A sign of a GOOD network marketing business

February 24, 2020

What is the sign of a good network marketing company?

Well, it's very, very easy. A sign of a good network marketing company is to ask yourself a question, would you use this product that the company offers if it wasn't for the network marketing business? Would you use this product if it wasn't for the network marketing business.

So for example, if your company has a product, that you would buy this product anyway, even if there was no business attached to it, even if there was no compensation, if you didn't get any volume, if you would still buy this product for your use, then it's a good network marketing company. But if your company has a product or a program or something that you wouldn't buy if it wasn't for the network marketing business, then that should ring an alarm bell for you. That should cause concern for you.

If you're doing a business with a company that offers a product that you wouldn't buy if it wasn't because of the business, if you wasn't making money with the business by getting other people involved. So there's plenty companies out there who claim to be in network marketing, when an actual reality, it's a money game because the product they offer is very often of very little or no value to the distributor. The only reason why the distributor is doing the business is that they can get other people involved who buy this product, and you make more money from that and then they invite other people to join who buy this product and they make money.

So always ask yourself a question, is the business I'm doing, is the company I'm doing, would I use this product, if it wasn't a network marketing business, if I wasn't making money with this business? And if an answer is like, “Hell no, I would never buy it if it wasn't for the business.” Then that's a red flag. That's a bad business to be involved with. That's a business that probably is not going to last very long because it provides no value. No real value, it's just the money game or is just a basically a pyramid business.

Be very cautious because most often, companies that have that type of a product have no value, these will be the companies that will lure people in with the biggest commissions, with the biggest compensation, with the biggest return on investment. They'll say, “Oh my gosh, if you invite a person and they pay 100 pounds for this product that nobody actually wants, we’ll give you a 90 pounds back.”

Of course, because it has no value, because it's worthless, because nobody would buy it anyway because it's just a money game, but if you're working with a company that actually has a product or a service that you would use even if it wasn't a network marketing business, then you know it's a true company. You know that this company will last and it's going to be a business that stable.

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group http://titaniumsuccess.co.uk/successtraining.php. There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in success



2 very important concepts if you want to successfully build your business online

February 24, 2020

I want to share two very important concepts if you want to successfully build your business online. If you don't know these two concepts, and if you don't have these two concepts, there's a big chance that you will fail at building your business online and you will give up and you will sabotage yourself. So if you don't want to do that, do listen up. I wanted to quickly jump on here and share with you these two concepts.

So concept number one that you have to wrap your brain around if you want...

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What to do if you have some negative information about your company online?

February 24, 2020

I want to talk about what to do if you have some negative information about your company on the social media or on some website or on Google. So what to do if you have some negative information about your company and if you do, you'll know you do, probably maybe there's an article or maybe there's something bad written about your company.

One of the best things you can do to counter act that is to address that right away. So if you’re recruiting somebody into the business, and let's say they...

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SOLUTION to many questions in Network Marketing

February 24, 2020

I want to give you a solution to very, very, very many questions in network marketing. So today's topic is a solution to very many network marketing questions.

For example, if a team member comes to you, or if you have this question, you say, “Well what if I speak to somebody and they are against network marketing? What if I speak to somebody and they don't join my business? Well, what if I send a message to somebody and they don't respond to me? What if I send a video to somebody and they d...

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What if you reach out to someone and they are already in Network Marketing?

February 24, 2020

I want to talk about what to do if you reach out to somebody on social media and they’re already in network marketing.

In this blog, I want to talk about what to do if you reach out to somebody on social media and they’re already in network marketing or even if you reach out to them in the real world out there and they’re already in network marketing, “Ah, damn it.” So one, the temptation very often is to say, “Ah, your company's shit, my company's better, my deal is better, mine p...

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What if someone doesn’t want to see a VIDEO?

February 24, 2020

I want to talk about what to do, if somebody said they would be open to take a look at your business, but then they don't want to watch the video. So the title of this blog is what if somebody doesn't want to see your video?

So what if you ask somebody, “Hey, would you be open to take a look at my business?” And the person said or you say, “Hey, would you be open to earning an extra income from home?” And they say, “Yeah, I would.” And then you say, “Well, would you watch a video...

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How to recruit INFLUENCERS on social media?

February 24, 2020

I want to give you awesome tip on how to recruit influencers on social media. So today's topic is how to recruit influencers on social media. So first of all, what is an influencer?

Well, an influencer is a person who is highly respected within their community and they are highly popular on social media. How would you recognize an influencer? We’ll just scroll through your feed and look at people who post their breakfast omelette, and they get 150 likes, that's an influencer. So people who g...

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When is it ok to use the word “TRY”?

February 24, 2020

I want to explain to you when is it okay to use the word try, and you need to use it for a particular reason. So the word try.

