If you become AWARE of the past you can PREDICT the future
I wanted to teach you how to predict future. How about that? Today's title is
if you become aware of the past, you can predict the future.
You see, awareness
is one of the things that a lot of people are lacking especially in a home
based business, especially number in network marketing. Too many people are
just going like zombies. They’re completely oblivious of what is happening
around them. They’re completely oblivious of people's reactions of why things
happen the way they happen? If you want to get better in your business, and if
you want to keep getting better and better and better results, one of the things
to work on is awareness. Don’t just focus on what you're doing, but focus on
seeing what is happening. If I do this thing, what happens then? If I do that
thing, how different are the results?
remember when I first started doing presentations, and I used to do
presentations at people's homes or in coffee shops, I would go and meet with
somebody and at the beginning, I will do the presentation, and then I would
have 10 million questions. The prospect will say, “Well, what about this and
what about that and whatever?” But as I kept doing presentations, over time, I
started getting less questions and less questions and less questions to where
at some point I would go after the presentation, I would go, “Great, do you
have any questions?” And the prospect would go, “Well, I had some, but
actually, you've answered all of them during the presentation.”
Why did that
happen? Because I’d become aware of it. Because I’d become aware that every
time I do the presentation, this question pops up at the end. If I build in
this question in my presentation, that it kills it off. By the time I finish
the presentation, they don't ask this question anymore. And you can do that all
the time.
thing that first, when I started doing presentation, some people would sign up,
some people wouldn't, but as I got better over the months and years in
business, it got to the point where if I had a one to one meeting with
somebody, it was almost 100%, signup, it was almost always a person would sign
up. Now you might say, “Whoa, because you're such a great speaker, or because
you have…”
And it isn't. I wasn't great at speaking, I didn't have that great
personality or whatever, but one thing that again I was, I was aware, what does
it mean? So if I would be doing a presentation and I would be explaining about
the business, and I would use a word or a sentence, or I would use a phrase,
and my prospect would go, “Hmm, what!” it would cause a negative reaction, I
would straightaway make a mental note, scratch that. Don't use that anymore in
your presentation. That's awareness. If I would say something, and the process
will go, “What!” lean in interested, positive, excited, mental note, keep this
in. Make sure you use it all the time.
time as you're doing the presentations, as you're doing the trainings, as
you're doing the explanations, you start perfecting it. You start smoothing
this diamond out to where your presentation becomes almost perfect where it
gets people excited all the time, because you've using, you're using things
that are turning people on not turning people off. But in order for you to
understand that, again, you have to be aware, same thing comes to your daily
routine to time management.
In order for you to become more effective in your
business, in order for you to get better results, guess what? You have to
become more aware of what is happening in your business. Because if you don't
look back on what happened last week, what happened last month? What happened
last year? What can we learn from that? Then you will keep repeating the same
mistakes, then you will keep doing the same errors, and it's like that example
where, imagine you have a piece of paper with the text and imagine you have an
error there, there's a mistake there, there's a mistake there, and you might
press print. It comes out of the printer. You take the page.
Oh, there's a
mistake there. Let me press print again. Print comes out, oh, the mistake again,
like how many times could you press print and still get the same mistake
printed out? Like a million times. You have to go back to the sheet on computer
onto the word file or whatever, and delete the error, change the error, then
press print again, off it comes, no error anymore, but pressing print isn’t
gonna solve it.
thing in your business, if you're not aware, if you're not looking, what am I
doing, what is causing me to get this bad result or no result? Unless you go
back and fix it, you can keep doing it until cows come home, you're still going
to get the bad result, you're still not going to get the result because you're
not fixing the error. There's nothing wrong with making mistakes, but we need
to learn from them. We need to be aware of them and then change it and then
avoid them in the future. The more aware you become, the more you can start
predicting the future in your business.
Because if you become aware of how the
prospect reacts, the next time you go, and you know what you're going to say,
you can almost predict that it's a sign up, that person is going to join my
business or that person is going to buy my product. If you go and do a training
for your team, and again, you're aware of what works and what turns people on,
you go to a training, you can almost predict the next month fingers, you can
almost predict the growth in your business. The more aware you become, the more
you can predict what's going to happen next in your business, what's going to
happen with this prospect or the other.
That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in
this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you
would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success
Training” group http://titaniumsuccess.co.uk/successtraining.php. There are 10 amazing lessons in
this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!
Yours in success
In : Personal Development
Tags: business predictions