Are You DROWNING Quietly?

January 10, 2020

This topic is about drowning quietly.

I remember one of my sponsors said, if you were drowning, if you were in water, and you're drowning, what would you do? Would you shout out? Would you scream for help? Or would you just drown quietly and go, “Ah, I don't want to disturb anybody. Let me draw quietly.” Would you do that? Or would you scream for help?

The chances are, if you're like most people, if you were drowning, you'd scream for help, you’d shout out how help, “I'm drowning!” So that somebody can come and help you. But there are so many people who are drowning in business, and they're drowning quietly. They just, “Oh I don’t want to disturb anybody. Oh, I don't want to.”

What do I mean drowning? I mean, they're not getting results. They're not progressing. They're failing in their business. But instead of asking for help, instead of going to somebody and say, “Hey, look I'm trying to do this thing, it’s not working out for me. I'm not getting results, I'm not making money. What could I do? Instead of asking for help, their ego is so big, that they would rather fail at this business. They would rather give up on their dreams and on the goal, than ask for somebody’s help. Than go to somebody go to somebody and say, “Hey look. Something's not right. Whatever I'm doing, it's not working. Can you give me some tips? Can you give me some advice?”

Don't be one of those people. Don't drown quietly. You know, shout out for help because that's how you get advice. That's how you get help. You know, another sponsor of mine always says think aloud. Think aloud. What does that mean? Speak. When you have some concerns, when you have some struggles, when you have some problems, instead of holding it all inside, speak about it, say aloud. And you'll be surprised when I first thought when I heard of it, I thought well, doesn't make any sense. But then I had some struggles and I voiced those struggles with my sponsors and with my mentors. And they just said, “Oh, yeah, I know a guy who can fix that. Oh, yeah, you could do that.” “Oh my gosh, I didn't even think of that.”

And guess what? Unless I verbalized it, unless I spoke it to other people, I would still be struggling to today, until today with that particular problem, because the chances are, I wouldn't have come up with a solution; I wouldn't have come up with the way out. But when you say it to other people, when you share your struggles, when you share your difficulties, when you share your failures, with your mentors, you know, and again, you have to know who to share those things, right?

Because if you sharing your struggles with your broke brother in law, who has no clue about business then he is not going to be able to advise you any better, right? But if you share your struggles with the right people, with your up line, with your sponsors, with your mentors, with your coaches, people who have your best interests, and who have more experience and knowledge than you, then they will be more than happy to help you to advise you how to fix those problems, how to solve those challenges.

That's the tip for you, that don't drown quietly. Ask for help. Big people ask for help. Super successful people ask for help. They don't just suffer in silence. They don't just drown quietly, they ask for help and they verbalize their problems and their challenges and they look for other people who could give them advice and tips.

That's my tip for you for today. Don't be too proud. Don't let your ego get in the way and do ask for help and you'll be surprised how many great tips and advice you'll get and how quickly you're going to solve your problems and your challenges.

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in success



You Don’t OWN Your Social Media

January 10, 2020

I want to talk about the fact that you don't own your social media.

Social media is incredible tool for you to build your business, there's no question about it. Like, should you use Facebook, should use Instagram? Should you use YouTube? Should you use all these social media platforms to build your business? 100% it's like, some people ask, “Well, do I have to use social media to grow my home based business? Do I have to do the Facebook Lives?” “Well, you don't have to.” If we're at w...

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How To Protect Your Network Marketing Business Against People Leaving Your Team?

January 10, 2020

This topic is how to protect your network marketing business against people leaving your team or leaving your company.

If you've been in marketing for a while, you have probably suffered one of the things that happen in this business is when people either stop doing the business, or they leave to another company, or whatever. So basically, you’re losing team members from your business. Now, when that happens, of course, that impacts the volume of your team, it impacts your earnings and it im...

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Is Your Business PRIMARY or SECONDARY?

January 10, 2020

I want to talk about your business, and whether its primary, or secondary.

I remember one of the training events I attended, and the trainer said, “Write down, where does your main income coming in from so your job, like the company name or whatever you're working for. And then next to that, write down your network marketing business, company name.” And he said, “Put a star next to the one that is your primary.”

So what is the main thing, and the other thing revolves around it. And of c...

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Can You Smell The Smoke?

January 10, 2020

This title is, can you smell the smoke? What am I on about?

Well, one of my mentors used to say, he used to say, “Look, if you're sitting in the room, and out of the plug socket, the smoke starts coming out of it. How long will you wait until you get the fire extinguisher? Will you do right away or will you wait until the fire is coming out of it? Until the whole house is on fire? What would you do? Well, if you’re like most people, probably as soon as you saw the smoke coming out of your ...

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Are you a PLAYER or a FAN?

January 10, 2020

I want to ask you a question. Are you a player or a fan? Now I'm going to explain it in just a moment. So the player and the fan. What's the difference?

Well, very recently, as I was driving, I always listen to podcasts as I'm driving and I was listening to an interview done with Les Brown. Now, if you don't know who Les Brown is, if you've been living under the rock for the last I don't know how many years, then just Google the guy. He's amazing. He's just like something else. So it was an in...

