Your Personal Trainer Can’t Do Sit ups For You

January 9, 2020

The topic I want to talk about is that your personal trainer can't do the setups for you. So what do I mean by that?

Today, I wanted to talk about the fact that I can't hire somebody to do sit ups for me. Let's say I want a six pack, no matter how much I would pay somebody, they can't go and do the setups for me. Your personal trainer can only tell you what to do. So your personal trainer can say, “Hey, this is what you need to eat, this is how you need to exercise, these are the cardio you need to do, these are the weights you need to lift, these are the exercises you need to perform this is how many days a week you need to do it in order to get the result.” But that's all they can do for you. They can tell you what to do, but they can't do the work for you.

Well, business is exactly the same way, but many people don't understand that. Especially in network marketing, people go, “Oh, I would do very well in business, but I don't have a very good sponsor. So that's why I'm not doing it, or I wish I could make it in business but it's just my leadership is not great.” What does your sponsor or your leader has to do with your success? Nothing. All they can do is tell you what to do. And you already know what to do, you already know what you need to do.

You need to go and talk to people who might want to buy your product, and you need to go and talk to people who might join your business. That's it. That's what your trainer will tell you. That's what your sponsor will tell you, the majority of your success is down to you, are you going to do the work? Are you going to do the sit-ups? That’s what going to determine if you succeed or not, not your sponsor.

A lot of people are looking for this ideal sponsor, for this perfect sponsor who's going to tell them “the secret” which doesn't exist, is just work guys, is just doing the things you need to do, that's going to determine your success. So don't worry, if you don't have an amazing sponsor, don't worry if your sponsor joined a day earlier than you, it makes no difference. Because your success has nothing to do with your sponsor, your success has everything to do with you doing the work.

Your sponsor can give you a couple of clever phrases, or your sponsor can tell you the book to read, but at the end of the day, it's you doing it, I'd rather you do something imperfectly, but do a lot of it, than wait until you've learned it perfectly to do very little, you know what I mean? So that's a very quick training for you guys for today. So change your mind set, don't get hanged up on this thing that, “Oh if only I had a great sponsor,” your sponsor is not going to build the business to you, you will build your business. If I sponsor somebody, I don't build their business for them.

We have this very clever sentence which says,
I will help, you build the business and we put a comma after I will help. So I will help, you build the business, not I will help you build the business, right? So I would never build somebody else's business because I'm building my own business. And they should be building their own business, and exactly the same way, if you’re expecting that your sponsor, a good sponsor will build your team, you’re delusional; no good sponsor will build your team. And if a sponsor is building your team, they're not a good sponsor, because they basically disabling you, they’re making you a disabled person, they’re making you into a somebody who's never going to be a leader, if they're building a team for you, if they signing up people under you, because it's just not going to work. It's just not going to help you.

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in success




Ignorance of fire vs knowledge on ice

January 5, 2020

Today’s episode is about ignorance on fire on knowledge on ice. So, many people think that they need to know a lot of things in order to have great results in business, but think about it, haven’t you noticed that very often, people who are brand new in business who just get started, they don't know much yet, but they get a lot of results.

Why is that? Because they’re on fire, when somebody gets into the business, when somebody gets started, their knowledge is down here, you can't even s...

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The killer of success!

January 5, 2020

Very quickly, I want to share with you a killer of success. So what is the killer of success and one of the killers of success is perfection.

So let me ask you, are you a perfectionist? Do you have to have everything perfect before you attempt to do it? And if you do, then it's not very good. So it's sort of it's a two edged sword. So I know a lot of great leaders who make a lot of money and they are perfectionist, but they have to do things very well, they want to look very good, they want to...

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How to stand out as a business person?

January 5, 2020

I wanted to talk to you about how to stand out as a business person. And that is basically to go the complete opposite than what everybody else is doing.

