What if you have done TOO MANY network marketing companies? ???

February 11, 2020

This topic is an interesting one. What to do if you've been with too many network marketing companies?

Fortunately or unfortunately, there are people who've been with two, three, four, five, six, seven or more different network marketing companies in the past. And then when this person joins a new company, they go like, “Oh my gosh, how am I going to approach my friends and family now because I've been with so many different companies, of inviting them to so many different businesses and try to sell them so many different products? How on earth am I going to build my business?” And it happens. For me, I'm lucky that nine years ago, I joined my first company, and it's going to be my last one. So I've never needed to go to another company or to another business. I just loved it from day one. I fell in love with our product, with our team, with our business and I just stayed with it. I'm lucky in that way.

So many people don't get so lucky. The first few tries they get into network marketing, they sometimes don't get the right support or they don't get passionate about the product or the company goes out of business. Sometimes that also happens, so there might be many reasons why you've been in a couple of different network marketing companies and it didn't work out for you. So you might be just joined recently a new company and now you're thinking, like, how am I going to approach people because I've already approached them with different kind of businesses and different kinds of products. How is this going to all work out? So what do you say to those people, how do you do that? And the answer is very simple.

You go for cold market. Now if you don't know there's two types of market is warm market and there is cold market. Now warm market are your friends and family and basically people that you know very well, they're very close to you, that's your warm market. Now your cold market is everyone else, is the rest of the world. Now I know some of you go, “Hold it, hold it. I want to do business with my family and friends.” Do, totally fine, absolutely cool, do but offer products, go to your friends and family and say, “Hey look, the business I started is probably not a fit for you, but I would love you to become my customer. I would love you to try out my product for a month. I'm sure you're going to love it. I'm sure you're going to get value from it.”

Now some of them will go, “Oh, why would the business not be for me? Maybe I'm interested in the business.” Then you can ask the person and go, “Yeah, yeah, well, I suppose you could do business too.” But go with a complete disqualification straightaway say, “Look, I know my business is not for you.” because you already offered them 15 different companies, right? So the chances are, they don't want to join your business. So you come to them and go, “Hey, I know my business is not for you, but I would love you to try my product, is super affordable, is great quality. I'd love you to try it out. I think you would like it, because you appreciate great quality.”

But my tip for you is go for the cold market. Go for the people that don't know you. Now what would be advantage of going for people that don't know you? The advantage is, they don't know this is your eighth company. They don't know this is the 15th business that you're doing. It's a clean slate. Strangers don't know your history. They don't know how many times you failed in network marketing. They don't know how many different companies you've done. They don't know how many different products you've sold. For them, it's brand new, they never met you, for all they care, this is the first business that you do and this is the first product that you sell.

There's a huge benefit in approaching people who don't know you because you can build a tremendous business without having this baggage that, “Oh, everybody knows that this is my fifth company that I failed before.” Well, strangers don't know that. They don't know your history. They don't care about your history, all the case what you're offering to them right now. So don't get addicted to, “Oh, but how will I approach all of these people that I already told about my other business?” Don't worry about them, approach new people, start building a new business.

There are seven billion people on this planet, like you're not going to run out of people to talk to. So don't worry about convincing that one person who as soon as they see you, they get the crucifix out. They got the garlic, sprinkling holy water just to get rid of you because you're like MLM devil for them. Don't worry about convincing them. In network marketing, we don't convince people, we sort through people. So start sorting, stop convincing, start sorting. If you speak to somebody and they go, “Oh, it's just one of those MLM.” You go, “Hey, don't worry about it. How are the kids? How's work?”

Change the topic, don't worry about it. I love where they say, “Your friends and family will not support you until they see strangers celebrate you. So go crush it with complete strangers, offer the business to everybody you meet and you will find amazing people from social media from face to face. And you can build a tremendous business without having to drive that baggage without having to try to drive that cross on your bag. You know, I've done so many companies have failed so many times.

