Why you should be RECRUITING UP?!

March 25, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about why you should be recruiting up. What I mean by that is that for most people their natural tendency is to recruit people down on a socio economic level. For example if somebody is working as a teacher in a school they will feel confident recruiting teaching assistants, recruiting the cleaner into their team but they wouldn't be comfortable or confident recruiting a school director, school principal the head of the school, because that person is higher on a rank on the socio economic level. 

So most people that's why naturally tend to recruit people down; they look for people who earn less money than them, they look for people who are less successful than them and they feel superior over those people and that's why they approach them about the business and that's why they recruit those people. However, it's a mistake to do and I did it also when I first started. 

When I first started, I did exactly the same thing, I would be scared to speak to people who have a better job than me or who make more money than me, or who are more successful than me, because I would be scared that they will reject me, I would be scared that they would laugh at my business or whatever. So instead, I would aim for people who are at the lower socio economic level, and I would offer the business to them. But without trying to sound horrible, if somebody is broke, if somebody hasn't got any money, if somebody's sitting at home all day long unemployed, there's a reason for that. I know there are exceptions. There are exceptions where whatever bad things happen. But more often than not, if somebody is got all the time in the world, they are doing nothing at all and you think, “Wow, perfect candidate for my business, they haven't got any money, they sitting at home all day long, great candidate for my business, they can join my business.” When in reality, there's a reason why they're sitting at home all day long, there's a reason why they are broke, it's because of their mindset, it’s because of the decisions they have made up until now. 

So the chances are, even if you do recruit them into your business, they will make the same decisions and they will do the same activity level what they did previously, and they won't become very successful. But if you go and recruit people who are more successful than you, who have better jobs, who make a lot more money, who are already successful at other type of businesses, guess what? One, they value their own time, two, they've already proven that they can achieve success in their job, or in their business, or whatever. So if they come into your business, guess what, they're going to crush it, they're going to recruit loads of people, and they’re going to sell loads of products, because they’re already successful. 

They are not crying all day long, they're not complaining how bad life is, they just go and get it done. That's why you need to think about recruiting up because for me, it took a long time, because we all have what is called the “chicken list”, where you have a list of people in your head, who could really do well in this business, but you're scared to offer the business to them, because you think they're too successful to do your business, they earn too much money to join your company. You have no idea because nine times out of 10, you just making that story in your head. Because somebody who's successful or who's making a lot of money doesn't mean they're happy doing that. So there are a lot of people who are making good money and have good jobs, but they're looking for a way out, they want to earn that passive income, they want to change their lifestyle, they want to spend more time with the family at home, etc., and your business might just be the reason or might just be the tool they can use to get out of the job or out of the career that they've been stuck in for a long time. So again, don't prejudge people, don't create stories in your head- don't “mind read” and actually, instead, give everybody the opportunity and let them make a decision. 

All you can do it ask, “Hey, would you be open? And if no, no big deal”, and they will make a decision whether it's for them or not. But start looking up, start recruiting up. Think about who do I know who's more successful than me? Who do I know who have a better job than me? Who do I know who is better connected with other people than me? Who do I know who could rock this business out? Who could overtake me and go to the highest level in our company, and go after those people instead, it might not be so easy to recruit them, as the person who sits at home all day long broke, doing nothing at all, yeah, they'll sign anything, and they’ll join any business. Why? Because they are NOT going to do anything, they don't even plan to do your business but they’ll sign to make you feel good. With successful people, it may be harder to recruit that person, because they, treat their time with responsibility, they think carefully before joining in for something but if you recruit that person, they're going to change your life, they’re going to explode your business.

It's worthwhile sometimes to go after more successful people, than just look for people who are broke, who are destitute, who are poor, who are jobless, who are whatever  and again, I'm not trying to be horrible to those people, it’s just very often, more often than not, there's a reason why they are broke. There's a reason why they haven't got a job. There's a reason why they got fired, right? 

It's because of certain decisions that they made up until now. It's because of their attitude towards work and towards other people, it just happens. So you need to think about for yourself, how can I get better quality people into my business? How can I surround myself with people who are better than me? One of the things I learned from my mentor, she always looks for people who are better than her at different areas. So if you're not great with computers, recruit somebody who's awesome with computers, if you're not a great on social media, recruit other people who are great on social media, if you're not great at connecting with people or being a public speaker, then go and recruit people who are great public speakers, and who can do trainings and connect with people. You know what I mean? That's what the most successful business people do out there in the real world. 