So under-promise and over-deliver most people do the complete opposite. They promise the mountains to get the sale and then they under deliver, they don't even deliver what they promised. So if you want to stand out is under promise, and then over deliver. So don't promise what you can't pull off instead, say, “Hey, look, this is what I'm g...

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Do you come across DESPERATE or NEEDY?

January 5, 2020

I want to share a very, very simple short concept and it's all about not looking desperate or needy.

A lot of people when they are prospecting on social media or when they do marketing on social media they're coming across a lot like they're needy and they are lot like they're desperate like, “Please take a look at my business please. Would you please enjoy my team? Please would you come to my presentation?” And that doesn't really inspire.

Think about when you go for a job interview, does ...

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Why is it ok to struggle?

January 5, 2020

The title of my blog is why is it okay to struggle? So let me begin with asking you why it's not okay for you to struggle because some of you are saying, “Oh, why it's so hard, why it's so difficult, why am I struggling so much?” But why wouldn't it be okay for you to struggle if most other people had to struggle before they achieve success?

Think about Walt Disney where they told him that he's no good, his stories are not great, he's never going to get into the entertainment business. Why...

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Simplicity Excitement and Speed

January 5, 2020

This blog is about simplicity, excitement and speed. One of my mentors, Irina Oliver, that's her motto. That's her credit. She always says, “Three things you need for business is simplicity, excitement, and speed.” And it might look like such a simple concept. Like it's not enough, it can’t be it, it has to be more, it has to be more difficult, but it doesn't, think about it. Number one, simplicity.

The more complicated your business is, the less people will be able to repeat what you've...

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5 Types Of Team Members

January 5, 2020

I wanted to talk about five different types of business partners or distributors or team members that you'll have joining your team.

Okay, so the first type of team members that you will have is basically consumers. And actually, a lot of people who will join your team will end up being just consumers, just using the products. So these people may join with the intention of doing the business but in the end, they will just stay as consumers of the products, which is absolutely fine, which is to...

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5 Success Habits in Network Marketing

January 5, 2020

Today I wanted to share with you five success habits for network marketing. What are these five success habits?

So habit number one is action. People who don't achieve great results, people who don't achieve great levels of income and great success, usually they are procrastinators. They don't take action. They're always delaying. So they’re always saying, “Well, I'll do it tomorrow, I'll do it next week, I'll do it next month. Oh, well, from New Year's. Well, when the kids go on holiday, ...

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How NOT to prospect in Network Marketing?

January 5, 2020

I want to talk about how not to prospect people in network marketing.

So a couple of days ago, I was chatting with somebody on social media and we realized that that person was also in network marketing. And I go, “Well, I'm also in network marketing.” And he goes, “My one is better. Do you want to see it?” And I went, “Hmm, let me think about it. But no, I'm not interested.” Because that's not definitely not the way to approach somebody. The last thing you want to do is go, “My ...

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Power plant does NOT have energy

January 5, 2020

The title of this is the power plant has no energy.

So very often people will say, “Well, I don't have motivation, I'm not excited, I don't have energy.” Power plant that produces the power to light your home up, to give you electricity, it doesn't have power inside as well, the power plant doesn't have energy, it produces it, it makes it. So there is no energy in the power plant, it makes it, same way inside of you doesn't have to be energy, inside of you doesn't have to be motivation to ...

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Believe in your Team Member before they start believing in themselves!

January 5, 2020

I want to talk about believing in your team member before they start believing in themselves.

A lot of people who will join your business, they've been beaten up in life so many times that they lost the belief in themselves, they don't actually believe they can become successful, they don't actually believe that they could make the money, they don't believe that they could reach the top level, they don't believe that they could stand in front of hundreds of thousands of people speaking to them...

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The purpose of SOCIAL MEDIA in network marketing

January 5, 2020

I want to talk about the purpose of social media in network marketing, because I believe a lot of people miss the point why they need to use social media in network marketing and what's the point of using social media in network marketing.

