Should you use more than one social media platform for business?

January 23, 2020

Should you use more than one platform?

Absolutely. However, not all in one go. What do I mean by that? If right now, you not particularly active in any social media platform, then I wouldn't recommend you start doing all of them at once because I've seen people go, “Yeah, I'm on LinkedIn. Like the last time I posted was three months ago, but yeah, I'm on LinkedIn. Oh, yeah, I'm on Twitter, too and I'm on Instagram, and I'm on.” Hey, come on. What I would recommend you to do is get really, really good on one platform, preferably the one you like already.

So for example, if you're on Facebook, and you're like Facebook, then get really good on Facebook, with doing your lives, doing your stories, posting things, get a schedule, get into a routine where just randomly posting whenever you feel like it, but you have some sort of a daily plan, where you're posting on purpose. Get into a rhythm into a routine into where you're consistently posting with one social media platform, then sure, if you feel like exploring and going to another platform and adding that to what you're already doing, awesome, but don't start jumping, like “Oh, yeah, I'm doing Facebook, oh, there's a new thing.” Leave Facebook, go to that thing. And then that do that, “Oh, there's a new thing.” Leave that, go-- because that's not how you build a large audience.

That's not how you build a large following. That's not how you get a lot of prospects reaching out to you, you get that by being consistent, you get that by really focusing on that one platform, right. So what I would recommend, if you like Instagram, more than Facebook, cool, go on rock, Instagram, and really focused on that and really get good at that. Then you can go to Snapchat, and then you can go to whatever else is going to appear or is already out there. You know what I mean? But get really good at one, then go to the next one. If you feel like it, if you feel that you have enough time to do another one another one, you know what I mean?

But get really, really consistent, and an absolute sort of a plan, have a DMO Daily Method of Operation of what things you want to do on your social media, right or maybe it's a weekly plan, how many sales force I want to do, how many product posts I want to do, how many lifestyle posts I want to do and things like that and think about you know, what am I going to post tomorrow whatever because this way I don't know about you, but it helps me because then I don't feel like I need to post something and I don't know what to post you know what I mean?

Like it especially helps me with my Facebook Lives before I used to just do my Facebook Lives like just sort of tried to think of the topic on the go and it was really hard because some days I would just like “Oh my gosh, I need to do a video I don't know what to talk about.”And it would be hard. But now what I do I plan topics in advance.

So as soon as I have time to do my Facebook Live, I don't need to go oh my gosh, what am I going to talk about today I just over I've got a notes on my phone and I just keep putting ideas into those notes of what I could talk about so then as soon as I have a chance to do a video I just go into my notes and off I go you know what I mean? So plan in advance say what you can plan for your social media posts like what pictures I'm going to post this week, what videos I'm going to do, what I'm going to post in the groups and so on and so on so on. This way you'll get much better results.

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in success



What will you SPEND it on?

January 23, 2020

This blog topic is, what will you spend it on? So what am I on about?

Well, when it comes to increasing your income, when it comes to setting goals to make more money, is not enough just to say, “Well, I'd like to make more money, it would be lovely to make more money.” That's not enough. Why? The reason being is that right now, I don't even know who's going to read this blog post but I'm pretty sure if you're reading this blog post, right now you earning very close to what you actually ne...

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What to do AFTER a training event?

January 23, 2020

In this blog, I want to share with you what to do after a training event because it's so easy to go to a massive training event, hear so much information and go home and do absolutely nothing. So if you want to learn what to do, just hang on here for a couple of minutes. What to do after the training event because there's so many people that go to big training events or watch big training events online and then they wonder why their life hasn't changed. Why nothing is improving, why they're n...

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The ELEPHANT and the Banyan tree

January 23, 2020

This topic is about the elephant and the banyan tree.

I don't know if you guys know how they train the elephants, but in some countries, the way they train the elephant, when the elephant is small, they put a chain around the elephant's leg and then they put a chain, same chain, they attach that chain around the banyan tree. No banyan tree has really, really deep roots and it's a very, very strong tree, which basically means that the elephant can't pull it up. So when the elephant is small and...

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Positive DOWN, Negative UP

January 23, 2020

I want to talk about positive and negative and about how you should manage it within your team. So the title of this blog is positive down, negative up. So what does that mean?

Well, when it comes to your network marketing team, there are certain things that you shouldn't do. So when something is positive, of course, you can share it with me everybody, you can share it with your upline, downline, cross line, but especially with your team. So that's where it says positive down. So whenever some...

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Lesson from successful franchises

January 23, 2020

I want to talk about a lesson that we can learn from successful franchises. So what's the lesson we can learn from successful franchises. I'm talking about franchises like McDonald's, like Burger King, like Dominos Pizza, like diner and so on. So there's so many different, great working franchises. So what can we learn from them?

Well, one of the biggest lessons to learn from those successfully run businesses, as they are designed to be trained and taught to the lowest ability level. What does...

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Praise in PUBLIC, correct in PRIVATE

January 22, 2020

I want to talk about praising and correcting. So as the title of this blog says, praise in public correct in private.

