How to improve RETENTION in your business?

April 7, 2020

I want to talk about how to increase retention in your business. When it comes to retention in network marketing, we have two types of retention, retention of customers and retention of business partners.

When it comes to customers, the answer to how can we retain more customers is customer service. The question in your mind should always be how do I make the experience wonderful to my customer? How do I make my customer enjoy the process of doing business with me? It shouldn't just be a transaction, it shouldn't be just a number. It shouldn't just be, “Here's the product, give me your money.” And that's it.

The idea is how to make the experience delightful for your customer so that your customer goes, “Oh my gosh, I love dealing with this person. I love dealing with this company. Every time I do business with them, I feel amazing.” That's how you increase retention. Because they say people will forget what you said and done, but they will never forget how you made them feel. If you create that great feeling, that emotional connection with your product, and with your brand, the customers will always stay, the customers will never disappear. That’s one side.

The second side is your business partners, is your team members. How can you increase retention in your team, how can you have less people quitting the business and staying in the business? And this one is twofold. One side, you need to help people get results. If you want more people stay in your business, help more people to make some money quickly. The quicker your team member gets a customer, the quicker your team member gets their own team members, the more you’re increasing the chance of them staying in the business. That’s one side.

The second side, and it's a huge side and very few people work on that is culture, creating a great culture because you can't have a retention problem if you don't have a culture problem. Most of the time, if you struggle retaining people in the business, there's probably a problem with culture. And big thing when it comes to culture is making everybody feel welcome in your business. Very often as network marketers, we don't do that because we are so fired up, because we have such great big ambitions and goals, and we expect everybody else to be like that too. And anything less than that we go, “What the hell are you doing here? Get out of my way. Don't waste my time.”

And sometimes people feel like they're not enough in your team. People feel like they're not good enough to be around you because you're so crazy fired up. Now, I'm not saying you need to reduce your passion. You shouldn't. You should go like crazy, but what you should do, you should think how can I make everybody feel welcome in my team, because some people will come to your business who initially might not be very ambitious, who initially might not have very big goals, but if you keep them long enough around the campfire, there's a chance that three months from now, six months from now, a year from now, they'll catch fire by seeing other people succeeding, hitting higher ranks, making more money.

As a leader, you should always be thinking, how can I make everybody feel welcome in my business? How can I make everybody feel good in my business because everything that we do, it doesn't matter what your goals are, whether it's to make a gazillion pounds of dollars, or have a dream house or drive a Ferrari or go build a school in Mozambique or orphanage in Timbuktu or whatever it is.

If I dig deep enough, if I keep asking, but why, but why, but why, but why, and if I dig deep enough, you know what you're going to say, “Because it's going to make me feel good.” That's what it's all about, pain and pleasure. Everything we do in life is either to avoid pain or to gain pleasure, which in other words is to feel good because you feel good when everything goes the way you want it to go.

People who join your business, it's exactly the same thing. If you make them feel like shit, if you make them feel worthless, if you make them feel like they're not enough, guess what, they aren’t going to hang around very long around your business, they're going to go somewhere else. But if you make them feel welcome, if you make them feel good, if you make them feel accepted, no matter what they want to achieve in business, they'll stay with you forever. And they will catch fire eventually. They will. I promise you that.

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in success



How to increase the open rate of your group messages on WhatsApp?

April 7, 2020

I want to talk about how to increase the open rate of messages to your team on WhatsApp. The topic for today is how to increase the open rate of your group messages on WhatsApp.

As you're building your business, as you're building your team, more and more people will be at, of course, you will be probably creating Facebook group, some Facebook chats or maybe WhatsApp groups, but the challenge is that as people are being added to more and more groups, they become a bit desensitized to the whole...

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Jar of pickles analogy

April 7, 2020

I wanted to give you an analogy, a jar of pickles analogies. This is a quick one, but I think it's a positive one.