What do I mean that people miss the point about social media and why to use it and how to use it? Well, first of all, think about how does network marketing business grow? How did you join network marketing? Why did you join network marketing? And again, the...

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Why you should build with ONE network marketing company?

January 5, 2020

I want to talk about why you should build with one network marketing company.  Okay, so why should you build with one network marketing company at the time?

Simple, simple, simple analogy. Let me ask you a question, have you ever seen an Olympic gold medalist coming up, picking up a gold medal for swimming and then also competing at skiing? Have you ever seen a brain surgeon who works all week as a brain surgeon, and then also works as an electrician during the weekends? Have you ever seen stu...

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How to answer "How much do you EARN?"

January 5, 2020

I wanted to show you how to answer the question, “How much do you earn?”

Okay, so how do you answer a question, “How much do you earn?” Especially if you're brand new person in the business but also actually if you've been in for a while, so for a lot of network marketers, that's a troublesome question. They get a bit, “Oh, they asked me how much I earn,” and you know if you don't earn a lot of money, you feel embarrassed, you feel a bit like, “Oh what do I say? Do I lie to them?...

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What to do with WEIRD friend requests?

January 5, 2020

Today I wanted to talk about what to do with the weird friend requests. So this mainly applies to women, but a little bit to men as well. This mainly going to apply to women because women are the ones who are getting most of this and in our team, there's over 2700 people.

So when certain things happen in social media very quickly, I get a lot of questions. And with this one, I've had a lot of team members, especially the female team members, message me or call me and go, “Hey, what do I need...

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Why you SHOULD lie to yourself?

January 5, 2020

The title is why should you lie to yourself or why you should lie to yourself.

A lot of people do what is called negative goal setting. And negative goal setting is worrying. So when you worry about things, it's basically like negative goal setting. So you setting negative goals, you go, “Oh, my gosh, what if that happens? Oh, what if they laugh at me? Oh, what if they ridicule me? Oh, what if they don't join my business? Oh, what if they don't buy anything?”

All you doing by that is basica...

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Going back to BASICS

January 4, 2020

If you haven't yet hit the results that you wanted to hit, if you haven't yet had the achievements that you wanted to have, it's okay, don't get disappointed, don't get depressed, don't throw the towel into early, because it's only the first quarter. So there’s three more quarters to go, there’s still nine months to go, it's only free gone and there is still nine to go. So you can still turn around this year, you can still have incredible results, you cannot imagine what you can do with n...

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How much is your TV costing you?

January 4, 2020

I want to talk about TV. How much does your TV costing you?

And I remember first time I heard about this was from a guy called Jim Ron. He was a legend in personal development. And I remember listening to his seminar and he said, “I asked the guy, how much is your TV costing you?” And the guy said, “Like, $200?” And I said, “No, no, no, not to buy the TV, buying it is cheap, but how much does watching your TV is costing you Because that's expensive?”

Okay, so you know what TV is cal...

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BUSINESS is a lot like RACING

January 4, 2020

Today I had a special treat, my beautiful wife Rita gave me a present, a day of driving Mustang, since I really liked the Mustang car. So I had three Mustangs that I drove today, actually, the speed Mustang, the roush Mustang and the GT 350. So it's been really, really incredible day, but it's also been a day of learning. As everything, I've never driven a sports car, a rally car.

So it was quite interesting experience, learning how to handle these huge engine cars, going on the track, speedin...

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How to set new team members EXPECTATIONS?

December 31, 2019

I wanted to share with you how to set your team members expectations, because one of the worst thing you can do, is not set the expectations right.

Because if somebody joins and they expect to make a million next week, if they expect to do nothing, but we have really great results, then they’re already setting themselves up for failure and they will be disappointed, they will quit your business and they are also going to say that, “Ah the business doesn't work or the industry doesn't work....

