Productivity in Network Marketing

December 24, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about productivity in network marketing. I love how Ray Higdon says that it's okay to have a low production week but it's not okay to have a no production week in network marketing. So what does that mean?

Well it basically means that for me, I always look at your network marketing business, like a shop. So if you had a corner shop, if you had a grocery store and you didn't roll up the shutters in the morning, then how much money could you expect to make at the end of that day? And if you are not insane, your answer should be zero. Since you haven't opened the shutters clearly nobody can come into your shop and buy anything. So same way I look at your network marketing business. If you haven't opened your mouth today and spoken to anybody about your business or about your products, that means your network marketing shop was closed today, your network marketing business was closed today.

So you cannot expect then to earn any money. So if you're prospecting, if the amount of people that you speak to about your business in a week's time is less than 10 then you’re just not serious about growing your network marketing business, you just not serious about making money in this business. We have a group of business partners called millionaires in training and their goal is to do a minimum of five contacts a day, on social media, and then a couple face to face. But then again, that's a baseline level of activity, which means minimum level of activity. Most of them do a lot more than that. They do maybe 10 contacts a day, 15 contacts a day, 20 contacts a day, some of them are very committed and they will do 50, 60 contacts a day in order to grow their network marketing business because not every person that you reach out to on social media or face to face not every person will respond to you, not every person will be interested etcetera. You know that you can only control your activity you can't control your results.

So the more people you reach out to, the more results you're going to get. My personal goal is also to reach out to 50 to 150 people a day. So on a good day I might reach out to like 150 people on a not so good day, if I'm super busy, then I might just do maybe 40, 50 a day. But the idea is that that's ideal world and it's not always going to be like that, so some days you are traveling to another country or some days things just happen in your life where you got swamped with activity.

But what I want you to think always is that there should be no days of no activity; so it's okay to have a low activity but it shouldn't be a day with no activity. So you might have a super crazy day. But at least you sent five messages so that you can go to bed in the evening thinking I still did something for my business, you know what I mean? Maybe you just message one team member today instead of five, maybe you just ask one person to take a look at your product or whatever but you then at the end of the day, you feel that you haven't wasted that day, that you still did something to grow your business.

So it doesn't mean that as a network marketer, you should be grinding day in day out, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Yeah, if you have a huge goal, if you want to have a breakthrough maybe for a short period of time, yes, you have to really go at it. Like Eric Wore trains their recruiting 20 people in 30 days where you have to do like 16 hour days of intense work to really have that lift off because Eric Wore talks about the airplane, when the airplane is on the runway, if you just do 50% acceleration, airplane is not going to take off, if you do 60 is not going to take off, if you do 80, it's still not going to take off, you have to go hundred percent to take off the runway to get the airplane off the ground but you don't have to go the hundred percent all of the way through until you get the destination because you’re just going to burn through the fuel. So once the airplane is in the air, you can go, “Woo.” Put it on the cruise control a little bit, but then if you want to take it to the next level, guess what, again, you have to increase the throttle.

So same in your network marketing business, in order to take off, you might do some intensive work for some short period of time, but you're not going to go 16 hour days for the rest of your life because you’ll just burn out, but what I mean is that you should always do at least something to push your business forward, to put at least something into the business, to roll that shatter up at least a little bit.

So that's my message for today. Low activity is much better than no activity. Do not ever accept no activity from yourself. You should never allow yourself to have a day of no activity towards the business because I believe, especially now with social media, there's no excuse. I've been reading Frazer Brookes, I dare you and I love his toilet technique. So he goes every time you’re on the toilet, you should be with your phone in hand reaching out to some people. So he goes, the only thing you shouldn't do, you shouldn't go live while you're on the toilet, but a part of that you can send some messages, you can interact with other people, you can reach out to some people as you on a toilet and it doesn't take much, it doesn't take a lot of time, it’s just few minutes. So you should always do at least some activity in your business. So that's my message for today.

