There is no SECRET to success, there is a SYSTEM to success!

November 19, 2020

I want to talk about the system to success. The title of this blog post, there is no secret to success, but there is a system to success.

For a long time when I first started being interested in personal development, when I first started being interested in home based business, in entrepreneurship, I always thought there must be secret, these successful people, they must be not telling us something, these successful leaders must be keeping some secret from us. That they have the secret and that's why they're getting success and we are not getting success and I'm not getting success. And I was looking for the secret. What is the secret? Until I realized that of course there is no secret. It's a lazy person's thinking, it's a loser's thinking, “Oh, there must be a secret that I don't know and that's why I'm such a loser. That's why I'm such a failure.” It's so easy to blame a secret to say, “Ah, it’s because I don't know the secret.”

Well, there isn't a secret, actually. But there is a system to success, because very few people become successful by accident. Most people become successful on purpose because they do something that makes them successful, they do things that successful people do. And guess what failures do? Failures do the things that failures do.

Very often, when I speak to a failure, they say, “Well, why me? Why these horrible things keep happening to me?” And I always hear the good old Jim Rohn’s words, things like that usually happen to people like you. What does that mean? It means that if you do certain things, you're going to get certain results; you see result or success. Success is just the result. Success is an outcome. Success is an effect. But effect is caused by something. There's a cause and effect; so success is in effect, you can't change an effect. It's already happened. What you need to look is what's causing that success or failure for that matter? What's causing the success is the system. What’s the system? System is particular set of activities, particular set of things that we do.

Now, a successful banker will have one type of system, a successful hairdresser will have a different type of system, a successful network marketer will have yet again, a different kind of system. So you need to figure out or learn, what's the system for your business? What sort of actions will give you the result of success? And usually, those actions that give you the result, we call them, income producing activities. These are the actions when you do them, you usually make money.

And in network marketing, there are only a handful of them, not 600, not 60; it’s only a handful of things that you can do to actually start making money in your business. Like talking to people who can say yes, or buy your product, talking to people who can say yes, and join your business, training your team members, doing personal development, doing social media, doing prospecting, doing marketing on social media and so there's only a handful of these activities if you do them consistently. There's this T shirt that I just got a gift today from a very nice young lady Neringa; it says consistency. What does that mean?

It means doing things on a regular basis. Almost any strategy will work for you, if you do it consistently, if you do it all the time. But most people the reason why they don't get the result is not because they didn't do the right technique, they didn't do the right action; it's because they didn't do it consistently enough. They do three videos on Facebook Live and they said, “Oh, nobody's joining me, nobody's buying from me, so it doesn't work.” They go and message 10 people, they go, “Ah, I’ve messaged 10 people, nobody joins, it doesn't work.” And they just don't do enough of that thing.

Once you find the system, once you find the daily method of action, once you find that set of activities, do the activities for a long enough period of time for you to see if it works. Don't do it for three days and say it doesn't work, because sometimes you'll have to do it for an extended period of time before you see the result. It may take a month, it may take two months, it may take three months, would you do it if it took three months? What if it took six months? What if it took a year for you to get the result would you still do it or would you give up? Well, that's what separates winners from losers, because winners never quit and quitters never win. Be a winner. Don't be a quitter.

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in success



How do you get MORE people to WILLINGLY give you their MONEY?

November 19, 2020

I want to talk to you about how do you get more people to willingly give you their money. So even this title, does it make you feel a bit uncomfortable? How do you get more people to give you their money willingly? Does that make you feel like, “Whoa! Is this even okay to talk about that? Is this even ethical? Calm down, hear me out.

Think about the wealthiest people in the world, the richest people in the world what do they do? They get other people to give them money. Like, if I asked you,...

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Why you SHOULD NOT put up with negative behaviour if you’re a LEADER?

November 19, 2020

I want to talk a bit about leadership and negative behaviour within your team. The title of this blog post is why you should not put up with negative behaviour if you're a leader.

