Expense or Investment?

January 27, 2020

I wanted to quickly do a blog post and ask you a question. Self-education, is it expense? Or is it an investment?

A lot of people see, buying books, buying courses, buying training tickets to training events and traveling half way across the world to, for example, Henderson, Nevada, as an expense, right as a waste of money as a cost. Whereas other people look at it as an investment. Now, you see, if you look at it as an expense as a cost, you will be inclined not to spend that money rather buy a T shirt for that 10 pounds, instead of buying a book, you know, or buy something else, right? Buy a TV, instead of buying a video course, we see all of that stuff is an expense is a cost.

But training self-development is actually an investment. Now, why is it an investment, because it increases your value to the world? You see, probably all of you watching this video, and those who will watch the replay later on, you would like to earn more, right? You would like to get paid more, which is totally cool and understandable. But why would somebody pay you more? Why would you make more money, the only reason why a company or a person would pay you more money, you become more valuable to that company or to that person. So by investing in yourself, what you actually doing, you increasing your own value.

Now I'm not talking about your value as a human being as a person, you know, in the eyes of the gods, we all equal, right? I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about your value in the marketplace, your value to that particular company. Because if you become more valuable by investing in yourself, then that company might be willing to pay you more, right? That's the idea of investing in yourself. And I remember a long time ago, watching a video by Tim sales. And he said, if you think education is expensive, you should see how expensive stupidity is. And I think that's fairly true, right? Because stupidity sometimes can cost us a lot more over the long term, than actually investing in educating ourselves and learning something new. And they say there are four stages of development or four stages of learning.

First stage is unconsciously incompetent. What does that mean? It means when you don't know that you don't know. And that's one of the worst places to be in. Because you don't even know that you don't know that particular thing. So maybe you trying to make it work, maybe you're trying to get results. And it's just not happening for you. And you don't even know why? Because you don't know that you don't know. 
And that's why sometimes it's worth to go to training events to go reading books to go hiring mentors to find out, what is it that you don't know? Right, because that's the worst thing Not even knowing that you don't know, then the second stage of the development is  consciously incompetent. When you know that you don't know, that's also a good place to be in, because then you learn what you actually need to learn.

So for example, if you're not great at recruiting, if you're not great at selling, if you're not great at whatever communication skills, then you know, then you know that you need to learn that thing, right? You know that you actually need to study that thing and learn it. So you consciously incompetent, you're still incompetent, you still don't know what to do. But at least now you know what you don't know. So you can go ahead and start learning those things. Then the third stage of the development is when you are consciously competent. Once you learned what you didn't know, and you start applying it, you start using it, you start getting results, you know, yes, this is working, right? So you become consciously competent, right? So you now know the things, you're using them.

But it's still quiet, conscious activity; you still have to sort of, to like consciously apply these techniques. To use it, it's like more like work, you know, because you have to use it in order for it to work. Because, you know, if you don't think about it, then you wouldn't use it. So that's consciously competent. And then the last stage stage number four is unconsciously competent, where you are doing the right things, without even thinking about it. And of course, again, the only way to get to that point is for you to use the techniques that work so many times so much, that you actually start using them without even thinking about it. It becomes like a habit for you. It becomes like a, like a second nature to you, right? You just do it without even thinking about it. That's called unconsciously competent.

Okay. So back to the question; what do you think? Do you think investing in yourself? Or actually, I shouldn't use the word. But buying books, buying courses, attending training events, traveling to training events all around the world? Is that expense? Or is that an investment?

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group http://titaniumsuccess.co.uk/successtraining.php. There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in success



How do you see yourself?

January 27, 2020

I wanted to talk to you about how do you see yourself, they say that you cannot consistently perform outside of your belief system. What does that mean?

What if you don't believe in yourself, if you don't think you are good enough, if you don't think you are smart enough? Then there is no way that you can consistently perform well with that type of belief because whatever you believe about yourself, you have to go on and prove it. So it's what they call self-fulfilling prophecy, if you doubt y...