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in success




3 step process for PROBLEM SOLVING in Business

December 24, 2019

Today I wanted to share with you a three step process for problem solving in your business. If you use this three step process, you can pretty much solve any challenge, solve any problem in business.

There are basically three things so whenever I'm having a challenge in my business, or one of my team members has a challenge in business, I will always go through those three steps and I will figure out what's the challenge, I will figure out what's the problem. The first challenge is mind-set. S...

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Don’t TELL instead SHOW

December 24, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about don't tell and instead show!

What do I mean by that in business? Very often I come across people who go, “I'm an excellent speaker. So I'd like to be speaking, or I have some great ideas about the business, I'd like the company to listen to my great ideas about the business or, I'm an awesome recruiter or whatever.” And people say a lot of things. Now, sometimes it's true, sometimes it's not true but to be honest with you, it doesn't really matter, instead of t...

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How NOT to be bored with same training?

December 24, 2019

Today my blog post is about how not to be bored at the same training. We will discuss how not to be bored and actually, I'll start with how to be bored.

So how many of you have ever attended a training and the next month they do the same training again and the next month to do the same training again, and you go there once, twice, three times and you just go, “This the same thing over and over, I’m bored with it. How many of you have ever been bored with the same training? Well, I know I w...

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This can SABOTAGE your business! ?

December 17, 2019
Today I wanted to talk about one thing that can really sabotage your business and that one thing is actually over thinking.

So what's the one thing that can sabotage your business? And that's over thinking. Most people will fail in business, not because they did something and failed at it. But they will fail in business because they don't even start doing because they keep thinking about it, because they keep, “Oh, what if they say that or what if they react like that? What if I go to that p...

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Should you build FAST or SLOW ?

May 9, 2019

Today I wanted to ask you a question. How should you build your business fast or slow? And to really illustrate the point, I want to use an example and it's an example that most of you will be able to relate and the example is remember when you first learned to ride your bike. 

Remember when you first learned to ride your bike and imagine if you had to learn it all over again. Imagine if you try to learn to ride the bike slowly. So imagine you get on the bike, you still don't know how to ...

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Are you a one trick pony?

May 8, 2019

Today, I want to ask you a question. Are you a one trick pony? What I mean is are you hinging your whole business on one thing, on that one person joining your business, on that one strategy that you have?

What you have to understand is that first of all this business is a marathon and it's not a sprint. Your success in network marketing will not depend on one person joining your business or not joining your business, will not depend on that one leader appearing or not appearing in your busin...

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You FORGET 90% of what you DON’T teach

May 7, 2019

Today I wanted to talk to you guys about the fact that you forget 90% of what you don't teach. They say if you attend the training or you watch a training video, you listen to training audio and you just watch then you're going to forget pretty much most of it. If you sit and write you're going to remember I think about like 30%. If you sit, write and engage like answer the questions and participate in the training then you will remember maybe about 50, 60%. But if you teach other people what...

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Don’t wish for things to be EASIER, ask for you to be BETTER

May 6, 2019

Today’s title says don't wish for things to be easier, ask for you to get better. Well, that's actually Jim Ron. Of course those of you who know Jim Ron, you'll know that that's his famous saying, don't ask for things to be easier to ask for you to get better, but why do I do a video about that? 

I had a conversation with one of the leaders recently and she said, “Well, finally, I overcame those problems so that my business can grow and be problem free.” And I said, “I have some bad ...

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“What we learned at Most Powerful Women in Network Marketing 2019 Event?”

May 6, 2019

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in Success

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Popcorn in the microwave

May 3, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about popcorn. So what am I on about, popcorn in the microwave, if you wanted to have some popcorn, the chances are you going to make it in a microwave. So imagine I put a bag of popcorn in the microwave and I turn it on for like five seconds and I turn it off. Then again, I turn it on for like 10 seconds and I turn it off. Then I turn it on for like another seven seconds and then turn it off. How long will it take me to have some popcorn? 