When you're building your business as a leader, you're bound to get to situations where you'll need to praise your team members, give them recognition, give them appreciation for the work they're doing, for the great things that they achieved and they will also going to be times where you need to correct your team members because they haven't been doing something wrong, or they...

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Kill the MONSTER while it’s a baby!

January 22, 2020

Today I wanted to talk about killing a monster. This is going to be important. So the title of this blog is, kill the monster while it's a baby. No, no, no, no, no, no, I'm not talking about killing your babies. Calm down, calm down. It's something else. And it basically it applies to your relationships as well as it applies to your business. And what does it basically mean?

It means you need to act on negative toxic bad situations when they start appearing in your business or when they start ...

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Raising Necessity

January 22, 2020

The title of this blog post is raising necessity and one of the eight habits of successful people is raising necessity. But what do I mean raising necessity?

I mean raising necessity to be successful. Is success in your business in your life in whatever project you're involved with, is that necessary for you to happen? Or is that something you wish happened? Is that something that would be nice if it happened, but it's not necessary?

So, one of the ways to become successful, one of the ways to ...

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Do you buy your business back?

January 22, 2020
The question is do you buy a business back? What do I mean?

Well as network marketers, as home based business owners, we're super excited about what we got to show to people, what we've got to offer to people. So what happens is we talk talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, talk to the person and we sell the business. Then we carry on talking, talking, talking, talking, talking, talking, and we buy the business back. What does it mean?

That means it's an information overload and when somebody gets too ...

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Expanding your list

January 22, 2020
This blog is about expanding your list.

So as you may know that professionals in network marketing, they're constantly expanding their list. So maybe you've done it, maybe not, when you first get started in network marketing, one of the first things you should do is grab a piece of paper and write down the list of all the people that you know. So that's your phone contacts, your people from school, people from work, etcetera, you basically write down the list, the larger the list, the bigger t...

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Why you should be in a HURRY?

January 22, 2020

This topic is why you should be in a hurry. If you do get value from this blog, feel free to share maybe somebody else will get value from watching it too. Okay, so why you should be in a hurry?

Now the reason why you want to be in a hurry is so that you get less questions, less objections and less resistance to your message. Now if you'd like to get less resistance, then you need to listen up. So when I say why you should be in a hurry, I don't mean why should we talking fast. No, you don't n...

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Don’t send the presentation until you have scheduled a Follow Up

January 22, 2020

I wanted to talk about not sending your presentation until you have scheduled a follow up.

Most people will get so happy if somebody on social media says, “Yeah, I'll take a look at your business. Yeah, I will be open.” That they send the presentation right away, but if somebody says, “Yeah, I'm interested, yeah, I'm open.” And you send the presentation right away, how do you know when to follow up? Do you message them right away? Or do you message the next day? Or do you wait 48 hours...

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January 22, 2020

The question of this blog post is, are you professional?

People who are doctors, lawyers, electricians, plumbers, gas installers. The professionals, they have to study their trade, some go to university, some go to college, some do some special courses but in order to do what they do, in order to be professional about what they do, they have to study and they have to read books, attend classes in order to be able to practice that profession, in order to be a doctor or a lawyer. If you needed a...

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How to BEAT the Fear Of Rejection?

January 16, 2020

I want to talk about fear of rejection. Oh my goodness. For some people, it's very tough because they're just scared to speak to people, they're scared to speak to strangers, they're scared to speak to their friends, because they might reject them, they might say no. And a lot of people are just scared of this rejection. So let me give you a tip that hopefully will help you to overcome this fear of rejection, to beat it. So how do we beat this fear of rejection?

Well, the only way to beat the ...

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How to never ARGUE with your prospect?

January 16, 2020

I want talk to you about how to never argue with your prospects because a lot of sales people win a lot of arguments, but they lose a lot of sales. What does that mean?

If you make your prospect feel stupid, or you make them feel wrong, or you make them feel in any way shape or form the lesser than you, they’re not buying and they're not joining your business. So the last thing you want to do is lose business by arguing with your prospects but of course, there are instances when your prospec...

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What to say at the end of presentation?

January 16, 2020

Today I want to talk about what to say at the end of the presentation. So maybe you met with somebody at a coffee shop and you show them your business presentation, maybe you run your local business opportunity meeting or you just took a friend to a local business opportunity meeting at a hotel or maybe it's a home party or maybe whatever, so you've showed somebody the business, what do you say after you show the business? So you did the presentation. What comes next?

Now a lot of people don't...

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No amount of training can cure lack of ambition

January 16, 2020

I want to talk about ambition and why it's important. So the title of this blog is no amount of training can cure lack of ambition. So what do I mean by that?

What I mean by that is one of the most important traits or aspects of a person to become a leader in your business is hunger and same for yourself. One of the biggest parts in you becoming a great leader building a huge team, making a lot of money will be down to your hunger, to your ambition, how ambitious are you, because you see if yo...

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What used to be my ceiling is now my floor

January 16, 2020

I want to talk about ceilings and floors, but no, not the traditional ones, not your ceiling in your house or your floor. I wanted to talk about potential. Okay, so the title of this blog post is what used to be my ceiling is now my floor. What does that mean?

