How to RELAX your body?
I want to share a very quick strategy on how to relax your body. The title of
this blog is how to relax your body.
I was just watching a program and
the guy that was running the program, he shared a very simple idea on how to
relax your body. And the easiest way to relax your body is to relax your
stomach, is to relax your stomach, because try tense your jaw, try tense your
arms and see what happens. Whenever you try to tense another part of your body,
your stomach tenses up. So if you relax your stomach, you can't have anything
else tense in your body. Because stomach is like one part that sort of controls
if you ever working at the desk all day, your neck is tight and your back is
tight, just relax your, belly. And the easiest way to relax your belly is to
breathe through your belly. So most people breathe with the chest. Their chest
is puffing up, but try to breathe through your belly. When you when you breathe
in, your belly goes out, and when you breathe out, your belly goes in, like
look how the babies breathe. When the baby's sleeping, the belly goes because
that's how we’re naturally supposed to breathe. That's how relaxed the body
breathes. But because we are sometimes so stressed, like we're breathing here
at the top all day and then your body doesn't get enough oxygen and you start
getting stressed, because if you're starving of oxygen, you should be stressed.
whenever you catch yourself that you're a bit tense, just start breathing
through your belly. Breathe in, the belly comes out, breathe out, the belly
comes in and relax. Try to relax your stomach as much as you can. And when you
relax your stomach, your whole body will relax, because you cannot have
anything else tense when your stomach is relaxed. So it's a very quick and cool
strategy, but when you do that, you start breathing better, you start relaxing more,
you de stress. So if you're prone to anxiety or stress, just briefly your belly
and relax your belly and it will be awesome. You'll see your body will relax
right away.
That’s my
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In : Personal Development
Tags: body relaxation