The answer is - Forever, it w...

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Why you should NEVER talk bad about other companies or people leaving your team?

April 22, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about why you should never talk bad about other companies or about people who leave your team and go to another business. 

So first of all, it's just a bad practice but actually it's been scientifically proven that companies for example, there are companies who do adverts like advertisement and they say, “Well, we are better than that company or we are better than this company.” They have scientifically proven that companies who advertise and say their competitors ...

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When should you PROSPECT your friends and family?

April 20, 2019

Today's topic is about when should you prospect your friends and family? So that's what in the network marketing industry they like to call it your warm market. So who are the warm market? Well, warm market is basically all the people that you already know. So friends, family, neighbours, people you go to school with, to church with, to gym with, it’s just basically people that you already know is your warm market and then the rest of the world is cold market. 

The reason why they call it t...

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5 rules for LEADERSHIP in network marketing

April 18, 2019

Today I wanted to share with you five rules for leadership. So if you are aspiring to be a leader in network marketing, or maybe you're already a leader, or you're already have a team then these five rules might help you just to become a better leader or maybe to lead in a better way.

Rule number one, you can get whatever you want in network marketing, but not by stopping other people from getting what they want. What do I mean by that? There are a lot of people in network marketing and unfor...

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Don’t compare someone’s SUCCESS STORY with your GETTING STARTED

April 16, 2019

Today I wanted to ask you to stop comparing somebody's success story with your getting started story. So many people do that it is unbelievable. They look at somebody who already made it, who already is making huge money, who's already very successful, who's already at the top of the company or whatever and they go, “Well, why am I not there yet? Why am I not making that money?” What! It doesn't even make sense because nine times out of 10 you don't know what that person had to go through...

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April 10, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about managing or leading your team. What's the difference? Some people might think it's the same thing isn't it? I’m a manager. Well, it's not the same, it’s different. So let me tell you what's the difference between managing your team and leading your team? 

If you're a manager, if you're managing your team then you’re telling your team members what to do, but you're not doing it. Sounds like you might know what I'm talking about, some of you may know. A lot of...

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Why it’s important to be TRANSPARENT in your business?

April 9, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about transparency. Why is transparency important in your network marketing business and there’s few reasons why it's so important to be transparent and probably the worst saying of all time is “fake it until you make it”. That's probably the worst saying of all time because you can't fake it till you make, it is just, there's no integrity in that, there is no good feelings in that, it’s just wrong. So first of all, don't be afraid to be vulnerable. Don’t be a...

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Are you easily INFLUENCED by the Opinions of other people?

April 8, 2019

Today I wanted to talk to you about whether you are easily influenced by the opinions of other people. Okay, I know 99% of you will go, “Of course I'm not influenced by other people's opinions.” 

Well, why do I ask that? Well, when it comes to posture in network marketing, in business, it's all about, how do you react to other people's comments? How do you react to other people's opinions? Because real posture, if you really have a passion for network marketing, it means that you believe ...

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4 things to do if you’re FEELING DOWN in Network Marketing

April 7, 2019

Today I wanted to share with you a very, very important training because guess what, if you're in network marketing over time, there will be days, sometimes there will be weeks and there might be even months when you feeling down, when you’re disheartened, when you’re disappointed, when you're not getting the results you like to get and so on and so on and so on. 

What can you do and what should you do when you have those moments, when you have those days where nothing seems to be going r...

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Why go to training if I’m not making money and have no team?

April 6, 2019

I wanted to do a very quick blog for you because a lot of people ask this question to say, “Why should I go to the national conference? Why should I go to a training, if I'm not making any money in business and/or if I haven't got any team? What's the point for me to go to the national conference because I won't go on stage, I won't be recognised, so what's the point?” 

So what you need to understand and some people will say these things to you when they are your team members. So the ques...