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SPECIAL TOOL to get people to instantly LIKE you

January 27, 2020

This is a very quick tip but it's a very effective tip; how to get people to instantly like you. What is the secret tip or secret tool for you to get everybody to instantly like you?

If you are a network marketer, home based business owner, you're constantly reaching out to new people and you want people to buy your products, join your business, it would help if those people liked you. How do you get people to like you so that they want to talk to you, they want to listen to you. And that tip ...

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Look for FRIENDS not distributors

January 27, 2020

We are with our Russian team, we were actually doing a training zoom about social media and Facebook and how to build your business and one of the things I mentioned is that when it comes to social media instead of looking for customers and looking for business partners why not look for friends?

Because if you were looking for friends would you communicate in a different way than when you are looking for customers or business partners? And if the answer is yes then you need to ask yourself why...

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Is SAFE a new RISKY?

January 27, 2020

This question is about is safe a new risky. What do I mean?

Well, what I mean is comparison between being employed in a job and being entrepreneur and running your own business. So when we compare the two before, safe option was always having a job. When you have a job, you have a guaranteed salary, you have a guaranteed income, it's a secure place for you where you can work all of your life until you retire and it will pay you your pension and everything. So that was a safe option. And the ri...

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What is SPONSORS role in your business?

January 24, 2020

This topic is about, what is sponsor’s role in your business?

In network marketing, it's almost like in inseparable part of this business is a sponsor, somebody who brings you into the business. But I think very often people get the wrong idea of what the sponsor in network marketing supposed to do, and not supposed to do, and so on. One thing that is very important for you to understand, especially if you're new to network marketing, that your sponsor doesn't work for you. I know, it sucks,...

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Fix the ERROR or keep COMPENSATING forever

January 24, 2020

I want to share with you an interesting thing that just came out of the today's things and I thought that's actually something that I'd love to share with you. So we're at the new house and still so much work left to fix up the new house and everything.

Today, me and my brother, we were laying tiles in the bathroom because we refurbish the bathroom. And it was going quite well until one row of tiles, well, we messed up the first tile and we didn't put it very straight, we didn't put it very we...

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When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change

January 24, 2020

As the title of this blog goes, it says, if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. So let's look into this. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Quite interesting, isn't it? Interesting thought, but it's not just a fancy way of saying words. Let me give you an example.

Imagine this scenario, imagine in my house, electricity disappears. So there's no electricity, is pitch black, it's dark, it's night-time, I can't see anything. ...

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Why Network Marketing Is Often Misunderstood?

January 24, 2020

I want to talk about why network marketing is sometimes misunderstood. And to understand that you need to understand what type of business network marketing is.

And network marketing is one of the businesses that is called disruptive business. So let me give you a couple of other businesses that are disruptive businesses, for example, Airbnb. Airbnb is destructive business. So when Airbnb started, people were like, “That's just a crazy idea.” That somebody has a spare room in their house, ...

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Treat Every Prospect As A Diamond

January 24, 2020

Today I wanted to talk to you about treating every prospect as a diamond.

When me and Rita were in Las Vegas, we went to a place called, how's it going, oh, machine gun Vegas. Basically, it was a place where we could shoot semi automatic guns, automatic guns, pistols, and things like that. And when we went to the shooting place in Las Vegas, I remember one thing that we got assigned a trainer, a person who will look after us. So we got assigned this trainer who's going to show us how to use th...

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5 Step Learning Process

January 24, 2020

I want to share with you a five step learning process that if you stick to it will help you greatly in your business and in your career and in your development. So I hope you're going to find this useful. Five step learning process that can help you greatly in your business development.

Step number one is impact. And impact is when you initially learn something. So what should you do? Number one, of course, you need to be conscious. So you need to turn your mind on. It's not about just subcons...

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What to say when you get an OBJECTION?