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10 Habits Of A Multi Millionaire

January 10, 2020

I've got an interesting thing I want to share with you, 10 habits of a multimillionaire. So I saw a guy called Grant Cardone share this and Grant Cardone is currently worth about $300 million. So a guy knows a thing or two about success, if he's worth $300 million. Would you agree? So these are the 10 habits that he shared and because I can relate to so many of those habits, I wanted to share them with you as well and maybe you will find them valuable too and maybe some of your team members w...

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The Enemy Of SUCCESS Is ... ?

January 10, 2020

This topic is about the enemy of success is...? So what is it? What is the enemy of success?

You might have heard a saying that the enemy of success is failure. You might have heard the saying the enemy of success is failure, but that's actually not true. Actually, by failing, you progress because another word for fail, is learning. So first attempt in learning, fail stands for first attempt in learning. So actually by failing, you learn and so the enemy of success is not failure. So what is t...

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The Biggest REGRET

January 10, 2020

I want to talk about the biggest regret.

You know what's the wealthiest or the richest place in the world? The richest place in the world is not the oil fields. It's not the ground under which is the oil. That's not the richest place in the world. The richest place in the world is not the South Africa where there is diamond mines. That's also not the richest place in the world. The richest place in the world is cemetery because of all the ideas of all the dreams, of all the things that are bur...

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Ultimate HACK to be Better Recruiter

January 10, 2020

This topic is about the ultimate hack to become a better recruiter. If you're in network marketing, if you're in a home based business, you probably already understood that recruiting or bringing new people into your business, it's the lifeblood of your business. The only way you can scale, the only way you can achieve the financial freedom, the only way you can earn a huge income is by building a team because there's only so much that you can sell by yourself, there's only so much that you c...

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Failure is ALWAYS an option

January 10, 2020

This topic is about failure. So you probably have heard before a statement or a saying that failure is not an option or you might have heard that.

There is a problem with that statement because what that statement basically says, it says that you have to get it perfect first time. And what's the chance of you getting anything perfect the first time you do it? Almost no chance because most of the time, you're going to mess it up, most of the time, you got to make some mistakes, most of the time...

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Why Do Home Meetings?

January 10, 2020

This topic is about, why do home meetings?

Because sometimes let’s face it, home meetings might not be super fun, they might not be super effective. Sometimes you drive miles and miles and you have a no show, when a no show happens or no show is when you come there and it's only your distributor, right? And guess what you might get discouraged, you might start thinking, “Oh my Gosh, is it worth doing them? Is it worth my time driving miles to the meeting, doing these meetings, and there's ...

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When the student is ready the teacher appears

January 10, 2020

This topic is about; when the student is ready, the teacher appears. You might have heard that quote, but what does it mean?

When the student is ready, the teacher appears, what it basically means, for me, at least, especially when it comes to home based business, especially when it comes to network marketing, you have to understand that you are in a prospecting business, so you'll be prospecting people for your network marketing, you're going to try to recruit them, you're going to try to inv...

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7 Steps To Recruiting and Sales MASTERY

January 10, 2020

I want to share with you seven steps to recruiting and sales mastery in your home based business. I picked this up from the legendary Brian Tracy. I've been following Brian Tracy for I don't know how many years, he's one of the first people that when I got into personal development, I started studying his books and audio programs. So he has so much wealth of knowledge is absolutely incredible. I love learning from him and this is from him. So credit where credit is due. What are the seven ste...

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2 BAD Things They Teach You At School

January 10, 2020

I want to talk about two bad things that they teach you at school. So what are these two bad things that they teach you at school.

The first bad thing that they teach you at school is that it is bad to make mistakes. So whenever you’re doing a test, or you’re taking an exam, if you get things wrong, you get punished for that. So kids from the very young age, get taught that it is bad to make mistakes, it is bad to fail, it is bad to have errors in your job. And what that does, it condition...

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4 Ways To Start A BUSINESS

January 10, 2020

I want to share with you four ways of starting your own business. So how could you get into business for yourself?

Maybe, right now you're working, maybe you're a student, maybe you already have a business or whatever, maybe you’re just interested in learning about different ways, how can somebody start their own business.

So way number one is to buy somebody else's business? It's a popular way, because if somebody's got a business started up, you can purchase it. There are however few challe...

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Donkey in a Well

January 10, 2020

I want to talk to you about the donkey in the well. So what is this donkey in the well? What on earth am I talking about?

Well, it's a story about a donkey that was stuck in the well. So the well was empty and the donkey fell in it and it was crying and crying and crying for help and people came and trying to help the donkey, but just nothing seemed to be working and the donkey was still crying and crying in that well, being stuck at the bottom of that well and people try it always and they ju...

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6 Types Of Belief In Network Marketing

January 9, 2020

Today I want to talk about the six types of beliefs that you need to have in your network marketing business. What are these six types of beliefs?

Well, the first type of belief that you have to have is the profession. Do you have the belief in the network marketing profession? Well, I used to looking at it as a hobby. So network marketing is a profession and in order for you to build your belief, in order for you to build your belief in the profession, you need to go to events, you need to se...