You don't need to tell it to new people, right? Because they don't know so you just get going and you say hey, I found this amazing opportunity. I'm running with it. I want to share it with you, are you up for it? Would you be open to see? No, no problem next? Would you be open to see? No, next. Yes. Great. Let me show you how right? That's all, but you don't have to do so. So don't get addicted to just promoting your business to people who already seen the business. And as you start gaining success as you start recognizing your new team members as you start getting rewarded yourself, guess what? Your friends and family are watching you.

Now, they may be not liking your posts, they're not commenting under your posts, but guess what? They're watching you trust me, like amount of times I've had people reach out to me meet with someone and they go, “Oh my gosh, I love your videos. They're amazing.” And I'm like, “Well, you've never liked my video. I've never seen you in my like. I've never saw a comment from you.” But they are watching. So reality is that don't worry about the people that have seen you doing different businesses, it’s totally fine, right? It's like if you had 10 different jobs, would you be scared to go and get another job? No, because it's just the job.

So just because you been with other companies totally cool, right? It doesn't really mean anything. You experience you've learned something, right and now you’re ready for a different challenge for a different opportunity for a different company, etcetera and it's totally awesome. So don't beat yourself up about it. You know, don't live in a past, learn from the past, but don't live in the past.

So learn the lessons that you've learned over there and then apply what you've learned and start better, start fresh and just treat it like it's the first time you’re in network marketing, treat it like it's the first time you're going to do it for real, treat it like this is going to be it this is you found your home and this is where you're going to be for the rest of your life. You know, don't build the business for a day for a month for a year. You know, build a legacy, and build a business that's going to pay you income for the next 40 years, for the next 50 years. Build a business that you can leave by will to your children to inherit how cool would they would be that. Like it's a sad story.

But we had a leader, amazing woman who built a huge business, you build a diamond business in our company and then unfortunately, she passed away because of cancer. But guess what, she left her business to her son and daughter and her son and daughter are still earning the money, they still picking up the cheque every single month for the business that their mom has built up over the years, their son and daughter are going to our trips, you know, company trips, free holidays because their mom has built the business they carried on building the business after the mom passed away, and now they built even to a bigger size.

It's so powerful so don't make short term decisions in your business. You know, don't look like I can get some money now. It's going to damage my business down the line, but let me get this money now. Don't do those decisions; make decisions for a long term business. How would I act if my business was to run for 1000 years? How will I do it, what would I do? What decisions would I make? So sometimes you might be tempted for those short term, sort of, dodgy kind of, you know, like in the green line, sort of decisions, but on the long run, it's going to bite you in the ass. So why do that? You know, like, I've seen people try to steal a distributor, or from their downline which like makes total no sense.

But imagine that you know, how much damage that can cause because it takes years to build up the trust, but you can lose that trust, just like that. So you definitely don't want to make decisions based short term, you know, I can grab some money here or I can make some quick buck here, right? Because long term is not going to benefit you, you know, think that this is long term. I'm going to build this business for the next 10, 20, 30, 40 years. This is going to be a legacy business. I'm going to build a business so huge is going to be unbelievable, you know on my goal list on my definite major purpose, I've got it written down, I want 150,000 people in my team.

Now I know that's not even a huge like there's people who build half a million teams a million things. But that's my goal, right to build a team of 150,000 people with seven diamond legs in my team, right? That's my goal. That's what I'm going for because that's legacy. Once you've built a business of that size, how awesome is that? Knowing that you are impacting 150,000 people every single month, how would that feel? Absolutely incredible, isn't it? It's no longer just about the money.

It's no longer just about getting that car, that holiday. It's about leaving a legacy, putting your name in someone's testimonial, somebody coming up to you or somebody saying long after you've passed away that oh, because of that person, my life has changed because of that person's teachings of because of that person's advice my life has changed course and it's now so amazing. Thank you. You know, how powerful is that? That's better than anybody.

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group http://titaniumsuccess.co.uk/successtraining.php. There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in success



Are you working yourself to death? ?

February 11, 2020

Sometimes when people hear about home based business, they go, “Oh, it's all about money network marketers, they all just about being rich.” But it isn't, it could be for somebody, but for me network marketing, a home based business, it's so much more than just a way to make money.

