much more business, because it hasn't changed that much.

That's why a lot of people get discouraged so quickly, because they're checking very short distance of time, and they compare this, “Oh, I've been at this for two weeks, I've been at this for two months and my life hasn't changed.” And, and they quit. A lot of people, they quit and stop doing something because they don't see the progress. But the problem is because they're comparing themselves to a very short time distance. Instead, what I would like to advise you is think in 10 year increments.

If you compare yourself today, with yourself 10 years ago, how huge a leap have you made over the last 10 years? Most likely, massive, right? In the last 10 years, your life probably has changed incredibly, your income probably has gone up, your relationships might have changed, your health might have changed, your physical shape might have changed. Like you probably have made a huge change within the last 10 years. And that is a great comparison because now you say, “Oh my gosh, yeah, my income has improved. 10 years ago, I don't know, I was making a lot less money that I'm making right now. And I was doing a lot harder jobs than I do right now.”

So when you compare yourself to last week, it looks like, “Oh, I'm not making any progress. Oh, it's so discouraging. It's so boring.” But if you compare yourself to 10 years ago, you go, “Oh, my God, I made a huge progress.” And exactly the same way when you're planning your goals, you should again think in the next 10 year increments. Where would you like to be in 10 years? Because then again, it should be a matter leap from now and then.

Because again, sometimes when people are setting goals for next week, or next month, it's great, but it's such a short period of time. So they don't believe that they can change very much in that short period of time. But if you set 10 year goal goals, now, it's a big enough period of time for you to believe that, yeah, I could do that. I could 10X my business, I could increase my income, I could do this, that and the other because it's a lot of time. So you can have a much bigger vision and much bigger goals in order to set for the future. And most likely, you will hit them if you follow through.

So it's a simple idea of thinking in these 10 year increments, but I thought it's quite genius in reducing the anxiety, in reducing the disappointment, in reducing this anxiousness that, “Oh, my life is not moving ahead. I'm not progressing.


That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in success



Don’t recruit people that you will not be able to support

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about recruiting people that you won't be able to support. Today’s title of the blog is don't recruit people that you will not be able to support.

What I mean by that is that often our company might be operating in many different countries and so on and we might be tempted to go, “Let's recruit somebody in Timbuktu and recruit somebody in China.” But you have to ask yourself a question, will I be able to support the person if I recruit a person there? Because if you don't ...

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Turn your ideas into content

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about making content.

Very often when I speak to people and they say, “Oh my gosh Gediminas, you did over 600 videos on your Facebook live, how do you get all of these ideas for content. The title of this blog is turn your ideas into content. And very often when I speak to people and they see how many Facebook Lives I've done and how many other videos I've done on YouTube and so on, they say, “Oh my Gosh Gediminas, how do you come up with all of this content?” But to be qu...

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Your MIND ? is like a land ?

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about why your mind is like the land. Today’s title is your mind is like the land. And what do I mean by that?

What I mean by that is that the land or earth or soil doesn't really care what you planted it, does it? If you have a field of land, the land doesn't really care what you plant. You can plant potatoes in it, you can plant corn in it, or you can let the weeds grow in it. It doesn't really care, whatever you plant in it, that’s what it’s going to grow.

Your mind is s...

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BUSY just means “out of control”

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about being busy. The title of this blog says busy just means out of control.

Often people reach out to me and they say, “Oh, you must be super busy. I'm terribly sorry to disturb you.” And even though yes, I have a full schedule, I do a lot of things. I'll do a lot of meetings and trainings and videos, the notion of, “Oh I'm too busy to do something, I'm so busy.” For me just sounds like somebody's out of control because I find time for things that I want to find time f...

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If you want to be anomaly you have to act like one

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about how to be different and should you be different. I was watching this interview with Gary Vaynerchuk. And he said, “Well, if you want to be anomaly, you have to act like one.” He is one of the anomalies in the social media world and the business world very, very successful, very wealthy. But he's always doing it in a different way right and really brought it home for me and he said, “Look, most people want to have special things in their life, but they do what everyb...

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Social media check up

July 14, 2020

Today I want to talk about a social media check-up.

A couple of days ago, we had a training with one of the huge leaders in our company, massively successful lady and one of the things she shared with us was it was a great idea I thought, which is called social media check-up.

Now the whole point of it is that obviously we building a lot of our businesses through social media, whether that's Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and it is hard for you to inspect yourself or to check yourself. Very oft...

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What would a person more humble than me learn from this situation?

July 13, 2020

I want to talk about your mindset towards failure problems challenges. The title of the blog today is what would a person more humble than me learn from the situation?