Now, you might say, well, you shouldn't put up with every negative behaviour either way and you would be right; but especially, if you're a leader, why? Because if you're a leader of a team, and you have many people in your team, and there's somebody who behaves negatively, who's toxic, who is demanding, who is maybe...

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Why you should market what it DOES not what it IS?

November 19, 2020

I want to talk about marketing and why you should market what it does, not what it is. I learned this from my mentor Ray Higdon. And he always talks about marketing what your product does, instead of marketing what it is. Now, there's many reasons why you should do that. One being that your potential customers are a lot more interested in what he does than what it is. Nobody buys a drill because they want to drill, people buy a drill because they want a hole in the wall. You should always be ...

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Is this MISTAKE costing you MONEY?

November 19, 2020

I want to talk about this mistake that a lot of leaders are making that is costing them money. So what is this mistake?

Well, this mistake is criticizing a different way of building a business. And I've only seen it like a million times in network marketing. Each leader, you as a leader, I as a leader, we'll have our own little style, you'll have your own style on how you like to get sales, you'll have your own style on how you like to build your team. And that's probably the style you will be...

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People will be ok with your success as long as you share your failures

November 19, 2020

I want to talk little bit about human psychology and how it works. This is especially useful for your social media branding, and position yourself on social media. The title of this blog post is that people are okay with your success, as long as you share your failures.

Now, this might sound interesting or a bit crazy, but people are a bit crazy. If you go on your social media and you just brag, brag and brag, which I know probably that's not what you're trying to do. You're just trying to sho...

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If you’re NOT taking ACTION then you’re not allowed to COMPLAIN!

November 19, 2020

I want to talk about complaining. The title of this blog post is if you're not taking action, you're not allowed to complain. Why do I say that? And why is it important to talk about it?

Well, what I found from experience, and I've been in home based business for the last 10 years, and what I found from experience, that people who complain the most are usually people who do the least, because think about it, if you're an action, if you’re talking to people every day, if you messaging people ...

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How to get better at MARKETING?

November 19, 2020

I want to give you a quick tip about how to get better at marketing. How do you get better at marketing?

Well, you need to understand a little bit of human psychology and what people like to do, they like to talk about their problems. Have you noticed that? Have you noticed that from your work colleagues? Have you noticed that from your family members? Have you noticed that from your friends? That people just love talking about their problems. If you understand that, and let's say you have a p...

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November 19, 2020

I want to talk about the relationship based economy. What is relationship based economy? And are you ready for it?

The more we get into this new age of social media, of social proof, of publicity, the more our business will become a relationship based economy, because long gone, the days where there were only a few big brands, and everybody was buying from the few big brands.

Now, people don't believe in advertising anymore. You put an advertisement on television or radio, people just don't bel...

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How to have GRADUAL progress and BIG LEAPS in your business?

November 19, 2020

I want to talk about the two types of progress. One is the gradual type of progress. And the other one is big leaps, quick jumps in your progress, and how to achieve both of those types of progress. Let’s talk about these two types of progress that you can experience in your business.

The first type of progress is the gradual, the constant progress. So it will just go slowly, but always going up and up and up and up and up and up and up in results. Now that's a good type of progress because ...

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Do you have a LEAD MAGNET? ?

November 19, 2020

I want to talk to you about lead magnet and how that can serve you in your home based business. First of all, what is lead magnet?

Well a lead magnet is a piece of information or a piece of content that people get in exchange for doing something. Very often, if you follow any of the internet marketers, they will have like a PDF document, with answers to your questions or with useful information or tips about something. And in order for you to get that PDF, you'll have to leave your name and em...

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Do you give yourself some ALONE time to think and organise your ideas?

November 19, 2020

I want to talk about giving yourself some alone time.

I love once in a while to spend some time on my own. We live in this busy, busy lifestyle where we have families, we have children, we have spouses, we have the computer going off all the time, pinging with all the social media, we've got our phone giving us notifications all the time.

