Most people do network marketing every day but they just don’t get paid for it
This topic is about most people do network marketing every day, but they just don't
get paid for it.
You see, when people hear network marketing, they have
different ideas and different associations. And sometimes they get scared, sometimes
they don't know what it's all about. Sometimes they're sceptical, whatever. But
whether you think you work with a network marketing company or not, you
actually been doing network marketing all of your life, but you were just not
paid for it. What do I mean by that?
Well, if you like most people, you
probably recommend movies. When you watch a good movie, you probably really
recommend it to your friends, family, work colleagues and things like that. If
you're like most people, if you go to a nice restaurant where you eat nice food
and the prices are great, and the service is awesome, you're probably going to
recommend that restaurant to other people. And if you go to a shop, and you
really like that shop and you get some good deals there, good prices, good
service as well, you're most likely to recommend that shop to other people as
you knowing it, you already did network marketing. The only problem is you
didn't get paid for it. So what is network marketing? Well, network marketing
is recommending and promoting things that you like, which, if you like most
people, you've been doing it for most of your life. You recommend movies that
you like, you recommend restaurants that you like, you recommend cinemas that
you like in shops, but when you recommend a movie to somebody and that person
goes to the cinema, spends their money on the movie, spends their money on the
popcorn, spends the money on the soft drinks and some nachos and some hotdogs,
do you get a cheque in the mail from the cinema, saying, “Hey, thanks very much
for recommending the cinema. Thanks very much for recommending the movie. Your
friends did come to the cinema and spend an awful lot of money. Here's your
Does that happen for you? No. Well, when you recommend people to go to a
restaurant, and they go to that restaurant and they spend money there, they
dine there, they have a great dinner, they have some drinks and they spend 50,
60, 70 pounds at that restaurant. Does that restaurant send your commission
cheque, your cut since you recommended, since you generated that business for
them, since it was your recommendation that got those people to the restaurant,
do they send you some commission for that? No they don't.
when you recommend somebody to go to a supermarket or to a particular shop to
buy something because you bought it there, does that shop compensate you for
that? Does that shop pay you for that recommendation? The answer is no. You did
what network marketing is all about, which is recommending and promoting things
that you like, but you didn't get paid for it. So that means you're doing
network marketing, you just like to do it for free.
Now, if you want to carry
on doing it for free, leave this video now and stop watching because clearly
you’re like a charity organization, you want to make some money to your local
cinema, you want to make some money to your local restaurants, you want to make
some money to your local shops just not for you. That’s okay. I understand that
you must be a generous heart. You just want to do good jobs in life and you
want to be a charitable organization. You go ahead and carry on doing that and
I'm sure those restaurants and shops and cinemas will appreciate that. Now, if
you're still watching this, you're probably thinking well, how can I actually
get paid? How can I actually make money for recommending? That's what network
marketing is all about.
you join network marketing, and you start promoting the products that that
network marketing company has, most likely you will use the products yourself,
you will enjoy them. And when you do enjoy those products, when you get value
from those products, you recommend them to your friends, to your family, to
your neighbours, to your work colleagues, to your gym mates, to your pub mates.
And when you recommend, unlike with the cinema, the restaurant and the shop,
the network marketing company you're with is actually going to pay you a
commission on that. From then on, every time that person buys the product from
the company, the company will pay you a small percentage of that sale. Well is
that fair? Is that okay to do that? Absolutely.
you have generated that business for the company, they only want to say thank
you to you and pay you for that. Now same way with earning money, so if you
start making money with your network marketing company and you enjoy it making
money like maybe you are against money, maybe you don't enjoy making money, but
most people do, so if you start making money with your network marketing
company, and you enjoy that, then again, you can recommend to your friends,
family, work colleagues, neighbours, people that you know, and people that you
will meet our way of making extra money. And again, the company will compensate
you for that. So that person will come and work with the company, and the
company will pay you a percentage on what they do with the company as well.
there is no limit by how many people you can recommend. And if they recommend
other people, you'll get paid on that too. And if those people recommend other
people, you'll get paid on that too, ad infinitum. It can carry on, on and on
and on and on and on. And hundreds and thousands of people can join through
your recommendation, and you will be paid on all of those recommendations.
So my
question for you is, do you want to carry on doing network marketing for free
for the rest of your life by recommending things to people free of charge and
don't get paid for it? Or would you like to stop being paid for recommending?
Would you like to get paid for doing network marketing. If the answer is yes,
then have a look for a company that you like. Reach out to somebody who does
network marketing and join that team and they will show you how you can start
being paid for network marketing that you do anyway all the time.
That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in
this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you
would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success
Training” group There are 10 amazing lessons in
this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!
Yours in success
In : Personal Development
Tags: start getting paid for network marketing