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3 Way Messenger Chats For Network Marketing

January 9, 2020

I want to talk about three way messenger chats for your network marketing business.

Three way calling has been around time immemorial as well. So leaders have been using free recording for a very long time, using phones, using other technology to get on a three way call. So what is a three way call? Well, three way call typically, is where your team member finds a prospect that they want to introduce to the business and they connect you on the call as a third party. So as a leader, or maybe yo...

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January 9, 2020

Today I wanted to talk about Be Do Have. What does it mean? What does it stand for?

So a lot of people make a mistake of doing things backwards. You know, they say things like, “Well, when I have a million dollars in my bank account, then I'm going to be happy.” Or “When I buy this car, then I'm going to be satisfied.” Or “When this happens, that I'm going to be wealthy or rich or satisfied or happy or content or whatever.” So when this happens, then I'm going to be happy. When thi...

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3 Laws Of The MIND

January 9, 2020

I want to share with you the three laws of the mind and how to use them to better your life, to improve your life, to have more results, to have more happiness in your life. What are these three laws that can help you in business and most of the other areas of your life?

So law number one says that every thought creates a chemical or physical change in your body? So every thought creates a chemical or physical change in your body. To give you a couple of examples, what if I asked you to thin...

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4 Pillars of FREEDOM in Network Marketing

January 9, 2020

I want to talk to you about four pillars of freedom in network marketing.

When it comes to home based business, when it comes to network marketing, if you boil it down why most people do this business is freedom because basically, earning incredible income, having the time freedom to be able to work from home and work wherever you like, ultimately, it gives you choices, it gives you freedom, so that you can spend time with the people that you want to be spending time with, so that you can buil...

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Think And Grow Rich

January 9, 2020

This blog is about Think and Grow Rich, the power of your mind and the power of you to achieve anything you want in your life. So this is going to be quite interesting. I'm going to share with you some great tips. Think and Grow Rich was a book written by a guy called Napoleon Hill many, many, many, many years ago and the premise of the book is that whatever your mind can conceive can achieve.

If you can think of something, that means you can achieve it, you could actually make it into a reali...

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Corporate Ladder or Own Business?

January 9, 2020

I want to talk about corporate ladder versus own business. And I've been reading this very interesting book and I liked the way that the guy who wrote the book put it together.

So if you think about it, in a corporate structure, you have CEO or the owner at the top of the structure, then underneath that you have the directors and the presidents and vice presidents and things like that, then under them, you have your managers, area managers and things like that, then under the managers, you hav...

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4 Mistakes In Business

January 9, 2020

The title of this blog post is four mistakes in business, that people make. I've been listening to an audio book by a guy called Grant Cardone and the audio book is called the 10 X rule, which basically talks about how to 10 times your business, 10 times your life, and he talks about four mistakes that people make in business basically and some of them, he made and when I was listening, I could relate because I made those mistakes too.

Mistake number one is a lot of people set goals that are t...

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How to overcome SELF DOUBT?

January 9, 2020

Almost inevitably, most people at some point, they will experience self doubt. So, they’re trying to build their business, they’re trying to get results, but there will be times when you're going to start doubting yourself, am I good enough? Am I smart enough? Maybe this is not for me, maybe this is not going to work out for me.

One type of doubt that usually people get is self doubt where they start doubting themselves. The second type of doubt that you might get is doubting your business...

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Make the money back

January 9, 2020

I wanted to do a blog about making the money back. So what does it mean?

And I heard one leader say that and it was quite interesting for me concept. So the leader said, “Look, whenever I'm going to a hairdresser, and let's say, I'm going to pay 30 pounds for hairdressing, my goal then because I'm a network marketer, my goal is to do business with a hairdresser, to do business with other people at the salon so that I make my money back that I paid for the hairdressing. If I'm flying somewher...

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Why RESENTMENT doesn’t serve YOU?

January 9, 2020

Today’s topic is why resentment doesn't serve you. So one of the best quotes, one of my favorite quotes of all time, I think it was Nelson Mandela who said it and he said, “Feeling resentment is same like drinking poison and hoping for your enemy to die.”

So feeling resentment is same like drinking poison and hoping for your enemy to die. What does that mean? Well, it means if you hate somebody, if you with all of your might, if you despise somebody, if you really resent that person and...

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Promoting Generic Trainers?

January 9, 2020

Today I wanted to talk about promoting generic trainers. So should you promote generic trainers out there or should you be the only trainer that your team has?

If you are actively building in your network marketing business, if you actively building your team, should you promote other generic trainers? So there's two types of trainers out there, there's generic trainers, which basically means these are the people who are training network marketing industry, but they are themselves no longer ac...

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You Are The Lifestyle Designer

January 9, 2020

The topic I want to talk about is, you are the lifestyle designer in your business. So what does that mean? Well, what it means is that you are in control of who you’re working with, of who you're recruiting and who you're going to have in your team.

So a lot of people, they feel forced, or they feel a bit desperate to recruit every single person that they come across, like, “I have to have everybody in my business, every single person has to join my team, et cetera.” But that's not the ...

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