And very often, we actually don't have time to think. Now I know it sounds crazy. You'll say well, I'm thinking all day long. I know you are, but are you thin...

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How to get your MOTIVATION back if you lost it?

November 19, 2020

I want to give you a couple of strategies about how to get your motivation back if you lost it. In home based business, we are run by motivation, and that's our fuel. But sometimes unfortunately, we lose our motivation; it goes out of the window and you wake up and you don't want to do anything, you're not motivated at all.

One of the strategies is to go back to your goals. As soon as you feel you lost your motivation, go back to your goals, read your goals, and maybe rewrite your goals to get...

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How to find more customers and business partners on social media?

November 19, 2020

I want to talk about how to find more team members and more customers on social media. Lately, a lot of people ask, they say, “Look, because of all the situation, we're spending less time with other people, we’re meeting less new people. So there's less communication, there's less live communication, how can we find more customers and more team members on social media?”

Now, I understand that you’re meeting less people face to face; but to say that there is less live communication, tha...

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What actions should a new person in network marketing take?

November 19, 2020

I want to talk about what actions a brand new business partner in network marketing should take.

Very often people ask me, what should a new person in business do? What are the most important actions? What are the most important things to do for the brand new person? Well, there's a few things that definitely a brand new person should do. And actually, any person in network marketing should do.

Action number one, use the product, because if you're not using your own company's products, it’s g...

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How much PROSPECTING and MARKETING should you do?

November 19, 2020

I want to talk about prospecting, and marketing. How much prospecting and how much marketing should you do in your business?

First of all, what's the difference? What's prospecting? And what's marketing? Well, prospecting is when you're actively reaching out to another person, and asking them to take a look at your product, or take a look at your business. This could be a phone call, it could be a text message, it could be a face to face conversation with somebody, it's basically when you're a...

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Will you DARE to be a SUPERHERO?

November 19, 2020

I want to talk about you being a superhero. What do superheroes often wear? Superheroes often wear a mask.

Very often they have a mask on their face. Batman and all sorts of other superheroes, usually they have a mask on their face. Since we have the situation that we have right now, most of us are being asked to wear a mask like a superhero. Now the question is, will you dare to be a superhero? Since you're already wearing a mask, only thing you need is then a bit of courage to actually be th...

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7 sales Tips ???

November 19, 2020

I want to talk about seven sales tips for your business. I've learned these tips from my mentor Ray Higdon so I want to just to share them with you as well, I think you will find them useful, and we'll be able to adapt them in your business and use them very wisely. Let’s have a look at the seven sales tips from my mentor Ray Higdon.

Number one; don't just push everyone into buying. First of all, ask them if they would be open to learn more about your product, or your business opportunity. M...

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Contact all new people on Facebook and Instagram ???

November 19, 2020

I want to talk about how to recruit more people into your business and how to get more customers. The title of this blog post is contact all new people on Facebook and Instagram.

Very often I get people who say, “Well, how do I get more customers? How do I recruit more people into my business?” And then when I asked them, I said, “Well, what did you send to all of this new people who added you to friends?” And they said, “Well, I haven't said anything. I'm waiting for them to message...

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Create your dream job!

November 19, 2020

I want to talk about creating your dream job.

If you are working in a job that doesn't satisfy you, if you're in a job that doesn't allow you to reach your full potential, maybe you can't earn as much as you like, maybe you can't have the results that you'd like to have, maybe you're not getting the recognition that you should be receiving, then you might think, “Okay, I want a different job, I want a better job, maybe I want a job where I get recognized all the time, maybe I want a job wher...

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Conversation comes before Commission ?

November 19, 2020

I want to talk about conversations and their importance in your business. The title of this blog post is conversation comes before commission.

Now, especially with the growth of social media, where they're all online strategies and tools for building business, so many people misinterpret how social media works. They imagine that it's all about putting a post and somebody goes on buy something from you, you put a post and somebody goes and joins your business. And when they start posting on soc...

