Are you making this MISTAKE when prospecting?

September 9, 2020

I want to talk about a mistake that many people make in their prospecting. I want to share a tip that I learned from my mentor Ray Higdon about prospecting and a mistake that many people make and they don't even realize that they’re making this mistake. So what's the mistake?

The mistake is doing the wrong action after the wrong step. Let me explain. So let's say you reach out to somebody, and you ask them, “Hey, would you be open to learn about a home based business? Would you be open to earn an extra income from home? And if no, no big deal.” And let's say the person says, “Yeah, I would be open.” And let's say you send them a video, right? So you go great, here's my video presentation, have a look at it, I'll reach out to you tomorrow or whatever. And you send them the presentation.

Next day, you reach out again to that person and say, “Hey, Laura, how you doing? Did you did you watch the video?” And the person doesn't respond. They’ve seen the message, they saw the message, but they didn't respond to you. Now they became a non responder, right? So it changes their status.

Imagine that your prospects have different tags assigned to them. So there might be somebody who has a tag as interested person, there might be somebody who has a tag as non responder, right, so that person saw your message didn't respond. Now, the mistake a lot people make at this point. So let's say they reach out to this person and say, “Hey, did you watch the video?” No response. The next message, they try to close, they try to sell. So they go, “Hey, so you’re ready to join?” The person is a non responder. You don't try to close somebody who doesn't respond. You try to get them to respond first, and then you can try to close yourself. Do you understand the distinction? Do you understand the difference?

So too many people are trying to rush steps, are trying to skip steps and are trying to do whatever the heck they want and get their own result without really thinking of what's the situation. It's similar like spamming; when somebody messaged you saying, “Hey, I think this business would be amazing for you. Here's my registration link.” You don't even know if I'm interested, and you're already trying to sell me. You don't know if I'm even to open to take a look and you're already sending me the video, that spam. So same way, when you reach out to somebody and they don't respond to you, your next step is not to try to close them is not to try to sell them, is not to try to recruit them is to try to get them to respond to start back the conversation.

Because if it was a live conversation, imagine you chatting with somebody, and you say, hey, so what do you do for a living? And they say, yeah, I do this and that and they say, well, what do you do for a living? You go, yeah, I do home based business. I help people make extra money. I'd say yeah. Oh, wow. That's interesting. How does that work? And you say, well, would you like me to share some information? And they just quiet. They don't respond to you. They just stand there quietly, looking at you. Would you go so you ready to join my business? You wouldn’t to do that? You'd go, “Oh, you sort of went quiet; if you're not interested that's totally cool.” You know what I mean?

Like, you wouldn't just keep talking if the other person stopped responding to you when you in the live conversation, while the same thing is on social media. If somebody stopped communicating back at you, they stopped communicating with you. You don't just carry on talking like nothing has happened. You try to get them back to talk to you. You try to get them back into the conversation. So the next message you send to somebody, after they haven't responded, is something that just gets them to respond. It may be as simple as saying, “Hey, Eva how are things?” Not, “Hey, Eva so you’re ready to join my business? Hey, Eva, so are you ready to buy?”

No, no, you don't try to sell you just try to get them back to responding to you. Take them from non responder back into somebody who's having a conversation with you. And once they go, “Yeah, I'm okay. Yeah, I'm cool.” Then you can go, “Awesome. So did you watch the video that I sent you?” Now you can go back to your old conversation to continue the conversation. But if they're not responding, you don't just carry on talking. You try to get them back to respond to you. Does that make sense? I hope it does. Because for me, it really changed the way I thought about having conversations on social media.

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in success





This might be STOPPING ? you from greatness ?

September 9, 2020

Is this one thing stopping you from greatness as well? And what is this thing?

This thing that might be stopping you from greatness is actually listening to your own bullshit. There is no nicer way of saying it. It’s listening to your own Bs and saying to yourself things like, “Oh yeah, I know it all already. Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing. Yeah, I know that exactly.” Well, if you know everything already, if you're doing everything already correctly, then why the hell are you not ge...

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Why DISCOUNT or SALE doesn’t work?

September 9, 2020

I want to talk about sales or discounts.

So all too often I see on social media people saying, “Hey 50% off buy now!” Or, “We have this, buy one get one free or whatever.”  And they’re announcing a sale or they’re announcing a discount hoping to get new customers. But the challenge is that, if you don't want something, how cheap does it have to be for you to buy it? Like, if you don't like broccoli how cheap does the broccoli has to be for you to buy it? Like if you hate it, if you...

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How to stay compliant in your network marketing company?

September 9, 2020

With this we have Episode 666. So, because it is quite an evil number, I thought I'm going to talk about an evil of network marketing industry, the compliance. How to stay compliant, how to make sure that what you're doing is legal, what you're doing is ethical, and to make sure that your business will survive a very long time in this industry.

Network marketing like any other industry is always being regulated, is being regulated by different government bodies, by different institutions, who ...

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How to answer how long you’ve been doing it/how much money have you made if you’re NEW?

September 9, 2020

I want to talk about a question that you people quite often get is how long you've been doing this and how much money have you made?