January 24, 2020

I want to share with you a sentence, a phrase that can be very, very useful for you when answering people's objections. So first of all, don't call them objections because if you call it an objection, they'll give you some more. So instead, what you should use is area of concern, not an objection, area of concern. And let's say someone says, “I don't have enough money.” You can use the sentence there. Let’s say somebody says, “I don't know anybody.” You can use the sentence there.


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What to do if you are STUCK in your business?

January 24, 2020

I want to talk about what to do if you're feeling stuck.

If you got stuck in your business, if you're not making progress, if results are just not happening for you, what to do in that case. What to do if you're feeling stuck, if you're not getting results, if you're not making progress in your business.

Well number one, you need to look into your why. And what is your why, your why is the reason for you to succeed. Your why is the one thing that makes you jump out of bed in the morning. Your w...

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You CAN’T AFFORD not to be in home based business

January 24, 2020

I want to talk about the fact that you can't afford not to be in a home based business. So why would I say that you can't afford not to be in home based business?

This blog is specifically especially for people who are employed. So if you're employed and you have a normal job, the reality is that very often, tax deductions alone will be more than the initial investment you need to make to get started in home based business, in the network marketing business. So typically, in UK to start in a n...

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Have you been given the GIFT

January 24, 2020

I want to talk about the gift. Have you been given the gift? So what gift am I talking about? Have you been given a gift?

Well, very often when I speak to people who are successful, who have achieved a lot, who have reached a high results, very often I found that they have been given the gift. So what is this gift? Well, this gift is-- some of you might have gone to school, and you had some teachers tell you that you will never amount to anything. That's a gift. Maybe some of you have been tol...

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W = P x T

January 24, 2020

Today’s blog is special formula, W = P x T. What does it mean? What does it mean?

Well, what it means is that Wealth = Physical resources x Technology. You see, we are in incredible day and age where things are changing so fast, new technologies appearing so fast, that it is amazing to watch. Things that have taken hundreds of years to come about and now taking place every couple of years. So the technology is speeding up, the progress is speeding up. So it's really, really interesting to wa...

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4 Things Required For Success In Home Based Business CCDT FORMULA

January 24, 2020

I want to share four pillars that are required for success in home based business. I know that some people say, “Well, anybody can succeed in home based business. You don't need anything, you just literally like anybody can do it.” But the truth is not so. The reality is that there are certain things that you need to have in order to be able to succeed in network marketing. And if you don't have those things, it's either going to be very difficult, almost impossible for somebody to succee...

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6 Steps To Winning The Game Of Network Marketing

January 24, 2020

I want to give you six steps to winning the game of network marketing. So the game of network marketing and some of you might go straight away, “Wow, how dare you call this business a game?” But hey, just relax a bit and try to think about it as a game and then the rules will relate and you'll understand what I'm trying to say here.

Step number one in winning the game of network marketing is you have to find the game you like. So what do I mean to find a game you like? You need to find a c...

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4 steps to dealing with HATERS

January 24, 2020

I want to take you through the four steps on how to deal with haters.

So if you're building your online presence, if you doing posts, photos on your Facebook profile, Instagram profile, if you're posting on groups and things like that, then you're bound to come across some haters, some people who will put negative comments, who will criticize you, and so on.

And it not only happens on social media, but it happens a lot more on social media than in real world, simply because most people, they do...

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Life is like the changing seasons

January 24, 2020

I want to talk about the fact that life and business is like the changing seasons. So what do you mean that it's like changing seasons?

Well, what I mean by that is that all of us want to have positive, great times when everything’s go well, when we making a lot of money, people are joining our team, people are buying a product is just really, really great times, but that's the summer. And what can you tell about the seasons? What you can tell is that after the summer, there's always an autu...

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3 ways to react when the company changes

January 24, 2020

I wanted to share with you three ways how to react or how you could react when the company changes, when they change the prices, when they change the product, when they change the marketing plan, when they change the rules, and these things happen.