From Ford Motor Company to Gillette to Procter and Gamble, all of the successful companies guess what the CEOs do; they go and hire the best people they can get their hands on, and when they put best people around themselves, guess what, the company starts going up, the business starts going up, everything starts improving. Why? Because they're surrounding themselves with great quality people, so if you’re recruiting all the people who are being fired, who don't have jobs, who can't get jobs, who are poor, broke, etc., then guess the environment you’re creating around yourself, guess what type of people you're going to attract more into your business, you know what I mean? So, I'm not saying hey, don't help people who are poor, don't help people who need money. Sure, if they're prepared to do the work, if they want to join the business, rock it out, recruit them and build the business with them. But what I mean is, why not look for people who are higher? Why not look for people who are a bit more ambitious? Why not look for people who could succeed, just an idea, but you'll see if you do it, and if you recruit a couple of those serious people, you'll start transforming your life.

That's my message for today; start recruiting up, start looking who can I bring into my businesses who are better quality people that even me? And I know it's hard to admit sometimes it's hard to like go, “I'm not even good as that person.” It's totally fine, you don't have to be the best person at everything in order to become successful in business, all you have to do just surround yourself with awesome people. I have people in my team who are better than me at a lot of different areas and I'm not scared to admit that, I'm actually proud of that that I actually managed to attract them into my business because hey guess what, they can do better than me rock it out. I want them to overtake me I want them to go to the top level before I even get there totally awesome, I'll be more than happy for that.

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group http://titaniumsuccess.co.uk/successtraining.php. There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in success



Ever feel like pushing a TRAIN?

March 24, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about momentum. What does it take to get your business into a momentum and why it's important? So the title of this Facebook Live is, do you ever feel like pushing a train? And if you do, it's a good thing. I'll tell you why. 

It’s about momentum and consistency. You see, I teach people about consistency almost every single day because I personally believe it's probably one of the most important things for your success. If you want to become successful, especially in...

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5 steps to building FINANCIAL SECURITY

March 23, 2019

Today we’re actually going to talk about financial security. So I've got my trusty whiteboard. Let's hope this is going to actually work out because I'm going to be drawing some stuff. So I'm going to show you how to build your financial security.

So first step, we're going to actually build a house. So the foundation for your house is PROTECTION. So the first step in building a financial security is protection. So to protect your assets, to protect whatever you have. So this comes in form...

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The BIGGEST challenge in business

March 22, 2019

Today, very important topic; the biggest challenge in business. Now, if you're going to do business, there's going to be a lot of different challenges, there's like loads because your job as a business person is to deal with challenges, as a business person, you're a problem solver. You’re going to be dealing with challenges and problems on a daily basis. If you're the person who hates challenges, don't get into business, trust me just get a job for six pounds an hour at McDonald's, wear th...

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Why bring people to events?

March 21, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about why as a network marketing leader you should bring people to events. And I'm talking about mainly the destination events where you have to travel to. So maybe like a national conference or a convention or maybe an international event. Why would you bring your people to those events? Well, first of all, of course, those events are life changing. I don't know how many times I spoke to somebody who's a leader now in the business and I asked them “Well, what was the...

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Lack of ORGANISATION vs lack of MEANING?

March 20, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about why you’re not doing your follow up in business and maybe why you’re not doing some of the other things in your business. 

So some of you are in the business and you’re not doing follow up, like you’re reaching out to people and then forget who you reached out to. You forget who you sent the video to. And some of you are using that excuse where you just go, “Well, I'm just not good at follow up. I just forget, you know, I’m not that organised. I don't ...

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Don’t take your DUCKS to EAGLE school!

March 19, 2019

Today, my topic is why you should not take your Ducks to Eagle school. So let me let me elaborate. Let me explain. When it comes to building your business in network marketing, you have to understand that there is three groups of people in network marketing. 

80% of people in network marketing have a desire level of £0-£500 per month. Now you might say, “Well, who would want to earn £0 a month.” But there are people who join network marketing just to use the products, just to be part o...

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What do you LOVE about Yourself?

March 18, 2019

Today I wanted to talk to you about what do you love about yourself? Very important question. This is very, very, very important training. See when I do one on one coaching with people one of the questions I always ask is “What's one thing you love about yourself?” And you know what? It's one of the hardest questions that people find, one of the hardest questions to answer, they just start like, “Oh.” And they can't find one thing they love about themselves. They can't find one thing....

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Don’t be a network marketing SECRET AGENT

March 17, 2019

Today's topic is how not to be and why you shouldn't be a NETWORK MARKETING SECRET AGENT?

