4 Pillars Of Good Life

February 22, 2020

So, the blog is called four pillars of life. What are these four pillars of life?

Well, the first pillar of life is health. And of course, it should be, one of them definitely should be health. Second one is wealth, finances, money. Third one is love. So that's relationships, but not just with your spouse, with your friends, with your family with your circle. And then number four, is happiness. How happy are you? When you wake up in the morning, do you feel happy and peaceful and content or do you feel stressed and worried and anxious right away? So if we know these are the four pillars, the health, wealth, love and happiness, why don't you go ahead and rate yourself.

So if I asked you to rate yourself from one to 10 on each of these, in terms of wealth, so how are you with money? Like are you financially free set for life? Why are you struggling with money, like too much month at the end of the money? How about your health? Are you fit and healthy and the vital or are you overweight, drowsy, sleepy, suffering from health problems and things like that? How about love? How is your relationship? How is your social circle? Do you feel that you have enough connection with other people, enough contact or do you feel lonely? Do you feel unloved? And then happiness; how happy are you?

Rate yourself, one to 10, one is like, horrible like if it's health you dead, right? Or 10 is like you’re in perfect health, right? So once you rate yourself, maybe you rate yourself on health, seven or eight, maybe you'll raise yourself on wealth nine or two or whatever. So once you made those four ratings, add those four numbers together, and then divided by four to get the average. So if it was 10, 10, 10, the average would be 10. Right? But if it's like 5, 7, 8 and six, the average will change, right? So once you've done that average, what's that number? Once you rated you want, you gave yourself a rating between one and 10 and those four together and divided by four, that's going to be your average.

And I want you to stick that average in here. And don't worry about it like, whatever, nobody, you know, we're all friends here, nobody's going to criticize you or whatever. But that average, according to Tai Lopez, should be at least eight. Now, I'll be honest with you, my one is seven. Right? So I got some categories where I really need to put some work in, right? So yours might be three, you know, well, it's not three because you'd be probably almost dead, right? But whatever it is, share that number and then whatever number you get, then at least, you know, hey, I need to work on this area, hey, I need to work on this category to improve myself.

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group http://titaniumsuccess.co.uk/successtraining.php. There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in success



The difference between the POOR and the WEALTHY?

February 22, 2020

I want to talk to you about the difference between the poor and the wealthy. So how different are they? How are they thinking in a different way? What's the difference between the wealthy and the poor?

The poor usually think about today. So if you think about money, if you think about work, if you think about impact, the poor people mostly are thinking about today, how to get through today, how to put food on the table today, how to do things today, and that's the main concern, the day that th...

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February 22, 2020

I want to talk about the habit curve. So let's talk about habit curve.

This was actually one of the things that I got reminded because originally, I saw this habit curve in the Jim Rohn’s trainings, the good old Jim Rohn, rest in peace, absolutely incredible person, made a huge impact on my life and originally saw him do that and then, at this training, I got reminded of it and when I saw it, I was like, “Wow, it's such a bingo moment. It's such an incredible thing to share.” So I though...

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If you have any idea how to achieve your goal when you set it IT’S TOO SMALL!

February 22, 2020

So, the title of this blog post is, if you have any idea how to achieve your goal when you set it, it's too small.

A lot of us think that setting goals is about, “Well I’ll set a goal that I know how to do and then I go and do it.” But that's not the point. You see the point of setting a goal is not about achieving it, it's about who you become while working to achieve it, while making into a reality. It's about who you become, not what you get, because guess what, as soon as you get to ...

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Using the S W O T analysis in your business

February 22, 2020

I want to talk about the S.W.O.T. analysis. So the title of this blog post is using S.W.O.T. analysis in your business.

I actually learned this not too long ago, few days ago, by one of our wonderful team members, Denise. She actually did the training at our group training day and I really liked it. It’s a great strategy for you to become a bit more aware of yourself and your business and come up with strategies and ideas how to improve your business. So I wanted to share this strategy with ...

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Look after your HEALTH before it’s too late

February 13, 2020

The title of this blog says, look after your health before it's too late.

I know that most of the time I talk about business and I talk about personal development, but I thought it was important to talk about this today because I'm seeing so many people getting health problems, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etcetera. There's just so much of it happening and what really is amazing about us human beings is that we only become concerned with our health, once we've lost it, once you know the da...

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How do I delight my customer?

February 13, 2020

This topic is how do I delight my customer?

First of all, you might say, “Well, why the heck would I try to delight my customer? Why would I do that?” So why would you do that? Well, the reason why you would do that because that makes you stand out. It makes you stand out because most people, they wouldn't do that. They just get the money and they run. So if you do it differently, if you don't just do transaction that, “Oh, I've got your money that’s it, I don't want to see you ever ag...

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Where FOCUS goes ENERGY flows

February 13, 2020

This topic is about where focus goes, energy flows.

