What to do after CRISIS?

September 10, 2020

I want to talk about what to do after the crisis.

So what to do after crisis and as we getting sort of back to normal after all the corona and things are opening up slightly, I know we still have to wear masks and things like that, but over the next weeks and months I think we will going to get back to normal and places will open up and the events will start picking up. But too many people have a too short memory for crisis.

One thing you have to understand that guess what comes after crisis, after crisis comes a good time. And what happens after good time, another crisis, and then another good time, and then another, it's like seasons of life. You have the spring and the summer, great times fun times when everything goes well. And then you have the autumns and the winters of your life where things are not so great when things are sometimes horrible and bad. It's seasons. You can't order three summers in a row, you're always going to have a summer, but then you can have an autumn and then you're going to have a winter, it just the way it works. You can't rearrange it, like good old Jim Rohn used to say, “When you have your own planet, you can make it in a different way.

But now that we live on this planet, it's the way the things are, so you just have to accept it and work with it.” So same thing applies to crisis, whether it's a financial crisis, whether that's a health crisis, like we had, whether that's some sort of other crisis. There's always going to be crisis, there's always good times but there is always challenging times.

But too many people are like, the goldfish, with a three second memory. They just had a bad time and they struggled financially and they realize that oh my gosh, I haven't saved up enough money. I haven't built the financial wall around my family that nothing can get through. I haven't prepared for this challenging time. And then that passes or they go, “Woo challenging time passed, I can relax again.”

No you can't, instead of relaxing when the crisis passed, what you should do is prepare for the next one. So that the next time there's a quarantine, this next time there's a financial crisis, the next time when people get laid off from jobs, you are secured, you are protected. You've got money in the bank, you've got assets making you money, you've got things working for you online, so you don't have to panic and go, “What do we do now? It's the crisis.” Yeah, like the crisis before and the one before that, and the one before that. It’s just the normal thing. It always happens, it happens in these cycles.

So you have to be smart about it and prepare for it, because when this crisis happened, when people couldn't go to work, and a lot of people were like, “Oh my gosh, why doesn't government come and help us? Why doesn't this?” And I’m like, “Hey, you’re still living in that mindset? Nobody's coming to save you. You have to save yourself. Nobody's going to come and help you. You have to help yourself.” But unfortunately, there's a lot of people who would not participate in their own rescue. They will not help themselves. And if you don't help yourself, nobody can help you. So now the life is getting a little bit back to normal, you need to start thinking, how am I going to prepare for the next one? How I'm going to prepare for the next challenge?

So then when the next one comes and everybody's running around, like headless chickens panicking, you can be sitting and thinking, “I'm okay. I'm sorted. I'm fine. I'm going to be good. My family is secured. I've built a financial wall around my family that nothing can get through.” Can you say that? Work on that so that the next time it happens, you are in a position where you’re okay, where you are protected, because it will happen. I'm telling you, five years from now, seven years from now, 10 years from now, you'll be watching this video and say, “Oh, he was right. There was another crisis. There was another credit crunch. There was another recession.” Because it always happens. It always happens in this cycle.

I don't know when, maybe it's going to be in three years, maybe in five years, maybe in 10 years, but it will happen. Will you be okay, when it happens? Will you be prepared for it? Will you be secure for that? That's the question. If you're not, you've got nobody else to blame but yourself because you took it too lightly. I'm constantly working, not just for today, not just how do I pay my bills at the end of the month? Not just how do I put my food on the table for my family? But I'm also thinking ahead, three steps ahead. How am I going to sort myself for the next three years? How am I going to protect my family over the next five years? How am I going to be financially secure when I'm 50 or 60? Yeah, that's right. I'm already thinking about that. How am I gonna retire? How much money will I have? Too many people just go, “Oh, that's too far. Oh, you don't need to worry about it.”

Well, it's not the time to think about retirement when you hit 60, then it's a little bit too late to plan for your retirement. To plan for your retirement, it's now when you do your 20s, when you’re in your 30s, when you're in your 40s. Now is the time to start putting assets in place, now is the time to start investing, now is the time to start saving. Now is the time to start making plans for when you won't be able to work, for when you won't be able to make money. Think ahead.