Very often, when a new person gets started in a network marketing business, they'll get this question from their family, their friends, or maybe even strangers. When they try to pitch their business, they'll say well, how long have you been doing it and how much money have you made? And of course this question is basically trying to imply that if you made a lot o...

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How to make a presentation if you're not using the products

September 9, 2020

I want to talk about how to do a presentation if you're not using the products. The title of this blog post is how to do a presentation if you're not using the product and I have heard this question few times in my network marketing career, and it always makes me wonder because I like to answer it with a question. If you're not using the product, then what is going on? Why are you doing the business if you're not using the product?

Because if you're not using the product, what that tells me is...

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The QUICKER you want it the harder it will be

September 9, 2020

I want to talk about patience and wanting things to happen quickly in your business. The title of this blog post is if you want things to happen quickly, it will be harder for you. And I've only seen it 1000 times and especially in a home based business arena where people join the business and they want the results quickly.

Now hey, look, all of us want for the things to happen quickly. But the more you realize that you have time, like, I meet people who are in their 30s, or in their 40s and t...

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How to get more people attending your weekly training event?

September 9, 2020

I want to talk about how to get more people attending your weekly training events. So how do you get more people attending your weekly training events because we all know it, at the beginning everybody's excited, everybody's attending the weekly training event, but the more you do it, the less and less and less and less people start attending because they're bored with it is the same thing. It's every single week. Yeah, maybe I'll attend next week. I'm too busy. And people lose excitement of ...

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When should a new person create their group

September 9, 2020

I want to talk about, when should a new person that joined your team create the first group. When should a new person that joined the team create their Facebook group?

Now depends about what group are we talking about. If we're talking about a team training group, then I would highly recommend for a new person to keep using the leaders training group because that group is already active. There's already loads of people there because I've seen it too often when a new person joins the business a...

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What to do if you have a BIG team

September 9, 2020

I want to share a quick thought about what to do if you have big team. Of course more people have smaller teams than bigger teams. But if you are blessed to have a larger team, maybe you have 100 people, 200 people, 1000, couple of thousand people, what can you do and of course, you can do very many things.

But today, I just wanted to share one quick strategy that can help you really boost the results in your business and really boost the turnover of your business and the earnings. And that's ...

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What type of VIDEO content to create in network marketing?

September 9, 2020

Today I wanted to talk about what type of content, especially video content to create if you want to progress in your business, and if you want to attract people, and if you want to make more money by creating content.

I think by now, you should not be asking yourself a question whether you should be creating content because that's a given. Like, the world is going social. The world is going on internet, the world is going mobile. At anytime soon, you're not going to stop using this device. No...

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Your SUBCONSCIOUS can’t tell the TIME

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about your subconscious and time.

Very often we feel like there's something stopping us from achieving success, like there's something stopping us from breaking through, something stopping us from having a better result and making more money. Having a breakthrough in our business is just like we feel like there's something's dragging us behind. And the thing that's might be dragging you or the thing that's might be stopping you is actually something that happened before; somethi...

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Where is the UNDERPRICED attention

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about using the underpriced attention.

Now, as most of you probably have heard, I love following Gary Vaynerchuk, who is a social media guru and he always says that before you're in the business of selling your product or service, before you're in the business of offering somebody your business opportunity, first of all, you're in the attention business, right?

Because everybody is on their devices, everybody is on their phones, on their computers, on their laptops. We are first ...

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You can't boil an ocean!

July 14, 2020

This topic is about, you can't boil an ocean. What do I mean by that?

Very often, I hear people complain about the things you cannot change. And I remember one of my mentors used to always recite the prayer of serenity and the prayer of serenity. I can't remember the exact words, but it goes something like, God, give me the power to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference, because not everything you can change in your life. There are ...

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Never attack a company that is going through difficult times

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about attacking companies that are going through a difficult time. Today’s title is never attack a company that's going through difficult times.

Now, this is something that I noticed quite a lot in network marketing arena. Every time there is a company that's going through difficult times, maybe they're having some lawsuits or maybe they're having some issues with products or maybe they're having some other problems or issues or whatever, you straightaway see how people from o...

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60 80 pieces of content per day!

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about producing content for your social media.

I was watching some videos or actually listening to them as I was driving by Gary Vaynerchuk today, and Gary Vee is a social media maniac and he was saying that he produces 60 to 80 of pieces of content a day, 60 to 80 pieces of content a day across Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, whatever, Snapchat, Tik Tok, LinkedIn. And he basically said, “Look, if you don't have a lot of presence on social media, you're just not going to get peo...

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Most people are not READY to buy

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about people being ready to buy. The title of this blog is that most people are not ready to buy.

I think too many people misunderstand how social media is supposed to work. And they think that they can come to social media and they can straightaway sell. So they think I can put a picture, I can put a video, I can put a post and people will go and buy my product right away or buy my business opportunity right away or buy my service right away. Now will some people buy? Definitel...

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What to do with “I’ll think about it” people?

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about what to do with the I’ll think about it people.

