Are You DROWNING Quietly?
January 10, 2020This topic is about drowning quietly.
remember one of my sponsors said, if you were drowning, if you were in water,
and you're drowning, what would you do? Would you shout out? Would you scream
for help? Or would you just drown quietly and go, “Ah, I don't want to disturb
anybody. Let me draw quietly.” Would you do that? Or would you scream for help?
The chances are, if you're like most people, if you were drowning, you'd scream
for help, you’d shout out how help, “I'm drowning!” So that somebody can come
and help you. But there are so many people who are drowning in business, and
they're drowning quietly. They just, “Oh I don’t want to disturb anybody. Oh, I
don't want to.”
What do I mean drowning? I mean, they're not getting results.
They're not progressing. They're failing in their business. But instead of
asking for help, instead of going to somebody and say, “Hey, look I'm trying to
do this thing, it’s not working out for me. I'm not getting results, I'm not making
money. What could I do? Instead of asking for help, their ego is so big, that
they would rather fail at this business. They would rather give up on their
dreams and on the goal, than ask for somebody’s help. Than go to somebody go to
somebody and say, “Hey look. Something's not right. Whatever I'm doing, it's
not working. Can you give me some tips? Can you give me some advice?”
be one of those people. Don't drown quietly. You know, shout out for help
because that's how you get advice. That's how you get help. You know, another
sponsor of mine always says think aloud. Think aloud. What does that mean?
Speak. When you have some concerns, when you have some struggles, when you have
some problems, instead of holding it all inside, speak about it, say aloud. And
you'll be surprised when I first thought when I heard of it, I thought well,
doesn't make any sense. But then I had some struggles and I voiced those
struggles with my sponsors and with my mentors. And they just said, “Oh, yeah,
I know a guy who can fix that. Oh, yeah, you could do that.” “Oh my gosh, I
didn't even think of that.”
And guess what? Unless I verbalized it, unless I
spoke it to other people, I would still be struggling to today, until today
with that particular problem, because the chances are, I wouldn't have come up
with a solution; I wouldn't have come up with the way out. But when you say it
to other people, when you share your struggles, when you share your
difficulties, when you share your failures, with your mentors, you know, and
again, you have to know who to share those things, right?
Because if you
sharing your struggles with your broke brother in law, who has no clue about
business then he is not going to be able to advise you any better,
right? But if you share your struggles with the right people, with your up line,
with your sponsors, with your mentors, with your coaches, people who have your
best interests, and who have more experience and knowledge than you, then they
will be more than happy to help you to advise you how to fix those problems,
how to solve those challenges.
That's the tip for you, that don't drown
quietly. Ask for help. Big people ask for help. Super successful people ask for
help. They don't just suffer in silence. They don't just drown quietly, they
ask for help and they verbalize their problems and their challenges and they
look for other people who could give them advice and tips.
That's my tip for
you for today. Don't be too proud. Don't let your ego get in the way and do ask
for help and you'll be surprised how many great tips and advice you'll get and
how quickly you're going to solve your problems and your challenges.
That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!
Yours in success
Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius. Posted In : Personal Development