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group
http://titaniumsuccess.co.uk/successtraining.php. There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in success



What to say if you want a person to do what you want?

September 10, 2020

I want to talk about how to influence a person to do what you want them to do, interesting.

So let's say you're talking to a customer, and you want them to buy a certain thing. Or maybe you're talking to a team member and you want them to do a certain thing maybe to watch a training or to attend an event or to start with a certain package or whatever it is. How do you influence that person? How do you suggest to them to do something and don't sound like you're telling them to do something? Bec...

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Who believes in you?

September 10, 2020

I want to talk about the belief in you. So who believes in you?

I want to talk about the belief and the fact that sometimes we don't know our own potential. You see somebody I was listening to this audiobook and it was interesting the way they said it. They said you can't see your own eyes without a mirror. You can look through your eyes, but you can't see your own eyes; only other people can see your eyes.

Well, something similar sometimes is happening with the value, with your worth. However ...

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Are you EARNING while you’re LEARNING?

September 10, 2020

I want to talk about earning while you're learning. The title of this blog post, are you earning while you're learning? What do I mean by that?

Especially in the home based business arena, in network marketing, there is so many people who are what we like to call information junkies or addicted to learning or gatherers of information. Basically there's a group of people who find it much more comfortable, much more convenient, much more enjoyable the actual learning process, then the actual do...

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Don’t be against CRITICS!

September 10, 2020

I wanted to jump on here very quickly and talk about critics.

In the home based business arena, in network marketing, people get really upset when they get criticized by others. They really get upset when they get haters on social media. They get upset when the family or friends are not supporting them. And in general, basically, people don't like to be criticized right and especially in home based business we feel so upset, we feel such victims of haters and people criticizing us and all sort...

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Your team DOESN’T CARE about your goals!

September 10, 2020

I want to talk about goals and your team and the fact that your team doesn't really care about your goals. So the title of this blog post is that your team doesn't care about your goals. Oh, how sad is that?

Unfortunately, it's true. Your team doesn't really care about your goals and I know it breaks your heart as a leader but that's the way the world is right. Everybody is listening to one radio station WIIFM stands for What's In It For Me, what's in it for me, right? People care about themse...

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How to CONQUER the fear of Live video?

September 10, 2020

I want to talk about how to defeat the fear of doing a live video. So how do you conquer this fear of live video because there's so many people who have the fear of public speaking and then that fear transfers into doing live video. They’re just scared of doing live video because what if I mess up? What if I say the wrong thing? What if people laugh at me? What if I get criticized? What if I get haters and so on and there's so many reasons why not to do something? And a lot of people know t...

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A true TEST of Leadership

September 10, 2020

I want to talk about leadership. So what is a true test of leadership?

Well, the true test of leadership is how a leader performing in crisis. You see when everything is fine when everything goes smoothly when the company is running, no problem and there's plenty of products when this team is all happy and working and everything. Then there is no such big need for leadership, per se really. You see, a true test of a leader is when things don't go right, when things don't go as smooth, right? L...

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What do most aspiring entrepreneurs look for in an opportunity?

September 10, 2020

I want to talk about three things that most aspiring entrepreneurs look for in a business opportunity. This is like a brand new fresh source of information because I just been watching the Association of network marketing professionals 2020 conference, which literally is happening over yesterday, today and tomorrow. loads of great speakers, loads of great trainers in network marketing arena presenting at that conference.

One of the things I wanted to share with you is an interesting, not a sta...

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Why you should look for partners?

September 10, 2020

I wanted to talk about cooperation because this is something that I found very difficult when I first got started in business when I first started being interested in entrepreneurship. I had an attitude.

If you want it to be done right, you have to do it yourself. So I wanted to do everything, I wanted to be the best speaker, I wanted to be the best trainer, best presenter, best everything and quickly, I got pretty good at what I do. And this way, I wanted to do everything by myself, I wouldn...

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What to say if the person is NOT SURE if they can do it?

