How to answer how long you’ve been doing it/how much money have you made if you’re NEW?
I want to talk about a question that you people quite often get is how long
you've been doing this and how much money have you made?
Very often, when a new
person gets started in a network marketing business, they'll get this question
from their family, their friends, or maybe even strangers. When they try to
pitch their business, they'll say well, how long have you been doing it and how
much money have you made? And of course this question is basically trying to
imply that if you made a lot of money than they would make a lot of money but
if you haven't made much money, then there is no opportunity for them either.
And of course, that's totally wrong and that's totally incorrect.
very often, when a new person in business, when a new person in network
marketing gets that type of question, it throws them off course, it confuses
them, they get scared and this is how they lose a potential prospect or, a
potential business partner because they just simply don't know how to answer
that question. So what should you do?
if you are a brand new person, if you started not that long time ago in network
marketing, or maybe you have been using the product for a long time, but you’re
just now starting to build it seriously, you're just now starting to build your
business strong, you can just basically say, “Hey, look, I've only started
recently, so I haven't made that much money yet. However, I'm working with some
people who are very successful in this business. If you are interested, I would
love to introduce you to those people.”
Because there's two types of people who
will give you this question, one is a person who is genuinely interested in how
much money you’re making, and genuinely interested in the size of the
opportunity. And there's a second type of person who will give you this
question, who is just trying to get rid of you. They're not interested in your
business setup. Either way, they're just trying to get rid of you.
when they when they ask you, well, how long have you been in it and how much
money you made? You might say, “Hey, look, I'm pretty new. I haven't made as
much money. But I'm working directly with people who are very successful, who
have been in this business for a long time, and they've made quite good amount
of money. I would love to introduce you to those people. Would you be
interested?” And their answer now is going to show you if they're serious or
not, because if they say, ah, whatever, then you know that it didn't matter
what you would answer, they wouldn't have joined your business anyway. But if
you say, “Hey, I would love to introduce you to them,” if they say yes I would
love to meet them. Awesome, that person is genuinely interested, and you can
bring them on board into the business.
if you've been in business for a while, and you always seem to be getting this
question, how much are you making in this? How much are you making this? It's
might actually be showing another problem. It actually might be showing that
you are showing lack of confidence. Because if you don't have very good
posture, if you show lack of confidence when you approach people, if they are
unsure when they look at you, when they listen to you, if they're unsure,
they're like confused. That's when they might be asking, that's the reason why a
lot of them might be asking that question; how much have you actually made in
Because they're getting the vibe, they're getting the energy from you of
uncertainty. They're getting the energy from you of that you're not sure what
you're doing. So even if you're new, even if you haven't made a lot of money if
you have good posture, you’re confident in yourself, you know what you're
offering is great and you convey yourself with that energy you'll get a lot
less people asking you that question; how long have you been in this and how
much money have you made?
That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in
this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you
would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success
Training” group There
are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the
breakthrough in your business!
Yours in success
In : Personal Development
Tags: what to say if you're new