Very often when I'm talking to people in business, I hear them say, “Oh, my wife is not supporting me. My husband is not supporting me. My family is not supporting me. My friends are not supporting me, my work colleagues are not supporting me.” I get it. People are not supporting you, but if you want to change something, if you want to achieve something, you need the support,...

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4 steps to a SALE

April 7, 2020

I wanted to talk about selling, actually a four steps to making a sale. When I'm saying selling it actually applies to selling a product, but also selling your business opportunity to somebody. You can apply to many different various situations.

Step one to selling and again, for some of you, this will be a counter intuitive because very often when you sell something, you want to talk about it. You want to go right into telling them about what you have to offer, but that is a mistake. If you r...

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Are you a PACE SETTER?

March 26, 2020

I want to talk about becoming a pace setter. And what is a pace setter?

They say the speed of the pack is the speed of the leader. So when it comes to leadership in your network marketing business, a lot of it is about setting the pace for your business. A lot of it is about showing an example. Very few leaders are the people who are sitting at the back watching everybody else doing the work.

Most leaders who have built successful businesses in network marketing, who have built a huge teams, gu...

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Using A T M in your business?

March 26, 2020

I want to talk about ATM. Are you using the ATM in your business? If you're not, you're missing out massively. And if you will start using it, it will make your life a lot easier. Today’s topic is ATM, using ATM in your business.

That's doesn't stand for automated teller machine for the cash point. Even though that's also a good alternative because this can become a cash point in your business, but this is meant to make your life easier as a leader and help you to scale your business massive...

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A SECRET to developing successful people in Network Marketing

March 26, 2020

I want to talk about the secret to developing successful people in network marketing.

I've got a rock star next to me today you see. This lady is dangerous. She’s dangerous. They say you have to recruit people who are better than you. That's the one of the examples of that, like she's in my team, but she knows more than me. I don't tell her that but I just take notes when I watch her doing stuff and I just copy stuff without telling her. Always look for people who are better than you.  Secre...

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3 stages of acceptance by people

March 26, 2020

I want to talk about the three stages of acceptance by people. It may be useful for you if you are been affected by criticism or by rejection. You might want to read this blog, it may give you a bit of an ideas. All the information, all the facts, all the truth, all the everything will go through these three stages of acceptance by people. And I'll explain why it's important for you as well as a network marketer, but probably you'll catch on as we go through this.

Whenever anything is being pr...

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Why you should NOT motivate?

March 26, 2020

I want to talk about why you should not motivate other people. Maybe a strange blog coming from me. Like oh, this guy always does motivation and he's telling me not to motivate other people. Let me tell you why. What if I asked you to describe manipulation? What if I asked you to describe? How would you describe manipulating somebody? What would be your description?

Well, one of the descriptions of manipulating somebody is making somebody do something they don't want that you want them to do. ...

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What makes a great TEAM?

March 18, 2020

I want to talk about what makes a great team. The title of this blog, what makes a great team. And if I asked you to describe what is a team? What makes a great team?

The chances are a lot of you would say, “Well, it's a group of people who are the same, who’re doing the same. So it's like a group of people who are the same.” But actually what makes a really great team is a group of people that are not the same.

Actually, if you think about it, what makes a great team is actually a bunch ...

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The difference between an Employee and Entrepreneur

March 18, 2020

I want to talk to you about the difference between an employee and an entrepreneur.

For some of you, this might be a light bulb moment or an aha moment where you will catch yourself, what sort of mindset do you have. I wanted to jump on a live with you and share this concept because I think it's so, so, so important to wrap your brain around it and if you are actively building team, if you’re actively recruiting This will also help you explain to other people and maybe guide other people's m...

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Does your business need CPR?

March 18, 2020

I want to ask you a question. Does your business need a CPR? So the title of this blog is does your business need a CPR?

I'm not talking about the CPR when you stop breathing, and somebody has to go, one, two, three four. No, that's not the type of CPR I'm talking about. I'm talking about the CPR for social media. So if you want to get more engagement on your social media, you need to do CPR. So what does the CPR stand for? C stands for Comment.