September 10, 2020

I want to talk about what to do if your prospect is unsure if they can do it. If they doubt themselves; whether they can actually manage to do this network marketing business of yours. So the title of this blog post what to do if somebody is not sure if they can do this business and once in a while or for some of you more often than not.

You will come across people who will say, “Oh it sounds great. It looks like it's an amazing opportunity, but I don't know if I can do it. I'm not sure if I...

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3 reasons why you MIGHT NOT get rich

September 10, 2020

I want to share with you three reasons why you might not get rich in your lifetime. So what are the three reasons you may not get rich in your lifetime?

Number one reason is simply you don't want to. You might be surprised but some people don't want to get rich. Some people don't want to get wealthy. They're just happy living the way they live and they happy the way they are right and they don’t aspire to make millions of dollars or pounds or Euros. They don't aspire to buy the luxury cars a...

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Give your team member a BULLETPROOF VEST

September 10, 2020

I want to talk about putting a bulletproof vest on your team member. What do I mean when I talk about bulletproof vest?

So imagine somebody goes to a police academy, they graduate from the police academy; they start working as a policeman or a police woman and the first day they go out on the job, there's a shootout, there's a fire fight. They get into a shootout and they don't have a vest and they get shot. That's it. End of their career on day one, isn't it? Because they didn't have the vest...

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How to share your product if you’re scared to sell?

September 10, 2020

I want to talk about how to share your product if you're scared of selling.

So very often in the network marketing industry we have people who are passionate about the product. They love the product, they use the product, but they're just scared to be a salesperson, they’re scared to sell that product. They don't want to pass to their friends, they don't want to pass to the family, they don't want to be pushy, they don't want to be a salesperson. And that's understandable because again sales...

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What to say to a person who wants to make money but doesn’t want to so the work?

September 10, 2020

I want to talk about what to do with a person who wants to make the money in your business but doesn't want to do the work.

And once in a while you're going to get those people who they do want to make money, but they just don't want to do the work. And so what can we do with that type of person because you know it's not going to happen. If somebody is not going to do the work, they're not going to make the money. So what can you do?

Well, my favourite way of handling that type of person is a ...

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Different levels of personal development

September 10, 2020

I want to talk about different levels of personal development.

So you may be surprised that there are different levels of personal development. There are different ways how you can do personal development, how you can obtain useful information for your business and progress in your business.

So number one, if you feel before we get into the different levels, if you feel stuck in your business, at least from my experience, very often that's a sign that you have to invest in yourself. That's a si...

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How to make it easier to post on social media?

September 10, 2020

I want to talk about how to make it easier to post on social media, to run your social media. I want to talk about how to effectively run your social media. And the top tip for running your social media is to have a content calendar. So what is a content calendar?

Well, a content calendar is basically a plan for your social media. So if you're going to be running your social media, how is it going to look like right? Are you going to do one post a day, two posts a day three posts a day? Is tha...

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How to make your TEAM do what you want?

September 10, 2020

I want to give you an incredible tip, how to get your team to do what you want. This sounds dangerous. This sounds like mind control, right? But it's not that bad. Actually, it's a lot more simpler. So how do you get your team to do what you want them to do?

Very simple. People repeat the behaviour for which they get rewarded. People will repeat the behaviour for which they get rewarded. So it's very simple. Instead of telling your team members what to do, instead of asking them please ple...

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You are the PRIZE!

September 10, 2020

Today’s topic is you are the price. And what do I mean by that?

Is that very often I see people in network marketing who don't value themselves enough. There are more people that have problems than there are people who have solutions. And I see all too often that people in network marketing arena, in a home based business arena, sort of put the value down. They start begging people to join the business. They start begging people to buy their products, when the reality is, they are the prize....

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How to add VALUE in your team group

September 10, 2020

I want to talk about how to add value to your team group.

However, it's probably not going to be what you expect. And I've learned this from my mentor Ray Higdon because he says that a lot too many people are focused on how do I add more training in my team group? Too many leaders are thinking how do I cram more training into my group? How do I cram more information into my group? How do I cram more productivity for my team?

But your team group should not be just training, training, training, t...

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A simple DMO for your business!