Now if you've been in personal development for a while, if you've been in business for a while, you know that everybody says, “Oh I’ll never use the word try, do or do not. There is no try.” How the good old Yoda said, and it's true. When it comes to you building a business, you should never use the word like, I’ll try to do this business, I’ll try to sell, I...

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How to RESTART your business after you been inactive?

February 24, 2020

In this blog, I want to talk about how to restart your business if you've been inactive for some time. So the title of this blog is how to restart your business if you've been inactive for some time.

So how to restart your business and often I hear this question, people say, “Well, I've been inactive for a week, for a month, for a year or whatever, how do I restart my business? How do I get going again? What do I need to say, that I'm coming back or whatever?” Guys, your Facebook friends a...

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Don’t try to RECRUIT another person until you’ve watched this video!

February 24, 2020

In this blog, I'm going to give you a really powerful tip for recruiting people into your network marketing business. The blog says, don't try to recruit another person until you watch this blog. Why?

Because I want to give you a very, very, very powerful tool for recruiting people. So, when you’re chatting to somebody and when you send a message to somebody on social media and you ask the person, “Hey, would you be open to take a look at an opportunity to earn extra income?” And the per...

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Going BROKE trying to GET RICH QUICK?

February 24, 2020

I want to talk about going broke, trying to get rich quick. So the title of this video is going broke trying to get rich quick.

And sadly, it's a story for many and I see it almost every single day. So I see it every day because the reason for this is that people are not patient. 
People are not patient, they want to have the results yesterday, they want to make millions by the end of the week, they want to get everything now, not someday in the future, not six months from now, not few years fr...

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The difference between influencers and normal people ? and why it’s important for your business?

February 24, 2020

I want to give you a very important distinction. What's the difference between influences and everybody else, the normal people and why that is important for your business? So what's the difference between influencers and normal people?

You see this is very important if you're planning to build a big business, if you're planning to build a big team. The problem is that many people who are influences and who is influencer? Influencer is somebody who is highly respected by their community whose ...

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What to do with ANGRY people?

February 24, 2020

I want to give you a very important tip on what to do with angry people, what to do with people who are rude to you or abrupt to you, how to react and how to behave if that happens to you. So what to do with angry people?

Well, the worst thing to do with angry people is to be angry back at them because that then doesn't help anybody and that just only makes the situation much worse. So if somebody is angry at you, if somebody is rude to you, if somebody does something horrible to you, and you ...

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3 CORE THINGS to work on in 2020!

February 24, 2020

I want to talk about three core areas that you want to work on in this 2020 if you want to have better results in your business, better results in your life. So today's topic is three areas that you want to be working on in this 2020.

The first area you want to be working on is how are you going to be more accountable in 2020? Accountability is one of the core areas where successful people Excel. They're accountable. They're accountable to themselves and they’re also very often are accountab...

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You can’t FAIL in network marketing

February 24, 2020

I want to talk about the fact that you cannot fail in network marketing. If you want to find out why keep watching this. The title of this blog is you can't fail in network marketing. What do I mean and why do I say that?

Well think about it. You can fail in a job, right? If you have a job, you can get fired, and if you get fired, that's pretty much failure. Or you can get made redundant, like company doesn't need you anymore, they get rid of you.

In the job, you can actually fail. What about i...

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What to do if you have a lot of different products to sell?

February 24, 2020

I want to talk about what to do if you have a lot of different products to sell. So today's topic is what to do if you have a lot of different products to sell.

Now, the mistake that a lot of people do, they say, “Well, I'll just market all of them. I'll say hey, we do this and we do that and we do this, but the challenges that confused mind always says no. And the more choices you give to somebody, the more confused they become. So, solution to you, if you have a lot of different products i...

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How to treat a NEW team member?

February 24, 2020

I want to talk about how to treat a new team member who just joined your team. So a short lesson but an important one for you.

Again, we picked this up when we were the training in Las Vegas and I loved the saying and the saying says, “Treat a man as he is and he will always stay as he is, but treat a man as he could be, and one day he will be.” Now this is not just a very nice, quote, very nice motivational thing to say, but it actually is so, so, so much applies to your business.

Because ...

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February 24, 2020

I want to share 13 ways how to increase your vibrations, how to improve your frequency, how to raise your vibe. So if you are interested, stay on, it’s going to be quiet awesome. So, as you know, recently, about a month ago, couple of weeks ago, we were in Las Vegas attending GoPro training and one of the speakers there was a very, very amazing lady called Emily Vavra. I really liked her style, I really like the ideas she shares.

One of the things she shared is how to raise your vibration an...

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Very POWERFUL way to change your MINDSET

February 24, 2020

I want to talk about a really, really powerful way to change your mindset that would help you towards your way into success.