One of the greatest breakthroughs that happened in my life was when I changed my mindset towards challenges, problems, failures. Now, it's unavoidable. You're going to have some problems, you're going to have some challenges, you're going to have some failures, you're going to have some people criticize you, you're going to have...

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10 causes of failure in Leadership

July 13, 2020

I want to share the 10 causes of failure in leadership. I've been rereading the good old Thinking Grow Rich, and the book is just full of gold. And so I wanted to share one of the lessons or one of the chapters in the book, which is the 10 major causes of failure in leadership and even though the book was written like 100 years ago, the rules still apply today. Most of the things still apply today. So let's have a look at these 10 causes of failure you know because very often we learn about s...

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Changing your MONEY STORY

July 13, 2020

I want to talk about changing your money story. So your money, stories, everything that you believe that you know that you understand about money, how you behave with your money, how you expect your money to behave, how much money you think you deserve, and so on and so on. It’s a huge topic, but today, I just wanted to talk about three steps towards changing your money story, three principles.

The first principle about your money story is that your results are always going to be consistent ...

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How to achieve your FINANCIAL GOALS?

July 13, 2020

I want to talk about how to achieve your financial goals. I've learned this process from one of the people that I really like to watch the trainings. His name is John Assaraf. And this process is called GOOP. The acronym is G-O-O-P which stands for goal, outcome, obstacle and a plan. So it's a four step process.

Step one is for you to write down an achievable goal. Now the key here is to write a goal for next week, not next five years, not next 10 years, you can have those types of goals as we...

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July 13, 2020

This topic is about, what is influence? So we keep hearing about these influencers and people who with lots of influence. So people think, well, how can I have influence? How can I become an influence?

For many people, influence sounds like maybe manipulating somebody else, maybe having power over somebody, like being a boss to somebody or being a president of a state or something, then you have influence. Like if you get into politics, maybe you'll have influence, and yes, that's type of an i...

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3 steps to great habits

July 13, 2020

I want to talk about habits, how to develop great habits. We all know that habits are incredibly important and habits will either make us or break us. They say habits can be the best of servants or the worst of masters and you will be a slave to your habits you want it or not. So you might as well develop good habits instead of having bad habits, but saying all of that, then how can we develop great habits?

Step one, one of the best ways to develop great habits is to systematize. The easiest w...

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Not EVERYONE will start working right away!

July 13, 2020

I want to talk about why not everyone will start working right away and what you should do in that case, if you want to make more money and get better results. The title of this blog is that not everyone will start working right away in your business.

Over the last couple of days, we did a bunch of recognition calls for our team. Recognizing people for hitting new levels in May, maybe has been actually quite an interesting month really record breaking month for our business and it was just int...

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2 rules of SUCCESSFUL people ✅

July 13, 2020

I want to share two rules of successful people with you; the two rules of successful people.

Rule number one is that success however you define it, whatever your goals are, whatever your vision whatever your mission is, it is possible to achieve it. The chances are, somebody has already achieved your version of success somewhere. Like the amount of money you want to make, the chances are somebody is already making that type of money, the type of car you want to drive, the chances are somebody ...

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Success is not a BUFFET! ?

July 13, 2020

Today I want to talk about success and the fact that it's not a buffet. What on earth do I mean by that? The title of this blog is success is not a buffet. What does it mean?

Well, what it means is that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. And that's something that many people don't get in business, especially in a home based business. A lot of people who start their own business and work from home, they think that they can choose to do whatever they like. So they think that success...

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June 8, 2020

I want to talk about preparation and how and why it's important. The title of this blog is that the preparation is the separation. What do I mean by that?

What I mean by that is that when you look at successful people, and not so successful people, you always try to find the difference. You try to find and see what do successful people do that unsuccessful people don't? And over the years, you start noticing certain tendencies, and over the time you start noticing little differences, little te...

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BLOCKS that inhibit creativity and STOP your progress!

June 8, 2020

I want to talk about the blocks to creativity and things that can really stop you on your way to success. I wanted to talk about the blocks to your creativity and it's not just like the creativity you might think of like painting and sculpting and creating music, you need creativity everywhere.

If you're trying to build your business, you need creativity for that, if you’re trying to become a successful person, you need creativity for that. Creativity is everywhere. Running your social media...

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The KEY to the VAULT ?

June 8, 2020

I want to talk to you about the key to the vault, about everything that you have ever desired becoming a reality. The topic is the key to the vault. Now what vault is Gediminas talking about? The vault I'm talking about is the vault where all of your dreams, goals and desires lay in.

The vault, inside of it is everything that you have ever wanted in your life. And that's what we like to call the definite major purpose in life. You see, many people set goals, but the goals are simply too small....