So five minutes before you post, whether you’re...

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Over time everything goes off course

March 18, 2020

I want to talk about the fact that over time, everything goes off course. So the title of this blog is everything over time tends to go off course.

So when they launched the rocket to the moon, or they launched the rocket to Mars or whatever, they set the course and you would think that the rocket would just keep going straight where it's supposed to. But that's actually not how it works. When they launch the rocket to space, it keeps going off course, so they have to keep correcting it back ...

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SERIOUS people vs CURIOUS people?

February 25, 2020

I want to talk about the difference between serious people and curious people. So, today I wanted to talk about the difference between serious people and curious people and trust me, you want serious people in your business, not curious. I'd rather have 10 serious people in my team than 1000 curious people in my team.

When you're showing a business to somebody, and let's say they've seen the business presentation, maybe the video, maybe the live presentation and there will be a type of people ...

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6 steps to a successful HOME MEETING

February 25, 2020

I want to talk about six steps to a successful home meeting. So if you run home meetings, if you do presentations in hotels, if you do any of that type of face to face introduction of people into your business, you might want to watch this video because it might be very, very useful for you. So, six steps to a successful home meeting. But actually, you could use these steps if you do a meeting in a hotel, if you do a meeting in a coffee shop, etcetera. It's basically how to successfully run a...

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Why you should start talking as soon as you start your Facebook live?

February 25, 2020

I want to talk about why you should start talking as soon as you start your Facebook Live. I'll explain it in just a second. So today's topic is why you should start talking as soon as you start your Facebook Live.

One of the newbie mistakes, one of the newbie errors in doing Facebook Lives is when people will start the Facebook Live and they look, it’s  like, “Nobody's watching or like it's one in that corner.” And then they go, “All right and guys, so we'll just wait for more people ...

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Are you experiencing difficulties?

February 25, 2020

I want to talk about difficulties. What to do if you're experiencing difficulties or how to think about them perhaps. So what to do if you're experiencing difficulties and firstly, before we even get into that, the fact is that you will almost always be experiencing difficulties and challenges and obstacles, especially when it comes to business, because that's how it is.

There's always some sort of challenges, but it's again, it's the way we look at it. If we look at it as a problem, it become...

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Identify your ASSETS

February 25, 2020

I want to talk about identifying the assets in your business and why that is important.

It's a brand new month, happy February and this is a long February. 29 days, so we can really, really crush it this month. And because it's a new month, it's a good thing to talk about identifying assets in your business. So whenever you plan to do something big, and I hope that you're planning to have a really, really big February, really strong. January was great. We started with a bang. This year we sta...

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I will help you build your business

February 25, 2020

This topic is about, I will help you build your business, and everybody wants to hear that, everybody wants somebody to come in and rescue them.

Everybody wants somebody to come in and build the business for them. And I hear that very often when people are in network marketing, they say, “Oh, I don't have a very good sponsor.” And I say, “Well, so what? It’s not like your sponsor is going to build your business for you. Even if you had a great sponsor, your sponsor wouldn't build a bus...

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Why you should follow the SEQUENCE of steps?

February 25, 2020

I want to talk about why you should follow the sequence of things, of events, of actions, of steps and you shouldn't do things out of order.

One of the leaders was talking about doing a training and he said a thing that really got my mind thinking and he said, “In business, you should always follow the sequence of events or the sequence of actions.” Because what unsuccessful people try to do in network marketing, they try to skip steps, they try to speed up the process, they try to get the...

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Why you should NOT use HYPE in your business?

February 25, 2020

I want to talk about hype. Why you should not use hype in your network marketing business. So what is hype and why you should not use it?

Well the hype is basically when you're exaggerating, when you’re using large numbers, when you’re over estimating, when you’re saying things that might not be true.