So, a great example is a magnifying glass. If you took magnifying glass and kept moving it around, nothing would really happen. Like literally nothing would happen, but if you took the magnifying glass and you focus the sun rays and you held it still, for some time, it start burning a hole in wherever it's focused on. That's the power of focus. So if you keep moving magnifying glass, nothing would happen, but if you focus it, it starts burnin...

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Coaching the UNCOACHABLE

February 13, 2020

I want to talk about being coachable and working with people who are coachable and working with people who are not coachable. So the title of this blog is coaching the uncoachable. So I wanted to talk about working with people in your business and about coachability. So what is coachable? What does it mean somebody being coachable?

Well, being coachable means that a person is able to follow instructions. And you might say, “Well, everybody's able to follow instructions.” Well, yeah, everyb...

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LOW or NO Production?

February 13, 2020

I want to talk about production. So the title of this blog is low or no production.

I've learned this from my mentor Ray Higdon and he always says it's okay to have a week of low production, but it's not okay to have a week of no production. And I really adopted it and that's something that I really like to go by. So, when you’re building your home based business, life happens. Some weeks you have things happening, you have family things, you have other things, if you're doing the business p...

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Recipe for FAILURE!

February 13, 2020

I want to talk about failure, about not achieving things. So for a change instead of giving you a success tip, I'm going to tell you what you might be doing that is killing your success.

I've actually picked up this little thing that I'm going to show you from my buddy Fraser Brooks. He's absolutely awesome. I absolutely love him. And I heard him talk about this and I just loved it because it's so, so true. So I wanted to share it with you because I think you're going to enjoy it too. So this ...

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Are you following a CLOCK ⏰ or the COMPASS ??

February 13, 2020

The title of this blog post is; are you following the clock or the compass? What does it even mean? What the difference?

The difference is massive. You see the clock and the compass represents something. So the clock represents the busyness of the life. It represents the busyness of the world, the straps, the other people's agendas, the schedules, the tight routine, and all of that. It basically represents things outside of you. So if you're following the clock, it basically means that your li...

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February 13, 2020

In this blog, I want to talk about leadership. Just very briefly, but hopefully you'll find it useful. So the title of this blog says leadership is a verb. What does that mean?

Leadership is not a status, is not a name or a rank you get given say, “Now you're a leader. So you can lead.” It's about the action is about the action of leadership. Are you actually leading people? If you want to be a leader, are you leading them? Are you showing them the way? That's really what leadership is all...

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When distributors QUIT?

February 13, 2020

This blog has the title of when distributors quit. So I wanted to talk about that, what's the reason people quit the business?

And obviously there’s a lot of different many reasons why people quit, but one of the biggest reasons is that their diary’s empty. So one of the reasons why people quit the business is that they diary is empty. They haven't got any meetings because I've never seen a distributor, quit the business with a full day of appointments, who has like 12 appointments next we...

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Why you SHOULD NOT put links in your social media posts?

February 13, 2020

I want to talk about why you should not put links in your social media posts.

So whether that's a text post, whether that's a picture or whatever, why you should not put links into your social media posts. So there's two main reasons why you should not do it. First reason why you should not do it, because it assumes that the person wants to buy or wants to join. If you go, “Hey guys, I've got an amazing business, join my team.” That basically assumes that I want to join your team and assum...

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Somebody COPIED my post! ???

February 13, 2020

So the title of this blog goes, somebody copied my post and it has a surprised face, a crying face and it has an angry one.

So want to talk about copying posts, I want to talk about network marketing and about duplication. So my job as your leader, my job as your mentor, and I hope in one way or another you look at me as a mentor, maybe if you're watching my videos, is to challenge your mind-set, is to help you to think in a different way is to help you to grow as a person and as a leader. So ...

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LOVE more JUDGE less

February 13, 2020

I want to talk about a very important topic and that's about loving more and judging less. Now why do I bring this up?

Because you might be thinking, well, this guy talks always about the business. Why the heck is he talking about loving and judging, etcetera? Well actually, that's quite important for your business too. It really will have a massive impact if you take on board what I'm about to share with you and for many people including me, it took me years to really get this and to really s...

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Great APP for making sales and recruiting in your local area!

February 13, 2020

In this blog, I want to share with you pretty cool app that I got to know about it recently and I really like it.

It's great for making sales within your local area and also, you can even recruit people in your local area. So it's like a mini social network but it's on the app and it's local to you. So the app is actually called next door. So you can just go in your App Store or Google Play Store and search for next door. Now cool thing about next door is that it's only for your local area.


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The universe operates in a GIVE and TAKE balance

February 13, 2020

I want to talk about the universe operating in a given take system.

It works in two ways, so it's really helpful if you understand it, because you can really speed up your success, it can help you understand things much better. So first of all, you can't get anything without giving, without putting something in. So there's so many people say, “Well, when my boss raises my salary, then I'm going to start working harder. When my husband start showing me attention, then I'll start, whatever.”...