For me network marketing is same as freedom, it’s associated with freedom. Why? Because if you can work from home, and if you can earn enough money working from home where you don't have to work more and more ...

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Why my team members are not listening to me? ???

February 11, 2020

The title of this blog is why my team members are not listening to me. So let me ask you a question. Do you have a problem where your team members are listening to you? Do you experience that challenge in your business? So have you been experiencing that challenge in your business where your team members are just not following instructions? They're not following your direction? Is that is that something that you are struggling with?

Now, it does happen in business. It does happen when sometime...

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STOP ✋ requiring SUPPORT ?

February 11, 2020

I want to talk about support. In this blog, I wanted to talk to you guys about requiring support.

So, when you start your home based business, when you start your network marketing business, you may want to have support, support of your family, support of your friends, support of your work colleagues and so on, but that's not required. You don't have to have support in order to become successful in your home based business. And if you are hindering your success, on the support that you will re...

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How to create CURIOSITY POST? ?

February 11, 2020

I want to talk about how to create a curiosity post for your social media. In this blog, I'm going to talk about how to create a curiosity pause. So what's the opposite of curiosity?

The opposite of curiosity is resistance. And what a lot of inexperienced people on social media do, they create resistance instead of creating curiosity. And most of the time they do that by over selling, or assuming that people will be interested in buying something they're not or rushing to close by dropping the...

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If you argue for your LIMITATIONS you get to keep them

February 11, 2020

This blog is called, if you argue for your limitations, you get to keep them. What does that mean?

Well, what it means is that too many people look for what's wrong in them in themselves, like there's a reward for it. So they argue for their limitations. You're trying to help this person to succeed in life and they say, “Well, you don't understand. You don't understand. You know, I'm so afraid. Well, you don't understand I’m so afraid, but you don't understand, I have failed in the past. B...

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Competition vs Collaboration

February 11, 2020

I want to talk about competition and collaboration. In this blog, I wanted to talk about competition vs. collaboration.

When I first started in network marketing, I didn't get it. I was always being in competition with everybody else. So whenever I would see other companies, I’d be in a competition with other companies, I'd always have to prove why I'm better than the other company, and beat them to it, because I'm the best. And even people within my own company, I would see them as a compet...

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You DON’T get what you ask for!

February 11, 2020

I want to talk about how to get what you want and why you don't get what you ask for. So this blog, I called it you don't get what you asked for.

And today, the Bible reading in church was about this man by the name of Naman, who was a leper and he had this disease and he wanted it to cured and he heard there’s this prophet Elisha, and he knew that that prophet could cure him. So he loaded up his carts with gold and he went to ask Elisha to treat his leprosy, to treat his illness, and he ima...

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February 11, 2020

I want to talk about events, and especially the event hangover.

Let me ask you a question. Has it ever happened to you that you would go to a training event, it may be a huge convention or just a small training event, you took your trusty notebook right with you, you took your notes and everything and then you go home and you apply absolutely nothing? While at the event you’re saying, “Oh my gosh, this is life changing event, when I'll come home, I'm going to absolutely rock this thing. I'...

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Are you looking for people like you?

February 11, 2020

I wanted to talk about the fact that we all want people to be like us. So the title of this blog is are you looking for people like you, and probably this is like eternal challenge for leaders.

I don't know about most of you guys, but when I first started in the in a home based business, I wanted for other people like me, I was like, “Why can't I find people like me? Who would be driven as me, motivated as me, have goals like me, would work hard like me." And I was failing miserably to find ...

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Why produce CONTENT?

February 11, 2020

I wanted to jump on and talk about why produce content, because I think so many people are missing out on this part and they could do so, so, so well.

I love when we attended the beyond leadership training in Las Vegas with Eric Wore. He gave like a statement like a challenge. And he said, “Well, the challenge is, for every piece of content that you consume on social media, you need to go ahead and produce one.” So he goes, “For every piece of content that you consume, you have to produc...

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How to protect your Facebook GROUPS and PAGES?