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It is easier to KEEP a customer than to GET a customer

November 19, 2020

I want to talk about customers. The title of this blog post is, it's easier to keep a customer than to get a customer.

Now big companies understand this. And that's why they spend a lot of time and effort in communicating with existing customers, offering products to existing customers, giving discounts and deals and promotions to existing customers, instead of trying to always get new customers, because a new customer is a lot more expensive, then an existing customer buying again. But very o...

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How not to get ATTACKED by others on social media?

November 19, 2020

I wanted to talk about how not to get attacked on social media. As you start building your business, as you start building your project using social media, and the internet, you're likely to get some haters, you're likely to get attacked, you're likely to get negative comments, laughed at and all sorts. Now, how do you avoid that? How to avoid being attacked?

Well, somebody said very wisely, that if you don't want to be criticized, you should not be a business person; you should be an ice crea...

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When is a good idea to use the COMPANY NAME online? ?

November 19, 2020

I want to talk about when is it a good idea to use your company name online?

Normally, when we talk about building your business online, especially on social media, we recommend not using your company name. Why? Not, because we want you to hide your company name or because of anything like that. But because we want you to pique the curiosity, we want you to create curiosity in your posts. So if I'm a stranger to your eye, but I'm on your Facebook friends list, and I see you put a post that, ...

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3 things to be aware of in your network marketing business!

November 19, 2020

I want to talk about three things you should be aware of in your network marketing business. What are the three things you should be aware of in your network marketing business?

The first thing you should be aware of is, who is the most critical member of the team or part of the team? And there's different ways of looking at it, you may say the most critical member is the leader, or this or the other. But actually, if you really think about it, the most critical member of the team is the new p...

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A DIFFERENT kind of Gratitude Journal ?❤️?

November 19, 2020

I want to talk about a different kind of gratitude journal. I've heard of gratitude journal before, where you have a journal, and every day, at the end of the day, you list three or five or 10 things that you're grateful for that day, which in itself is an incredible strategy and a very powerful strategy because when you're constantly thinking what you're grateful for what you're grateful about, then guess what you're doing, you're attracting more things to be grateful for.

In itself, is incre...

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Make sure you do this thing on Mondays! ?

November 19, 2020

I want to give you a Monday tip. Every Monday when you can, I would recommend you do this thing, and preferably actually in the morning on Monday.

That's to set your activity goals for the week, not results goals, activity goals for the week, because at the end of the day, you don't control the result, you don't control who's going to buy from you, because it's that person who makes the decision to buy. You don't control who's going to join your business, because that person makes the decision...

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How to make your business more successful ?

September 10, 2020

I want to talk about how to make your business more successful. The lesson for today we can actually learn from the franchises and especially McDonald's franchise.

And somebody once asked, why is McDonald's franchise so successful? Why this business model works so well and there's so many successful restaurants and they make pretty decent money and the model really, really works? And the answer to that question is that McDonald's franchise is designed to be run by people with the lowest level ...

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What to do if your prospect is NOT OPEN for business opportunity right now?

September 10, 2020

I want to talk about what to do if your prospect is not open for a business opportunity right now. As you're talking, as you're prospecting, as you're approaching people about your business, it is inevitable that some people won’t be looking for a business opportunity right now.

Some people will be busy. Some people will be happy with the work they're doing. Some people will be preoccupied with other things and they'll just say, “Hey, no, not for me. Not right now. Sorry, not for me.” So...

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What to do when something BAD happens in your business?

September 10, 2020

I want to talk about what to do when something bad happens in your business.

Now, if you are committed, if you are serious about doing this, becoming an entrepreneur and building your own business, then you're going to be doing it for the next 10, 20, 30 years. Now, if you're going to be doing it for the next 10, 20, 30 years, it's not if something bad will happen in your business, it's when something bad will happen in your business. It’s like, unavoidable. It will happen. Like it's Murphy'...

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