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You get what you NEED not what you WANT!

February 13, 2020

This blog post is called, you get what you need, not what you want.

So very often, we imagine that if I asked for things that I'd want our get the things that I want? And regardless of what you believe, some of you pray to God, some of you ask the universe, some of you use the law of attraction, or whatever it is, but whatever you ask, most people expect to get what they ask. So if I ask, “Oh, can I get some more money, I need more money, can you send me more money?”

Most people imagine tha...

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You gain the power of the temptation you resist

February 13, 2020

So this blog, I've called it, you gain the power of the temptation you resist.

Now, this is an idea that is, for me at least, it's very, very powerful idea. So if you think about it, you are bombarded with temptations all the time. It could be temptation to eat junk food, it could be temptation to be lazy and not do the work and instead, what some telly especially if you're a home based business owner. Oh, let me go and make a cup of tea instead of making a call. And those of you who've been t...

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Why you should TEACH TO TEACH

February 13, 2020

In this blog, I wanted to talk about why should you teach to teach.

You can teach, so your temptation in your business when you're going to first get started and you start recruiting people, you'll need to teach them, you'll need to teach them and what most people do, they just teach. They don't teach to teach. And I'm going to explain what's the difference. So what most people do, they just teach the team members so they go, “Okay, so this is how you place your order. Well, this is how you ...

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What to do if you were GHOSTED on social media?

February 13, 2020

This topic is about being ghosted. So what is being ghosted?

Well, being ghosted is when you message somebody and they seen your message and they don't reply to you? That's being ghosted. So, if that ever happens to you, especially if you’re reaching out to somebody about the business and you ask them if they would be open. And they see your message and they don't respond, there's few things you can do, but I'm going to give you a quick script that I've learned recently from amazing guy call...

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Managing the ATTENTION as a Leader

February 13, 2020

The title of this blog is managing attention as a leader in business.

I went to mass today and then the last one of the readings was quite interesting, because it said, in my own words, it said, those who boast, they will be humbled and those were humble, they will be raised up. And I thought, hmm, isn't it interesting? Wouldn't it this law or this rule also apply in our home based business? So there is like two groups of leaders in network marketing out there.

There's one group who are blowing...

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What to do if someone did not see your message?

February 11, 2020

I want to talk about what to do if you've sent somebody a message, but they didn't see it, how to get them to look at this message.

So, because of the way that Facebook works, if you send a message to somebody who is not friends with you, that message actually is not going to go to their inbox, that message actually is going to end up in their message requests. So that message actually going to end up in the message requests and not everybody actually regularity checks their message requests. ...

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How to answer, "How much does it cost?" ?

February 11, 2020

The title of this blog is how to answer how much does it cost?

So those of you in network marketing and home based business, when you start recruiting, when you start building a team, one of the objections you will get thrown at you is, “Well how much does it cost?” What you need to understand that when somebody saying that before they've seen your business presentation, they’re saying that to get rid of you to basically put the spanner in the works so that you would go, “Oh.” And th...

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Do you feel ENTITLED? ?

February 11, 2020

I want to talk about entitlement and do you feel entitled?

Now what I mean by that is that there is a group of people out there who feel like the world owes them something. And it comes across quite strong very often where a person will declare what has to be done for them. Why hasn't this been done for them, and why is not the doing that for them and why is this not done the way they feel like it should be done? And basically what they're saying is that they’re entitled that the world owes ...

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The SUCCESS GAP! And being NICE ?

February 11, 2020

I want to talk about the success gap. And what does it mean? And I want to also talk about being nice, and it might not be as nice as you think it is.

First of all, I wanted to talk about the success gap. And what is success gap? Success gap is the gap between what you know, and what you do because most people think that it's all about knowing, it's all about how to like, how can I do this? And how can I do that? And what script should I use? And what message should I send and what post should...

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Always position yourself as BUSY when speaking to a prospect ⏰

February 11, 2020

I want to talk about being busy and why is that important in your network marketing business.

So, when you're prospecting somebody, when do they want to get the information? They want to get the information right away. So if you prospect somebody on the bus stop, on the airplane, or at work, or whatever, they will go, “Well, tell me more then, give me all the info. I'm curious. Tell me.” But that's the last thing you want to do because as you know, first you shouldn't be presenting yoursel...

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Whatever you crave you must give ⭐️

February 11, 2020

On this blog, I wanted to talk to you guys about something really, really important and that hopefully will help again to shift your mindset slightly towards how to get things you want in your life. So the title of this blog is whatever you crave, you must give. Now, what on earth does that mean?

Well, what it means is you can't get something that you don't give. So let me put it in terms that you understand it in network marketing. For example, if you hate to buy stuff, if you don't want to b...

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