January 28, 2020

I want to talk about how to protect your Facebook groups and your Facebook pages. So how do you protect your Facebook groups and your Facebook pages? And what do I mean? Like why would you need to protect them?

As you building your business on social media and I just assume that most of you who are watching this video you’re in network marketing or in the home based business and you’re using Facebook to build your business, you're probably most likely to go to create a group, to create a c...

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The second sale is always easier than the first one!

January 28, 2020

I want to talk about customers and making sales. So the title of this blog says that the second sale is always easier than the first. Why do I bring this up to your attention?

Well, first of all is because I've seen it time and time and again when network marketers make a huge mistake of always chasing the new business. They like looking for new customers. Where can I find more customers? Where can I find more customers? Where can I find more distributors? Where can I find more distributors, i...

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Everyone has the same amount of FAITH or BELIEF

January 28, 2020

The title for the blog is that everybody has the same amount of faith or belief.

Now, before you go nuts and go, “Oh, that’s not true.” Let me explain because for me when I got this concept it was quite interesting, quite a revolutionary concept. So the faith that you have in something and that's not necessarily religious faith, it could be faith in yourself, faith in your business, faith in your opportunity or you could call it belief, belief in yourself or belief in your product or bel...

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Do you RECHARGE your batteries ?

January 28, 2020

I want to talk about recharging your batteries.

This especially applies to people who are leaders. So the idea of recharging the batteries is especially applies to leaders because as a leader, you're constantly giving, because network marketing is a people's business. It's an emotional business. So what you doing most of the time is you're giving your energy, whether it’s doing a training or doing a Facebook Live, or doing a one to one call or helping somebody solve a problem, or doing an in...

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What if you are TERRIBLE at sales?

January 28, 2020

I want talk about what to do if you're not that good at sales, actually if you're terrible at it. So the title of this blog is what to do if you're terrible at sales.

Now, I don't know how many of you will be terrible in sales. I know I wasn't that good at sales when I first started. Actually, I was pretty horrible at it, but I'm going to share with you one thing that can really, really help you to fix the situation. So if you're terrible at sales and not everybody's a great salesperson, not e...

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Some people want ATTENTION more than they want RESULTS

January 28, 2020

The title for the blog is that some people want attention more than they want results.

And as you’re building your network marketing business, as you're building your team, you will notice people like that in your business. At first, you won't realize that and you'll just be trying to help this person and this person keeps coming to you with a different problem, with a different challenge, with a different obstacle, and you keep helping them, but then you see that they’re not making any pr...

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January 28, 2020

This blog post is called give up to move up. Oh my goodness, is it asking us to give up?

No, no, something else; you have to sacrifice something. You have to give up something to move on to the next level of your life to get the next level of results. So you know if you want to get better results in business, you might need to give up TV, you might need to give up going to football games for a while, you might need to give up watching soap operas, you might need to give up going to the pub wit...

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The PRICE of your new life is your OLD life

January 28, 2020

The title of this is the price of your new life is your old life. What on earth does it mean?

Well, what it means is that you cannot have all the things you want to have in your life and still be clutching on holding on your old life. You can't. You can't have your new dream life by holding on to your problems, by holding on to your things that you don't have or your lacks or your challenges, you can't. Some people look for the fault inside of them like there was a reward for it? “Oh, but my...

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A real LEADER doesn’t have 2 good days in a row!

January 28, 2020

I want to talk a little bit about leadership and what it really involves and what people imagine leadership is. So today's title of the blog is a real leader doesn't have two good days in a row. Now what the heck does it mean?

Well, let me break it to you. Leadership may not be what you imagined it is. Most people imagine that when I become a leader in network marketing, I'm just sitting by a pool, drinking cocktails all day. The money's just dropping into my bank account and I’m just chilli...

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The RICHEST place in the world!

January 28, 2020

I want to share with you a very, very quick idea. And the idea is about the richest place on Earth.