So an example of that would be you talking to a friend and saying, “Hey, join my business, you can make 10,000 pounds a month.” Can they make? For sure, but will everybody make? Probably...

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Generals don’t give up to soldiers

February 25, 2020

The title of this blog is generals don't give up two soldiers.

So, in a war situation, a general would never give up to a soldier, a general would rather die than be captured by a soldier will then be whatever. But that's not really what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about it also applies to network marketing industry, to home based business. What I mean is in network marketing very often, somebody new in business sees a huge leader in another company and they will go and try and recruit...

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How to answer “Is this MLM?” question?

February 24, 2020

I want to talk about how to answer the question, is this network marketing? Is this MLM? So how to answer if you’re trying to talk to somebody about your business opportunity, if you’re checking if they would be open, and they say, “Is this network marketing? Is this MLM?”

A lot of network marketers get a bit confused and get a bit scared when they get that question, but you shouldn't be. It's okay to get that question. So if you do get that question, first, you should answer it with a...

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You can’t sell your job!

February 24, 2020

Let’s say you get loads of promotions and you reach a certain level. It's awesome for that time. But the challenge with that is that you can't sell your job. Let's say, you reach a certain position, you can go, “Hey, can I sell this job to somebody else, and I retire, and I get the money for it?” It doesn't work that way. You can only get paid whilst you have a job.

Also, something happens to you, and you pass away. Again, the income stops. So you only get the income while you're working...

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Suspend your DISBELIEF

February 24, 2020

I want to do a quick blog for you about suspend your disbelief. So the title of this blog is suspend your disbelief. Now, what does it mean?

What it means, that most people talk themselves out of succeeding in business. Most people stop themselves, there's nobody stopping them. There's nobody preventing them from reaching success. But what happens most of the time, is that the people are stopping themselves because they go, “Oh, I just can't believe I can achieve it. No, no, no, no, no, I co...

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What people want from NETWORK MARKETING?

February 24, 2020

I want to quickly share an idea and that's about what do people really want from network marketing and what sometimes people don't get what they should get in network marketing. So what do people want from network marketing?

And there's actually three main things that people want from network marketing. First of all, people want to earn fast. So people want to start making money as soon as possible because if somebody joins your team, and they don't make money for a week for two weeks, for thr...

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Why look for people who USED to do Network Marketing?

February 24, 2020

I want to share very quickly with you an interesting idea, and the question of this blog is why you should go for people who used to be in network marketing.

So some of you may think, oh, I don't want to recruit people who used to be in network marketing and didn't get results and didn't make the money. And maybe they even have some bad experience with network marketing. I should leave those people alone. I wouldn't if I were you.

Why? Few reasons. First of all, if somebody's already was in net...

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Do before your are READY

February 24, 2020

I want to quickly talk about the fact that you don't need to be ready to do something.

I lost account amount of time, somebody says, “Oh, your videos are not that professional, or your website, it could be done much better, much more professionally.” But you know what, the unprofessional video still recruits people. The unprofessional website still does its job and sells the product and recruits people. But if you wait for it to be perfect, if you wait for you to be ready, very often, you'...

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Do you talk your prospect OUT of the business opportunity?

February 24, 2020

I want to talk to you about talking the person out of the business, and if you're doing it and how not to do it.

So when we were back in Kazan, we had a training by one of the leaders. His name is Murat and he shared a great communication model that I thought wow, this is powerful. I definitely need to share it with the guys. So what's the idea behind it? Well, idea behind it is that very often, business partners in network marketing, they are so excited about their business that they are talk...

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How to get more people to business opportunity meeting?

February 24, 2020

I want to give you a tip how to get more people to your business opportunity presentations.

If your company does a local business opportunity meeting in a hotel or maybe have a Facebook Live or a Zoom, or if they do any kind of business opportunity presentation and you'd like to get more people, I wanted to give you a very quick tip. So I was having a chat with one of the leaders here in Russia. Her name is Almire Gulch. And as we were talking about how we got started in the business, she said...

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