September 10, 2020

I want to share a simple daily method of operation that I learned from my mentor Ray Higdon. And I think a lot of people overcomplicate sometimes their daily method of operation.

If you’re right now, not very active in your business, if you're not really crushing it, then start small, start simply, don't overcomplicate it, don’t make yourself a 55 point daily method of operation if you are just getting started. Sometimes the key is really in the simplicity.

So a simple daily method of opera...

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There is nothing wrong with making mistakes- but

September 10, 2020

I want to just share with you an idea; an idea about making mistakes, and a lot of people are terrified about making mistakes. What if I make a mistake? What if I lose money? What if I lose my reputation? What if I lose my face? What if I lose whatever right?

And so many people are scared of making mistakes that they're not making any progress in their life. Because one of the fastest ways of making progress in your life is to make mistakes because when you make mistakes, you learn things and ...

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Are you creating LIMITATION?

September 10, 2020

I want to talk about the abundance and the limitation.

Now, unfortunately, many people think that they have to create abundance. Well, you don't have to create abundance and just to clarify limitation, or the lack mentality is when you think that there's not enough of everything. There's not enough money, there's not enough people, there's not enough customers, there's not enough business and abundance mentality is when you understand that there's plenty of everything, like you don't need to c...

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You find what you look for!

September 10, 2020

I want to talk about finding what you're looking for. So the title of this blog post you find what you look for and actually that applies for both negative and positive. So whatever you look for in your life, you tend to find it.

Now the challenge or the problem is that most people look for negative things. They look for what's wrong with their life. They look for what's wrong with themselves and they look for that as if there is a price for that. Like some of them are out there to prove that ...

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Don’t get distracted by INACTIVE people!

September 10, 2020

Today I want to talk about inactive people, and how to react to those people in your team. So what to do with inactive people?

Very often I come across network marketing leaders who say, “Oh, I've got so many inactive people in my team, what should I do about them, it worries me. It doesn't give me peace or whatever; I want to make sure that they do something.” And this is not the right strategy because if inactive people in your team stop you from being active, then it's actually quite th...

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How to NEVER get rich!

September 9, 2020

I want to talk about how to never get rich. So if you want to never get rich, make sure you read this blog post for sure and if you do want to get rich then for sure you have to read this blog post. So how to never get rich. If you want to never get rich, you have to carry on swapping your time for money. As long as you don't stop swapping your time for money, you will make sure that you never get rich.

Why? Because there's only 24 hours in a day. It doesn't matter how much you get paid per ho...

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Don't say anything that you don’t want to be printed in the newspaper!

September 9, 2020

I want to talk about don't say anything that you don't want to be printed in a newspaper. When you're building your business, when you becoming a public figure, forget about private and public, forget about personal and public because nothing is private anymore.

Social media and the internet made sure that everything is public. So you can't lead this double life where you do something in private that nobody knows about and then you appear differently in the public eye. It doesn't work like tha...

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How to effectively share your company’s products?

September 9, 2020

I want to talk about how to effectively share your company's products. So how to effectively share your company's pros how to advertise them without it sounding too much like an advertisement?

Well, number one you should be using them. If you're not using your products, then it will be so much harder to advertise them in a non-advertising way because if you're not using the products, then you're basically selling, you have no idea what you're talking about. You're just trying to push it on and...

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The two major DRIVING FORCES that will keep you MOTIVATED ⭐️⭐️

September 9, 2020

I want to talk about the two major driving forces that will keep you motivated and keep you going in your home based business for a very, very long time. So what are these two major driving forces because motivation is something that people struggle with a lot of the times? How to keep themselves motivated.

Some people make different types of goals to keep themselves motivated. But if your major goals are just to earn a certain amount of money or to buy a certain car, or to buy a certain house...

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What to do if you are too COMFORTABLE?

September 9, 2020

I want to talk about what to do if you're feeling too comfortable. They say that in business, there's only two driving forces. You’re either doing the business out of inspiration, or you doing the business out of desperation.

So very often people who achieve very great results in business, they started the business out of desperation, because they were broke because maybe they were not happy in their life because they were struggling and they just were looking for that life saving raft. And ...

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