One of the most powerful ways to reach your goals is visualization. So, just briefly, why it's so powerful and what it is. So visualization is basically imagining things that you want to happen in your life. So let's say you have a goal of reaching a certain position in your company, or making a certain amount of money or buying a certain car or living in a certain house...

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Will the NEW YEAR be different or the same?

February 24, 2020

The title of this blog is, will the New Year be different or more of the same? So what do I mean by will the New Year be different or more of the same?

Well, I remember reading this quote by Albert Einstein, which said, “If you do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result, that's the first sign of insanity.” But there's so many people who do that and they’re still surprised why their life is not changing. Let me ask you a question, was 2019 different for you from 2...

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Are you still LOOKING for Leaders?

February 24, 2020

I want to help you to have more leaders in your business. So if you want more leaders stay on, I'm going to share a few useful tips with you. The title of this blog is, are you looking for leaders?

Now, in a home based business, in network marketing, we need leaders in our business. You can only go so far by yourself. You want leaders in your business because when somebody is a leader in your business, they take care of their own team. So they can run their own presentations, they can run thei...

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Great question to ask at the END of a 3 way call

February 24, 2020

I want to show you or tell you or give you an idea of a great, great, great question to ask at the end of a three way call that you do with your team member and a potential prospect that will be joining the team. So today's topic is a great question to ask at the end of a three way call.

First of all, for those of you don't know what's a three way call, a three way call is where you’re helping your team member to bring somebody on board into the business. So let's say you have a new team mem...

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Don’t look for what you agree with look for what’s working

February 24, 2020

I want to give you a tip that might get you more results. And if you're stuck in business, if you're finding it hard to progress, you may have this problem. So the title of this blog is, don't look for things you agree with, but look for things that are working.

You see, the challenge I see very often with people in home based business, with people in network marketing is that for them to use a strategy or for them to show the strategy to the team, it needs a stamp of their approval, like, “...

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Why use a MESSAGE instead of CALLING a prospect?

February 24, 2020

I want to talk about why message a prospect instead of calling a prospect.

So about a couple of years ago, the whole world decided to stop answering the phones. Have you noticed that? Like nobody wants to be talking on the phone anymore. It's like literally too rude to call somebody without texting them first asking them, “Hey, can I call you?” It's just the way it is. So, because of that, it actually has helped us in network marketing, if you use this wisely.

So before, we always had to ca...

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Most important RESOURCES for your business are FREE!

February 23, 2020

I want to talk about the most important resources for your business. So the title of this blog is that the most important resources for your business free and they are.

One of the most important resources that I've observed high leaders have in the business, like in our industry, network marketing, some of the top earners people who are making a million a year, two million a year, three million a year, you know the resource they have is energy. They have high energy, these people are not going...

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3 parts to a BREAKTHROUGH

February 23, 2020

I want to talk about three parts to having a breakthrough in your business. So I want to share three steps to having a breakthrough in your business, so if you feel stuck, if you feel like you haven't had that lift off in your business, this might really help you. And these three parts definitely very, very important in order to have a breakthrough.

The first one and probably the main one is a major burst of energy, major burst of activity. Too many people are trying to be casual in this busin...

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Why DISCOUNT doesn’t always work?

February 23, 2020

I want to talk about why discounts don't always work.

A lot of the times a brand new person in business, they'll think that, oh, if I put a discount on my product, I'll get more sales. If I put a discount on my product, I'll get more interest. And sometimes that is not the case. Actually, a lot of the times it's not the case and I'll explain why. So why would a discount not work? Well, what if I don't even know that I need your product? Putting it on a discount isn't gonna make me buy it. You ...

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When is the BEST time to recruit somebody?

February 23, 2020

I want to do a very quick blog about when to recruit a new person in your business. So I wanted to do a blog here talking about getting in the groove, talking about the winning streak. What do I mean by that? So the question of this blog is, when is the best time to recruit somebody? So, when is the best time to recruit somebody new in your business?

Straight after you've recruited somebody else. You see the mistake that I used to make and the mistake I see many network marketers make is when ...

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Seek Conversation not Conversion

February 23, 2020

I want to show you how to get more sales and more recruits into your business. So the title of this blog is seek conversation, not conversion.

You see the mistake that a lot of network marketers make in their marketing is that they are seeking conversion, not conversation. And what do I mean by conversion? Conversion is a sale, conversion is a recruit and that's what they seek on social media.

When they post something, they're going for the kill, like Gary Vaynerchuk wrote a book called Jab, Ja...

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3 Steps to Recruiting&Sales

February 23, 2020

I want to give you three steps to recruiting somebody or to selling to somebody. What are these three steps for recruiting or for selling? Very, very simple.

Number one, determine the need. So determine the need of this person. So, what does this person need? Actually before you determine the need, actually first step is reach out to the person. So first step you reach out to somebody, whether it's on social media, whether it's face to face, etcetera. So step one, reach out to the person.


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