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The size of your LIFE is in proportion to the size of your COMMITMENTS

December 31, 2019

Today I wanted to share with you how to live a bigger life, how to achieve more, how to have more, and it may be it’s not what you expect, it might be a different view for you, a different perspective, maybe a different shift, which maybe will help you somehow. The title of this is the size of your life is in proportion to the size of your commitments.

So the size of your life is in proportion to the size of your commitments. So maybe you're one of those people who want to live a bigger life...

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How long do you need to recruit for?

December 31, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about how long do you need to be recruiting for?

Sometimes new people in network marketing or people who don't understand network marketing will ask you questions like, “Well, how many people do I need to recruit? How long do I need to be recruiting for? How long do I need to be selling for?”

And you see, for me, if you understand that network marketing is a business, that network marketing is a profession, then you shouldn't have that question because it's same as a ...

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Is your EGO stopping you from success?

December 31, 2019

Is your ego stopping you from achieving success? Now, a lot of you probably think, “Well, I don't have a big ego, I'm not an ego person." But let me explain to you what is ego?

Ego is when you think you know, something, but your results prove otherwise? Let me repeat. Ego is when you think you know, something, but your results prove otherwise. So, I don't know how many people I've lost the count of how many people I met, especially in the business Arena in network marketing, in home based bu...

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Are you feeling FRUSTRATED?

December 31, 2019

In this, I wanted to talk to you guys about frustration. So my question to you, are you feeling frustrated right now? So today I wanted to cover frustration. Are you feeling frustrated in your business? Are you feeling frustrated in your relationships? Are you feeling frustrated in your health? Or whatever it is? So what is frustration? Because many people use the word, but never actually thought, what does it mean? What does it stand for? What does it describe? Because very often we use a di...

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4 Tips to build a bigger team

December 31, 2019

Today I wanted to share with you four tips, how to build a bigger team and recruit more people.

So when it comes to building a bigger team and recruiting more people, you might be thinking, well, he's going to give me some secret script, he is going to tell me a word or a sentence that if I say that, everybody going to join my team. Not even close guys. Not even close.

Instead, what you need to think about if you want to recruit more people and grow your team larger, you need to say less to mor...

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How to GET PAID more?

December 31, 2019

Today I wanted to talk to you about how to get paid more. So doesn't matter whether you're in a job or you in your own business, or whatever it is that you do, how do you get paid more?

Okay, so how do you get paid more? So think about it. Is it possible that two people would work for the same company, and one person would get paid five pounds an hour, and another person would get paid 50 pounds an hour? Now the answer, of course, is yes, it happens every single day all the time, same company,...

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BOOK ? REVIEW Freakishly Effective Leadership For Network Marketers by Ray Higdon

December 31, 2019

Today I've got a book review for you. So the brand new book freakishly effective leadership for network marketers by Ray Higdon.

I got this book yesterday, couldn't wait to go through it, read it, and I get all the lovely lessons from it. So today I wanted to share with you a little bit what stood out for me from this book and why I think you should grab a copy of this book and read it for yourself. So first of all, what this book does, it actually simplifies leadership, which is quite cool be...

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Your Business and Bamboo Tree

December 31, 2019

Today I wanted to talk about what does your business have to do with the Chinese bamboo tree?

The Chinese bamboo tree, now I expect that most of you probably heard the story, but I will repeat it one more time. So let's say you wanted to grow the Chinese bamboo tree. So you plant the seed and in the first year, you're watering it, every week you're watering, watering, putting fertilizer, nurturing the seed et cetera and nothing happens. You don't see any growth whatsoever. Year two you’re wa...

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Today Is The Day

December 31, 2019

Today’s title is today's the day. What does that mean?

Well, it's a story I heard about a guy called Mel Fisher. So it was a story about a guy called Mel Fisher, who was a treasure hunter, he would go out into the sea looking for treasure, but he's a modern day treasure hunter, like nowadays and the guy looked for a treasure for 16 years. So for 16 years, he would go out into the sea with his boat, looking for treasure. And every day before he would go out, he would say, “Today's the day, ...

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