Everyone has the same amount of FAITH or BELIEF

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Tuesday, January 28, 2020 Under: Personal Development

The title for the blog is that everybody has the same amount of faith or belief.

Now, before you go nuts and go, “Oh, that’s not true.” Let me explain because for me when I got this concept it was quite interesting, quite a revolutionary concept. So the faith that you have in something and that's not necessarily religious faith, it could be faith in yourself, faith in your business, faith in your opportunity or you could call it belief, belief in yourself or belief in your product or belief in whatever. So very often I hear these people saying, “Well, I wish I had more belief, how do you build belief, how to build more belief?”

And it sort of made sense all the time to me until I heard this concept. And it really shifted the way I started understanding it and the way I started looking at it. So the concept to understand here that everybody has the same amount of belief that it's like, you can't have more or less of belief. It's belief. You either have it or you don't. But the reality is that everybody has the belief. You can't say, “Well, I have more eyes than this person.”

Like you have the same two eyes, the difference is where you invest that belief, where you put it. Let me put this in a different way. So somebody might say, “Well, I wish I had more belief in myself, now I don't have belief in myself, I wish I had more belief like this person in myself.” Reality is that that person doesn't have more belief in themselves than you do, but that person puts the belief in themselves whilst you are putting your belief in believing that you don't believe yourself. Does that make sense?

Like somebody might say, “Well, I wish I had more belief in my business.” So another person will believe in their business whereas this person will believe that they don't have a belief in their business. So you still have the same amount of belief is just where are you putting it? It's the same amount of energy. Everybody has the same amount of it. It's either you believe or you don't believe, it's where you put that belief.

So many people put their belief or put their faith in the wrong thing. They believe that I'm not good enough. They believe that my belief is not strong enough. They believe that the world is set against me. They believe all of these things against themselves. You know what I mean? They believe that, “Oh, my English is not good enough. So I can't do a video.” They believe that I'm not beautiful enough or not smart enough, but that's still the belief. So that means you have the belief, you’re just believing in the wrong thing.

Instead of believing in yourself, you believe that you lack the belief in yourself, instead of believing that you are beautiful, you are believing in the concept that you're not beautiful enough, you know what I mean? So it's the same amount of it is just where are you investing it. So you have to consciously start investing your belief into where you want it to be. So you want to believe more in yourself, start saying that, I believe in myself. My belief in myself is increasing every single day. You know what I mean?

I believe that I'm smart enough. I believe that I'm good enough. I believe I can do this. You know, just say it. And that's it. You then start investing your belief where you want it to be anyways. There is not more or less it’s still the same amount. It’s just instead of believing that you are not good enough, now you believe that you are good enough, instead of believing that you lack the belief now you believe that you have enough belief. You know what I mean? I hope this is making sense or I might just be talking gibberish.

When I heard this concept, for me just transformed the whole thing. Because before I was looking, where I can get more belief, where I can get more faith, where I can get more enthusiasm, until I understood that I don't need to look for it in the world without I need to look for it in the world within. It's already in me; the motivation, the enthusiasm, the energy, the happiness, everything is already inside of you. You just need to bring it out. You just need to find it. You know what I mean?

You don't need to look for it somewhere else. It’s like the biggest misconception of all times is like you know, “When I become successful, I'll become happy.” No, you're not. When you become a happy, that's when you become successful and you already have the happiness inside of you. You don't need to look for it anyway you know what I mean? So anyway, that's my share for you about the belief. Don't believe in the wrong things. Don't believe that you are not good enough. Don't believe that you lack the belief. Start believing; start investing your belief where you want it to be and that's where it's going to work.

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group http://titaniumsuccess.co.uk/successtraining.php. There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in success


In : Personal Development 

Tags: start investing in your belief 
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