One thing you have to understand that the most permanent thing is change, everything is always changing and your company is not exception, things will change in your company, the products will change, the ingredients will change, the prices will cha...

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Bad soldier who doesn’t want to become a general

January 24, 2020

Today’s topic is bad soldier who doesn't want to become a general. What does it mean?

Well, in business sense, you want people in your team with ambition. You want people in your team who want to beat you. You want people in your team who come in and you say, “Well, what do you want to reach?” And they go, “Well, what's the highest rank? Or that's the rank? Well, I want to hit that.” You know what I mean? Like, if you were working in a normal traditional company and you're hiring som...

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Getting a new person started

January 23, 2020

I want to talk very quickly about getting a new person started.

When a new person gets started, sometimes we think well, the best thing to do is to give them the choice so they can actually choose whatever they want to do, they can buy whatever they want to buy, etcetera, but actually, most people left to their own devices, they will choose to do absolutely nothing because that's the easiest path and our brain as human beings, it always chooses the path of least resistance.

So what's easiest? E...

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3 things to EVALUATE after training event

January 23, 2020

I want to share with you three things to evaluate after training events. So maybe you've organized the training event, or maybe you attended one. These are the free things to evaluate after the training event so that you really take on board and move on and make a better training or whatever next time. So what are these three things to evaluate after a training event?

The number one thing to evaluate, first one is what did we do best today? So if you were organizing a training event or a group...

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Best use of your time as a LEADER

January 23, 2020

Today’s topic is the best use of your time as a leader. So if you're in network marketing, if you're in a home based business, and if you're recruiting and building a team, then you are a leader. So what's the best way to use your time because you don't have unlimited amount of time, you have a limited time, especially if you're doing this business part time, you have a full time job, then you only have few hours a day to actually do this business. And if you spend most of that incorrectly,...

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4 steps to making progress in your life

January 23, 2020

I want to share with you four steps for making progress in your life. Of course, this is mainly for those of you who are in business, but actually, you could use this pretty much for any area of your life. Okay, so what are these four steps to making progress in your life?

Well, step one is evaluate where you are. That's right. You need to be real and true to yourself. So you have to be true to yourself because there's so many people who are living in denial. Now, denial is not just the river ...

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7 Habits Of Highly Effective People

January 23, 2020

I want to share with you the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. So if you've never read the book called Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, I highly recommend it. There are some really, really good stuff in there, some really great pills, but in this blog very quickly, I just wanted to go through those seven habits. Maybe they will tickle your brain a bit and maybe you'll pick up a thing or two that you'd like to work on in your personality or in your business. So ...

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What if your prospect can’t afford it?

January 23, 2020

When you speak to somebody about a possibility of joining your business, some people may say, “Oh, I can't afford it, I don't have money for that, I don't have money to start my own business.” And it's a common misconception, and it's a common thing to say, but there's a very clever or good way to approach this challenge, if you having somebody saying to you, “Oh, I can’t afford it.”

So let's say to start with your company, it takes hundred pounds, 200 pounds, 300 pounds, maybe 400 p...

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After how many NO’s do you give up?

January 23, 2020

I want to talk about recruiting good quality people in your business. And the title of this blog says, “After how many no's do you give up?” So why do I ask that?

Well, the reason why I asked that is because good, strong, quality people, very often they will say no, at least the first time you asked him to join your business or the first time you asked him to take a look at it. They'll go, “No, sorry.” Why? Because they already successful at whatever they do. They are busy and for most...

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Why would I join you?

January 23, 2020

This question, why would I join you?

That's the question. I know you're building a home based business, I know you help people earn extra income. I know you have wonderful products, but so do everybody else. So if you're in social media, if you're out there and about, and you're recruiting people, and you want for people to join your team, you have to ask yourself a question. Why would somebody join you? Why would I be attracted to you? Why would somebody want to be part of your team? So first...

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