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June 8, 2020

I want to talk about the lamest excuse ever created in business. I want to talk about the excuses, about the reasons that people give why they can't succeed in business, why they can't become wealthy, why they can't become successful and so on and so on and so on. And you know what is one of the most common reasons or excuses that people give, why they can't become successful in business and become wealthy is the, I don't know.

It's either I don't know that, or I don't know how to do that, or ...

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Is your ENVIRONMENT Inspiring or Expiring You?

June 8, 2020

I want to talk about environment, is your environment inspiring you or expiring you? This is about environment and how the environment affects you. And you've probably heard these things that you are the sum of five people that surround you, the people that you spend your time with, affect you, but many people let this sort of fly and never take it really seriously into consideration. However, think about a fish.

Imagine a fish was living in a dirty bowl, the water was dirty. Do you think the ...

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5 steps to GREATNESS

June 8, 2020

I want to share five steps to greatness. These five steps actually I was watching a video of my friend today, Vademas if you're watching this video, thank you very much, man. I've learned this from you today. I liked your insights and that's why I want to pass on to you guys what I've learned because I really like this five insights. So five steps to greatness, how to achieve greatness in your life, how to get better results, how to make more money, how to achieve more.

Step number one, concen...

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Who’s pace are you adjusting to?

June 8, 2020

I want to talk about adjusting to somebody else's pace. This topic is whose pace are you adjusting to? So what do I mean?

Well, when two people start walking, it doesn't matter whether you're working with your kids or you're working with your wife or your husband or a friend or stranger, doesn't matter, when two people start walking together, an interesting thing happens without anybody saying anything. What happens is either one or the other person adjusts to the other person's pace of walkin...

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We are born UNIQUE but many die as COPIES

June 8, 2020

I want to talk about being unique or being original and being a copy. The title of the blog today is we are all born unique, but many of us die as copies.

And I suppose nowadays it's even easier than it used to be because of all the social media. Before you would only see people in your circle, you’d only see your friends, your family, your work colleagues, but now you see the entire world. You take your phone you go down to Facebook or Instagram or any of the other social medias and guess w...

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3 questions to evaluate your LIFE

June 8, 2020

I want to share with you three questions that you can ask yourself to evaluate your life. These three questions actually come from Brendon Burchard.

He is one of my favourite motivational trainers, speakers, lectures, amazing personal development guy, and he experienced a car crash where he nearly died. And at that time he was very depressed. He was not valuing his life very much, and when the car crash happened, it sort of made him think again and made him want to live. When he was in the car...

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EXECUTION is more important than IDEA

June 8, 2020

I want top do this blog very quickly with you and share a quick idea and the idea is very simple that execution is more important than the idea. Why is execution more important than the actual idea?

Well, I've had loads of great ideas, but a lot of them never came true. Why? Because I didn't make them true. And I bet you had some great ideas too, “Oh, wow, what if somebody did this? Oh wow. This would be a great idea for a product.” Only that you never did it. So having a great idea is not...

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1 hour a day for 5 years!

June 8, 2020

I want to talk about becoming an expert. I was listening to the good old John Maxwell today and he shared one of the concepts that I had some time ago. But it was a reminder today that it takes one hour a day for five years to become an expert at something.

He said his story was about leadership. He's now like the number one leadership guru in the world, because he's written like 100 books about leadership. He's done seminars and he's like the leadership guy in the whole world. But he said, ...

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Three basic operating principles for LIFE!

June 8, 2020

I want to share with you the three operating principles for life that I've learned from the good old Brian Tracy. What are these three basic operating principles for your life?

First operating principle for life you need to understand is that life is hard. It's always been like that and it's always will be. And the faster you accept that it's not going to be easy. Building a successful business is not going to be easy. Having a successful relationship is not going to be easy. Making a lot of m...

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4 types of people in NETWORK MARKETING

June 8, 2020

I wantto talk about the four types of people in the network marketing business. I want to share a little lesson that I learned from my buddy Frazer Brookes, recently watching his training about the four types of people in network marketing.

The first group of people in network marketing are sellers and recruiters. So these are the people who sell the products and sell the business opportunity or sell the dream. So this is like equivalent to using your muscle. These are the people who are putti...

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June 8, 2020

I want to talk about Mastermind Alliance, what it is and why it's important for you and your business. I wanted to talk about Mastermind Alliance and that's not a brand new idea. It's an idea that's been around longer than me or you being alive. But it's an incredible way for you to grow yourself, grow your mind and expand your business in ways you cannot even imagine. So what is a Mastermind Alliance?

Mastermind Alliance is a group of likeminded people, where people share ideas, and bounce id...

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