Well, it's all about potential and it's all about going to the limit, going to the max, trying to do as much as you can, going the extra mile. The way that human beings are created, we always look for the path of least resistance. So the...

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Is it worth setting goals?

January 16, 2020

I want to talk about is it worth setting goals? Maybe it's just a waste of time. What's the point? So I've got a very special guest on my life today. She's smart. She's beautiful. She's courageous. She's very, very picky when choosing men and has a very good taste; my wife, Rita. Hi Rita.

Hi everyone, and yes I am very picky.

Okay, so why do I have Rita when I'm talking about goals? So 
the reason why I have got Rita and the reason why I'm talking about goals is few years ago, you've set a goal....

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Taking time to RECHARGE

January 16, 2020

I want to talk about recharging your batteries.

Network marketing, home based business, in essence, it's quite a lonely business. You know, most of the time you're on your own, you're recruiting people on your own, you going to appointments in a coffee shop on your own, you're going to sell products on your own, you know, you’re online you’re making conversations with people, but most of the time, you're on your own, you're working from home, it's a home based business and it's beautiful b...

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You can’t climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets

January 16, 2020

Very quick one about a phrase that says; you can't climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets. You know what I mean?

There are so many people who expect something for nothing, who expect to get lucky, who expect to win a lottery. Just to let you know, the chances of you winning the lottery is less than you being struck by lightning. So I wouldn’t count on that too much right?

People who succeed in life, people who make it in life, they do it on purpose. They don't become succ...

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Let’s talk about OVERWHELM

January 16, 2020

Let's talk about overwhelm.

So we picked up the keys for the new house and obviously, we saw the house when we viewed it, but you know, you're viewing 20 houses in a day, it all sort of starts blurring into one and we decided on the one that we wanted to buy, we bought the house, but it's sort of like in your head, you start forgetting how everything looks.

We go back today with the keys in the hand, go inside the house, and we start really looking, now it's ours, we start looking in detail for...

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Breakdown before Breakthrough

January 16, 2020

This topic is about break down before break through.

What do I mean by that? Well, we all would love our journey to success to just be a smooth ride. We all would love to have it easy, we all would love for it to just be smooth sailing, right? But as it happens, as you'll probably realize, or probably already realized in your life, that nothing really ever worthwhile in life happens easy. There are usually challenges; ups and downs, etcetera. I've never read a successful person's biography or ...

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If you’re not helping me grow Then you gotta go

January 16, 2020

This topic is, if you're not helping me grow, then you've got to go. Interesting. Is that a bit rude? Okay, so let's figure out what all of this mean?

Well, what it means, I remember reading this quote, and it said, if you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room and I thought, hmm, isn't it interesting? I always like to be the smartest person in the room. But that means I'm in the wrong room. So what do we need to do? Well, the people that we associate with will have a mas...

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Are you being resourceful?

January 16, 2020

I want to talk about being resourceful. So I love how Tony Robbins says that there is no lack of resources is just lack of resourcefulness. So what does it mean? What's the difference?

Well, there's a big difference, because a lot of people, they think that there is a lack of resources. So they think there's not enough money in the world, there's not enough people, there are not enough prospects, there are not enough customers, there's not enough business, and so on and so on. So people have t...

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Building Strong Long Term Relationships

January 16, 2020

This topic is about building strong, long term relationships.

I've been in the home based business and network marketing arena for about eight years now and one thing that I've observed that true leaders, big, big leaders doing this business, is they're not in a hurry to destroy the relationship. They're not in a hurry to destroy the relationship. So you see what amateurs do, what people do who haven't achieved much success, they have a huge ego, they have a huge wish to save face.

So whenever ...

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The most valuable training?

January 16, 2020

I want to talk about the most valuable training. So what is the most valuable training? And the answer might not be what you expecting.

The most valuable training is the training that you use. What do I mean by that? Isn't everybody who go into training uses it? Well, not really. You'd be surprised. First of all, how many people buy a training and never watch it. There’s like a huge percentage of people who actually purchase, I'm not even talking about free trainings like my videos, I'm talk...

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What to do if a team member put their business on a back burner?

January 15, 2020

I want to talk about what to do if your team member decided to put the business on a back burner. And hey, if you've been in this business for a while, if you've been building your network marketing business for some time, you've probably had some people who put their business on a back burner. So what does it mean?

Back burning just means they taking time out. They basically, maybe when they started, they were very excited, very active, putting a lot of effort, and then something happens and ...

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Why Didn’t You Tell Me Before?

January 15, 2020

The title of today's blog is, why didn't you tell me before? Now guys, I in eight years that I've been in home based business Arena, in network marketing, in entrepreneurship I don't know how many times I heard this phrase. Why didn't you tell me before and guess who say that phrase?

People who you haven't offered the business, I've seen it so many times where you have people around you who you sort of take for granted. Maybe it's your work colleagues, maybe it's your neighbors, maybe it's som...

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