So if I asked you to type into the comments, what do you think is the richest place on earth? And you might have different opinions. You might say, well, maybe it's Dubai, or maybe it's this place or maybe it's that place. The richest place in on earth is the cemetery. Now you might say, “What, cemetery, the richest place on Earth.” Hundred percent for sure. Why it's the richest place becaus...

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If you can’t do the work without validation then you can’t do the work

January 28, 2020

This topic says if you can't do the work without validation, then you can't do the work. And it is a serious topic and for some of you may not be a nice one to hear, but I'm going to tell you that anyway. So what does it mean?

Well, what it means is that there's a lot of people who can’t do the work unless they being patted on the back. Well done, well done, unless they being cheered on, unless somebody is watching, unless somebody is holding them by the hand, they can’t just go and do the...

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Can you see the SHORE?

January 28, 2020

So the stories of a lady called Florence Chadwick and Florence Chadwick in right around 1950s she wanted to swim from I can't remember now exactly, I think from Florida to some sort of an island about 24 miles. She wanted to swim and she wanted to be the first woman swimmer, to swim that distance of 24 miles to that island.

And the day that she went to swim, there was a lot of fog and there were two boats swimming next to her, just in case sharks would come to protect her from the sharks in or...

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Best known BEATS best!

January 28, 2020

I want to talk about being known and why is that important? So the title of this blog is best known beats best.

So I know it's unfair, I know it shouldn't be like that, but it is. So you might have the best business opportunity in the world, you might have the best quality product in the world, but you will be beaten by lesser quality products or buy less of an opportunity, because they will get known more than you. What do I mean by that?

They will get in front of more people than you, they wi...

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Don’t “DANCE” for anybody

January 28, 2020

This blog is titled, don't dance for anybody. Now what do I mean? Do I mean like, literally dancing?

No, I don't mean actual dancing. What I mean, is having posture in your business. So very often, people will try to see how much they can push and pull you. So, let's say you’re introducing somebody to your business opportunity, and they go, “Well, why should I join you?” And what they’re basically saying is like, “Hey, dance for me.

Prove me, why should I join you?” It's like, if yo...

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Social media can be IMPERSONAL ? what can you do?

January 28, 2020

The title of this blog post says, social media can be in personal and what can you do about it?

There's so many different things you can do in order to make social media more personal to connect with people on a deeper level, but what I wanted to touch on today is when you actually get a new customer in business, or when you actually get a new business partner in business. One the things to do to make social media more personal, is to send somebody a selfie video. It doesn't have to be a lot, ...

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Price is an OBJECTION in the absence of VALUE ⭐️

January 28, 2020

I want to talk about objections and especially the price objection. So the title of this blog is price is always an objection in the absence of value.

If you're constantly getting an objection from your potential customers that, “OH, that's expensive, oh, that's pricey.” If you're getting a lot of price objections, or even if somebody is looking at your business opportunity, and they say, “Ooh, I don't know if I can afford to join your business.” What the person is basically saying is ...

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January 28, 2020

I want to talk about accountability. So it's very important topic. So, the title of this blog post is no accountability equals no results, oh, that's a bold statement. But why do I say it?

Well, I knew about it before, but it was just confirmed today and as I was listening to this training and a lot of you may know who Grant Cardone is, some of you might not know Grant Cardone right now, he’s like a number one sales trainer in the world, he built huge multi-billion dollar businesses in train...

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3 parts to a successful business ?

January 28, 2020

I want to talk to you about three very important parts for a successful business.

So, the free parts to a successful business. So part number one for a successful business is mind. What does it mean? Well, that's your mindset. That's your philosophy. That's your attitude. They say your attitude will determine your altitude Do you get it? So your mindset will determine how high you will raise in your business, how great your results will be. Now, most people don't like to hear that. Most people...

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The moving goalposts ?

January 28, 2020

I want to talk about the moving goalposts. So, the topic today is the moving goalpost. And it's a phenomenon that a lot of people suffer from.

A lot of people suffer from this and it's basically chasing something all of your life in order to be in a certain state for example, in order to be happy, in order to be satisfied, so, first you have to go to school, get good grades so you can get into university, then you get into university, study hard so you can get into a job, then you're going to ...

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