What do I mean by that? Well, number one; if you want to inspire your team to do something, if you want to inspire other people to do something, you should be doing it yourself, like a Ray Higdon says, “The best favour you can do for your existing team is go and build a new team.” So if you want your team members to start using the products, you need to be using the products. If you want your team m...

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The power of COMMITMENT

March 16, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about the power of commitment. I went to church yesterday. And I saw a quote on the newsletter. I absolutely loved it. It said, “May your struggles be as short as your New Year's resolutions.” So a lot of people make decisions too easily, “Oh, I’ve got to do that, I’ll come into that.” And then Few days later, they already quit, they already given up. So that's why I wanted to talk to you about the power of commitment. And guess what? I wasn't the person bef...

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Does MONEY make you a bad person?

March 15, 2019

Today it's about money. Does having lots of money make you a bad person, is the money the root of all evil and is all rich people jerks and bad people. Is it or is it not? Let’s have a little talk about that because I think it's very important since your money mindset or what you think about money will determine how much of it you actually make. So first of all money. What is money? And is money good or bad? Well, actually, money is inert. Which means it's neither good nor is bad.

If somebo...

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How to use FBI in your business?

March 14, 2019

So today I wanted to talk about FBI. What does it stand for? Well, it stands for FEATURE-BENEFIT-INCENTIVE. You see, the mistake a lot of network marketers do is that they try to sell what it IS and that's the worst thing that you can sell. Like, whether you sell insurance or if you sell cosmetics or if you sell weight loss food supplements, or whatever it is, if you just sell what it is, nobody wants it, nobody's interested. So the biggest mistake to do is to try to sell your product by sell...

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How to deal with HATERS in Network Marketing?

March 13, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about what to do with haters in network marketing, so you'll get general sort of haters. When you start doing your lives, when you start doing your posts or your advertising in groups and things like that, you'll get general haters who just hate on everything. So it's okay. Don't worry too much about it. I'm not going to get into it and to be honest with you, a lot of people go, “Oh, I don't want to get haters. I don't want to get people saying bad things in the comme...

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Was your shop OPEN today?

March 12, 2019

So let me ask you this question. If you had your own grocery store, and you know it has those shutters that come up, would you keep the shutter down? Probably you wouldn't. You would open the shutter every single morning. Why? Because, you know if you don't open the shutter, nobody can walk into your shop. And nobody can buy something from you. And a point of having a shop is to sell stuff. So the point is that people would buy things. This is obvious. Everybody understands that. 

So it's cl...

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Divorce the OUTCOME and Marry the PROCESS

March 11, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about divorcing the outcome and marrying the process. What does that mean? Well, it means that many people set wrong goals. Now we have the beginning of the year and everybody talks about the goals. So because it's beginning of the year everybody's got new year's resolutions everybody got goals and guess what, most people set results goals, so they go, “I want to get a Mercedes, I want to get a dream house. I want to make 50,000 a month. I want to lose 50 pounds. I wa...

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Become FIERCE at Follow Up

March 10, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about the fact that you have to be fierce at follow up. If you want to treat this business serious and you want to get serious results, one of the biggest mistakes you can do is Chase new business all the time and not follow up. And that's what amateurs do. That's what new people in network marketing do and they miss out on a lot of results. So they just keep going, “Oh, who else can I find? Where else can I find people? Who else can I reach out to?” And they keep s...

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You DON’T have to LIKE it

March 9, 2019

Today I'm going to talk about the fact that you don't have to like it. What do I mean by that? Well, a lot of people who not yet achieved results they look at successful people and they look at what successful people achieved and they say, “Ah, it probably was easy for her. Ah, he probably is natural at it, he loves doing it, etc.” And guess what, when it comes to doing the work, in network marketing, that means talking to prospects, sending messages, calling leads, doing three way calls,...

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Don’t fall in love with POTENTIAL

March 8, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about not falling in love with potential. 

What I mean by that? Well, I mean, you should not fall in love with potential in business. Because it's so easy to do. It's so easy to look at somebody and go, “Oh, my God, this person has so much potential they could do so well. They could achieve so much in my business, they could earn so much money, they could bring so many more people in the business they could be superstars, wonderful.” 

Unfortunately, most people that...

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What to do if people selling your products CHEAPER on Ebay or Amazon?

March 6, 2019

Today I wanted to talk to you about what to do if somebody selling your products cheaper on Amazon or an eBay.

What can you do? Let's say you're talking to a potential customer and they say, “You know what, but I saw this product cheaper on eBay,” what do you do? How do you overcome that? What do you say to that person? Some companies have people who do dodgy stuff and they start selling products lower than business partner price and things like that. And so what do you do? What do you do...