The people who say they will think about it. Think about the actual scenario when people say I'll think about it. So imagine you're doing a presentation, imagine you're presenting a business to somebody and the person says, “Okay, I'll think about it.” So imagine they go home, they sit down and they say “Okay, let's think about it now. Let's think about it.” Like that's complete nonsense. Nobody thinks about it, act...

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People who are SCEPTICAL might be the beat for your business

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about sceptical people. The title of this blog is sceptical people might be the best for your business. Why is that?

Well, very often when I attend training events, when I listen to testimonials, when I watch people on the stage of network marketing, leadership events and things like that, guess what I hear very often. A lot of the times I hear people say, “Oh, I was so against network marketing. And now I'm the top leader of the company may Millions a year. I was against netw...

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Are you giving what you want?

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about getting things that you want in life. Today’s topic is are you giving what you want?

And very often when I coach people on social media, when I have clients, very often they say, “Oh, I'm not getting enough likes on my posts. I'm not getting enough shares. I'm not getting enough comments.” And I say, “Well, are you liking, commenting and sharing on other people's posts?” And they say, “Oh, no, no, I don't have time for that.” Do you see the problem here?

You c...

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How much does it cost you NOT to KNOW something?

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about the cost of not knowing something.

Very often when I speak to people about personal development, about reading books, attending video courses, attending events, people always say, “Oh, but you know, it costs a lot of money. It costs a lot of money to go to this event, it costs a lot of money to buy this training. It costs a lot of money to do this, that or the other.” And I understand, everything costs money and everything is an investment. It may be for me personally,...

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If you’re going to be STUPID you better be TOUGH

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about being stupid.

Now I know not a single one of you is stupid who's watching this video, but just in case, I thought I would give you this advice anyway. The title of this blog is, if you're going to be stupid, you better be tough. What do I mean by that? I mean that there's always a group of people who refuse to invest in themselves. Like somebody said, some people would not participate in their own rescue. So I think it was TM Sales, who said, if you think education is expe...

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When should you invest in training?

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about longevity versus intensity. What is more important in your network marketing business?

Very often, you hear especially nowadays or with the likes of Gary Vaynerchuk and Grant Cardone, you hear a lot about hustle, hustle, hustle, you need to put the hustle in, you need to work hard, you need to put a lot of time in. And I agree. I agree. It's very important because hey, if you're not doing anything, then doesn't matter what opportunity you have.

Doesn't matter what business ...

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Looser thinking

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about loser thinking. So I learned this idea from my mentor Ray Higdon. And he spoke about it and it really, really made me think why a lot of people have the loser thinking. What is loser thinking?

Loser thinking is when you act out of weakness, you act out of weakness. And unfortunately, very many people act out of weakness. Something doesn't go well and they quit something and they give up. There's no product in stock or there is problems with a website or there's a problem w...

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The WORST thing you can do to an INACTIVE person

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about one of the worst things you can do to an inactive person in your business. So if somebody took a step back, if somebody put the business on the back burner, what you shouldn't do. What’s the worst thing you can do to an inactive person, somebody who's taking a step back, somebody who's not actively building the business?

The worst thing you can do is make them feel like a disappointment. Make them feel like a disappointment. If you reach out to somebody who hasn't been a...

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The person who CARES the least controls the relationship

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about relationships and how does that affect your business building. The title of this blog, the person who cares the least controls the relationship.

And it is very true and many people have found it to be true in personal relationships, but I'm not going to talk about that today. Even though that's very true, you can read up about that. So if you having troubles in your personal relationships, might be something to look in to. But the same rule applies in your business buildin...

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Commitment is stronger than Creativity

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about commitment versus creativity.

When it comes to building your business, when it comes to showing up on your social media, when it comes to working with your team, when it comes to doing pretty much anything in your life, it will all be down to your commitment.

Now you see, if you're not committed very much, then you will say, “Oh, I can't think of anything to talk about on my video today.” If you're not very committed, you'll say, “Oh, I don't feel like talking to my t...

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Why showing your BIG MONEY in the recruiting process is not good?

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about why showing your big money in the recruiting process is actually bad for your business.

When a leader reaches a certain level, they start making good money, they start getting the cars and everything, there's always a temptation to use that to sell the business, to use that to attract people and it works. Guess what it works. It works very well. If you start telling people, “Hey, I'm making big money, hey, I've got this brand new, huge car, hey, I'm doing this,” in the...

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How to get people to follow your system?

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about presenting a system to your team and how to get your team to actually do the system. How to get the team to follow your system.

Very often young leaders or not so young leaders in network marketing struggle to get their team members to sign up for a new system, to sign up for a new program, to actually do and follow the step by step system and the challenge with that is that people will not follow a theoretical system. People want to see results.

The best way to get your te...

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Important investment for a Leader

July 14, 2020

I want to talk about a very important investment for a leader in network marketing. What’s the very important investment for a network marketing leader and that is an assistant.

At the beginning when you start your own business, obviously you do everything by yourself for yourself and you're not making any money at the beginning anyway, so you couldn't hire somebody even if you wanted to unless you have like a super good paying job and you're coming into network marketing and you can afford ...

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