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BURNT Market script

April 5, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about burnt market script. So I've learned this from my mentor, Ray Higdon. So what is burned market script? Well for me, the company that I'm in was the very first company. This was the first business I've ever done, and I'm still in it rocking and rolling because I absolutely love it. I love our team. I love our products and it's just incredible. 

However, some of you have done different businesses in the past, so you might have come into your current business from a ...

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How to recruit people who DIDN’T like your presentation?

April 3, 2019

Today's topic is how to recruit somebody who didn't like your presentation. 

Most network marketers if they send their presentation video to somebody and the person says “No I didn't like it, no not for me.” They'll just drop it there. Best case scenario they might say, “Well, if you know anybody who might be interested, please let me know.” But actually there's a way to turn around to actually still recruit them. 

When I send a message and somebody watches it, watches the presentatio...

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Standing Army or Moving Parade?

April 2, 2019
 Today I wanted to share with you something that is important for your mindset for when you’re creating content, for when you're marketing. When it comes to putting content on your social media, a lot of people get attached to the idea that, oh, I did this post few months ago so I need to do a new post, I need to create new stuff etc., because they imagine that they are marketing to a standing army. So they imagine that all of their friends on Facebook just standing there waiting, “okay, ...
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Is your team member COACHABLE?

April 1, 2019

Today I wanted to talk to you about team members being coachable. We always say that in our business you only need to succeed in only few things. One, you have to have a burning desire, you have to be hungry and two, you have to be coachable and three, you have to be willing to work. 

So how do you determine if the person is coachable because that's very important if you're going to be building a business with that person you need to know if they really are coachable and the easiest way to de...

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Be so good they can’t IGNORE you!

March 30, 2019

Today’s topic is “be so good they can't ignore you”. So this is the recipe for success. A lot of people are not getting results, they're not getting where they want to get and they are not getting the results that they want to get and they're like, “Oh, what should I do? What can I do? What else can I do?” And really success, especially in business, it's all down to doing more than everybody else, but I'm not talking about doing 50 times more than everybody else. You know, they say ...

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3 things you should do as a LEADER!

March 29, 2019

So if you want to be a great leader for your team, obviously you want to make sure that you're doing the right thing. So today I wanted to share with you three things that you should do as a leader if you want to make sure that your business works well. 

Number one, as a leader, what you should do is show example. Best thing you can do for your team is build a new one. When you are in action, when you’re doing the activity, that's when you're going to inspire your team the most, not by send...

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Are you a true PROBLEM SOLVER?

March 28, 2019

Today I wanted to share with you how to be a real problem solver. So I hope you're going to get some value from this. Okay, so problem solver. First of all, why on earth would you like to be a problem solver? Well, if you want to become a true influencer in business, you might want to become a problem solver because actually, that's one of the qualities of influencers. There’s five qualities that influencers have. They’re independent, they are consistent, they create action, they have a b...

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March 27, 2019

Today I wanted to talk to you about how to turn your disappointments into your motivation and why to do it. Maybe I'm weird in that way but I'm actually-every time I get disappointments, every time somebody laughs at me, every time somebody doesn't believe in me, every time things go wrong in my life, every time unexpected things happen in my life, it motivates me to work harder. Maybe I'm just crazy that way but for me, every blow that I get makes me work more harder, makes me want to achiev...

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March 26, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about the third door. What am I talking about? When we were at the GoPro in Las Vegas, we had one of the speakers, Alex Benign and he wrote a book called The Third Door. So today I wanted to share with you that concept and hopefully you'll find it useful.

What is the third door all about? Well, imagine this scenario. Imagine that you arrive at a nightclub. Well, first of all, there's the first door and the first door is the main entrance and there's a huge queue because...

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How To Be A Great Leader In Network Marketing?

March 25, 2019
Here is the recording of last nights webinar on LEADERSHIP

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in Success


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