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Are you a RHINO or a COW?

March 2, 2019

Today the question is, are you a rhino or are you a cow? We're going to talk about rhinos and cows. Rhino is one of my favourite animals that’s why I have it in my living room. The question is, are you a rhino or are you a cow? What’s the difference?

First of all cows, they like to be safe on the pasture. So they just like to be safe with all the other cows just eating the grass, within their comfort zone, etc. And that's all they’re ever going to be, they just going to be cows on the p...

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My favourite PODCAST

February 28, 2019

Today, I wanted to share with you my favourite podcast. So why podcast first of all? Well the reason why I love podcast is because they are free. Which means it’s duplicable, right. Because in network marketing, it's really important what can be duplicated and if it's free, that means each and every one of my team members can get a free thing which is a podcast. So whether you’re using iPhone or an Android phone, you can go to the Apple store or to the Play Store, etc., and downlo...

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Bless that which you desire

February 27, 2019

I've got a very, very important tip for you in terms of getting what you want in life, and one of the biggest mistakes to do on your journey to success, on your journey to where you want to be in life is to be jealous. It’s actually a negative programming for your mind. So if you see somebody who's making more money than you, or who's driving a better car than you, or who lives in a better house than you and you say bad things about them, or you are jealous of them, or you see somebody succ...

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Millionaires In Training (MIT)

February 26, 2019

First of all, before we start talking about millionaires in training, and I'll explain what that is in just a second. It’s important to understand few concepts, firstly, 80%, 15% and 5%. I'm not sure if you came across this before, but in network marketing, people are split into three groups, 80% of people in network marketing, they have a desire level of earning zero to 500 pounds a month or $500 a month. You might be surprised, you might be go, “Well, why would somebody want to earn zer...

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Being MISERABLE is easier than being in ACTION and producing RESULTS

February 23, 2019

A very quick message today; being miserable is easier than being active and producing results. 

A lot of people choose that easier path, especially in business because in business, it's so much easier just to be miserable and complain how bad things are, that you don't have certain products, that some leaders are leaving the business that this or that happened, that somebody bitching or whatever. 

It's so easy to just be miserable, and have that as an excuse and not do your business, not be p...

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How to expand in a NEW COUNTRY?

February 22, 2019

Today I wanted to talk to you about how to expand your business to new countries. If you've got an international business and you want to go into a new country, maybe your company just launched a brand new country, or maybe there's a particular country that you'd like to build your business, how to launch into that country because some people using some strategies that don't really work and other people use very simple strategy that really works well. 

Maybe your company just opened a brand n...

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An easy way to start conversations on Facebook every day!

February 21, 2019

Today a very easy strategy for your business about how to start conversations on Facebook every single day. Because, again, a lot of people in home based business, they realise the power of social media; they realise that for your network marketing business, you can build a huge team using Facebook and social media and it's all about conversations. We know it's important too because we know that conversations lead to conversions, conversations will lead to customers, conversations will lead t...

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February 20, 2019

Today we're going to talk about living intentional life. Well, if you want to succeed in life you have to understand that all success in life, everything worthwhile in life is uphill. So we had a pleasure of seeing amazing John Maxwell at the GoPro in Las Vegas and when he came out, he said his speech, he said, everything that is worthwhile in life is uphill. Relationships are hard, are uphill, it doesn't have to be hard but it's an effort. Worthwhile business is going to be an effort. If you...

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How to build your NETWORK MARKETING business using Social Media

February 17, 2019
"Part 2: How to use the right MARKETING strategies to ATTRACT people to yourself"
During this training we dive deeper into MARKETING and how to produce valuable content to build your following.

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group http://titaniumsuccess.co.uk/successtraining.php. There are 1...

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The 5 fingers law for successful business

February 15, 2019

Today I'm going to talk about the “five finger rule”, so what is this five finger law for success in business? Okay, so you have five fingers on your hand. So let's work these fingers and let's see what each of these fingers means for your successful business. First finger is thumbs up and what does this mean? It means positivity. You know, you have to have positivity in your business and you have to be positive to build a successful business because if you’re always looking for problem...

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You TEACH people how to treat you

February 13, 2019

Today’s topic is you teach people how to treat you. I know it's hard to take it you know if people are not treating you right, if they being bad to you or mean to you, etc. It's hard to accept that you actually teach them but you do because the first time somebody mistreat you, somebody shout at us, somebody uses guilt on you, somebody does something to you, not the way you like, and you don't do anything about it and you don't say anything about it, this way you tell them it's okay to carr...

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