How to have great CULTURE in your Network Marketing Team?

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 Under: Personal Development
Have you ever had anyone leave your network marketing team? Have you ever had someone who goes into "WITNES PROTECTION PROGRAM" when they stop picking up the phone, answering emails and coming to meetings?

If your answer is YES then you have 2 options moving forward. One, you can just ACCEPT that it will keep happening and keep blindly recruiting HOPING that people will stop disappearing, or two, figure out why people are leaving and change something so that people would STAY instead.

Definitely not the only reason, but one of the important ones why people leave network marketing is bad CULTURE.
Before we get into culture we need to understand one thing.

In network marketing business 80% of people who will join your team have a desire level of zero to £500 per month. What does that mean? Well it means that they don't have any desire to work hard, reach top levels on your marketing plan, get the brand new car as a bonus, travel the world, and speak on the stage in front of hundreds of people. All they want to do is use great quality products, recommend them to few family members and be part of this amazing social club where everybody is positive, happy, supportive and friendly. 

On the other hand, 5% of people in your team will be the ones with a burning desire ready to chase the business to the very top, make millions, be recognised, travel the beaches of the world etc. If you are reading this article, I would guess you are in the 5%! And I understand, you don't get why would anyone be in the 80% without a desire to hit top levels of income etc. And that's where most 5%'s make the CRUCIAL MISTAKE! They go to the 80% people who are buying products every single month from the company and say something "Hey man! How come you are not recruiting any people and not selling more products to other people?". Now the 5% leader is doing with good intentions, they want to help the individual and motivate them to change their life for the better, however, for the 80% person it sounds like they are not good enough, they are not welcome in this family UNLESS they go and recruit people and sell lots of products. Ant because of that they think "you know what, if me spending my money here is not good enough, then I will go to another company and spend my money there instead" and they leave your organisation.

So to have a great culture in your business you need to firstly ask questions and find out who in your team are the 80% people and who are the 5% people. Once you have found out you will work accordingly with each group. However, your goal as a leader is to make everyone feel WELCOME. Always ensure that the culture within your team is the one of supporting, nurturing, friendship and acceptance. Everyone should feel like they belong in your team no matter of their level of activity.

And over time even some of the 80%'s will catch the spark and go on fire to build business. All you need to do is INSPIRE them by your example. Whatever you want your team to do you need to do more of. So you go and recruit more people, you go and sell more products and let your team members see you doing it. That is how you will inspire them too do do more.

Here is a video where I give few more examples of GREAT CULTURE:

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in Success


In : Personal Development 

Tags: "network marketing" culture team ambition inspiration 
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