Hard work and Skill beats Talent and Luck
I want to talk to you about hard work versus talent and skill versus getting
lucky. I want to talk about misconceptions that people have.
first misconception people have is that you have to be talented in order for
you to become successful in business, they say, “Oh, that rich person, that
wealthy person, they must be very talented, they must have been born that way.
They must have just haven't built in them.” But what I've learned from
experience, what I've learned from studying successful people from going to
trainings and so on, I've learned that nine successful people out of 10 they
were not born that way.
They were not naturally entrepreneurial, they were not
naturally gifted, they work their ass off to become successful. Some of the
most successful people nowadays, some of the most famous people that you can
think of, like, Gary Vaynerchuk, like Grant Cardone, like Tony Robbins, and so
on, if you look at their biographies, if you look at what they did to be where
they are today they worked their butts off to get to where they are.
don't look for an easy way. Don't look for a way to do this without having to
work hard. It doesn't work like that. It’s harder to get lucky than it is just
to work hard. So don't worry about the talent. What if I'm not a great public
speaker? It's okay. What if I'm not a naturally extroverted person? That's
okay. Like anything that you're lacking right now makes no difference at all if
you’re willing to learn, if you're willing to go through the motions and learn
that. So number one, hard work beats talent any day, hard work beats talent any
one is luck. People go, “Oh, if only I get lucky. If only I get a break.” And
you know what? Sometimes it does look like you Luck. But I believe that luck
happens when preparation meets opportunity. That's when the luck happens. So
when you work on it consistently, then you will get lucky eventually. But
again, instead of relying on luck, rely on skill, work on the skill. How do I
become a better salesperson? How do I become a better leader? How do I become a
better speaker? How do I become a better trainer? How do I become a better
whatever? Instead of like, “Oh, I hope I get lucky. I hope I get lucky and
recruit that superstar. I hope I get lucky and I get noticed by some head-hunter.”
Instead of hoping to get lucky and hope is not the best strategy, why don't you
go, “I will become so good, they can't ignore me. I will become so good, they
will come to me. I will become so good that my competitors will come to learn
from me. I will become so good that my enemies will ask if I'm hiring.”
much easier to rely on that. It's much more guaranteed way towards success than
going, “Well, I hope I get lucky one day. I hope it works out.” Like that's not
a great strategy. I mean, hope is great. It's great to hope for the best, but
if you prepare for it, if you work on your craft, then the odds are in your
favor. It’s like, imagine you were a brain surgeon, like you would go, “I hope
it works out.” Or you can practice your craft, you can learn how to read better.
So this is also a profession. Being an entrepreneur, it's also a profession, is
not a hobby, it's not a thing you do when you're free. It's a profession. So if
you invest in that profession, if you work on your craft, if you work on your
skill, if you think where are my weak points, where am I not great at and you
work on that skill, you get better and better and better.
Guess what's going to
happen? You'll get lucky. Because if you get great at recruiting people, if you
get great at headhunting, then guess what, you'll get lucky and you'll recruit
some superstars because your numbers will increase. It’s a game of numbers. So
if you need to recruit 100 people to get one superstar, and you really become
good at recruiting, then you'll find that superstar faster, because you're just
better at recruiting. If you get one out of 10 sales, one out of 10 people you
ask to buy, buy something from you, then if you get better at asking. If you
get better at selling, then you'll get quicker to that sale, as simple as that.
So you will get lucky if you work on your skills.
you become better at what you do, you will get lucky. There's no other way
around it. So but you have to change that mindset from, “Oh, I hope it works
out. Oh, I hope I get lucky.” You need to change the mindset and ask yourself,
“How do I become best at this? Like, I don't care that there's 2 million people
in my company. How do I become best trainer? How do I become the best speaker?
How do I become the best recruiter? How do I become the best seller?”
What if
you thought like that? Is that going to be easy? Of course not. It's going to
be freaking hard. But what if you had the mentality that whatever I do, I try
to become the best at it. Whatever I do, I try to become a champion of that. If
you had that mindset, you won't be the champion in everything. You won't be the
best at everything. But boy, you're going to do some damage. Boy, you're going
to get noticed by leaders, by the company, by your prospects, by your friends because
people are watching you.
had another training today and somebody said, “Look, I see so many people
viewed my video, but only these few people liked it, how come?” And I go, “Yeah,
they are the secret agents.” For every person that likes your video or likes
your posts or comments on your post, there's another hundred people who are
watching you from the distance. They're not liking your posts, they're not
commenting, God forbid they're not going to let you know they support you.
They're not going to let you know that they are observing your journey, but
they are watching. “Ah, when is she going to fail? When is she going to give
And you know what? You can't defeat somebody who doesn't give up. You
can't defeat somebody who doesn't give up who keeps getting up and keeps going
and keeps going and keep going. And you know what, if you keep going, if you
keep consistent, if you keep showing up, you keep doing it, you keep doing it,
eventually, you'll get these people six months from now, a year from now,
they'll be reaching out to you and they'll say, “You know what, I want to do this.”
you'll go like, “Where did you come from? You've never liked a single video of
mine. You've never commented, how come?” And they'll go, “Yeah, I've been
watching you for the last six months. Yeah, I've been watching you for the last
year.” But you see, if you do free videos, and you don't recruit anybody, and
you go, “Ah, it doesn't work, I'm not going to do it anymore.” If you do free
posts, and nobody buys anything from you, you go, “Ah, that doesn't work. I'm
not going to do that anymore.”
Then you’re just confirming what they suspected
because they were watching you and saying, “Yeah, I'll watch how long she's going
to do that. Yeah, I'll watch after how many days is he going to give up.” And
when you keep going, you keep going, you keep doing it, you keep showing up, then
they go, “Well, maybe she's serious about it. Maybe I should join her team.
Maybe he's onto something here. Maybe I should take a look.”
this video is like 580 something 582 I think, or something like that. You know
what I said 580 days ago that I'm going to do a Facebook live every day. How
many people said, “Yeah, right. Yeah, right.” I'm still doing it. And guess
what, we're going to have this conversation like 1000 days from now. And you're
going to go, “Is he still doing those videos? I haven't watched one for the
last 300 days and he's still doing it.” But like, I don't care. I'll do these
videos so long until I get what I want to get, until I impact as many lives as
I want to impact, until I help as many people as I want to help, until I'll
become so good that you couldn't ignore me. I'll become so good, that you'll go
like, “I can't not watch his video.”
That's what it is all about guys. It's the
long game. It's the long term game. It's not about today. It's not about
tomorrow. It's not about the day after, you’ll get smacked in the face, you'll
fall on your ass, you will fail, you will struggle, you will stumble, things
will happen to you that you can't even imagine. Life will throw things at you that
you can't even think about right now. And you'll go, “Oh my god, how many of
these things can happen?” But it will happen.
what they call the Murphy's committee. Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.
Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. The bigger the business, the bigger the
problems. The bigger the money, the bigger challenges. So the problems, the
challenges, the obstacles, never going to stop. They're always going to be
there. But you will grow, but you will make more money, but you will build an
empire along the way. And that's my wish for you my friend.
That’s my
training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if
you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more
amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group http://titaniumsuccess.co.uk/successtraining.php. There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you
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Yours in
In : Personal Development
Tags: hardwork and skills key to success in business