Do you give yourself some ALONE time to think and organise your ideas?
want to talk about giving yourself some alone time.
I love once in a while to
spend some time on my own. We live in this busy, busy lifestyle where we have
families, we have children, we have spouses, we have the computer going off all
the time, pinging with all the social media, we've got our phone giving us
notifications all the time.
And very often, we actually don't have time to
think. Now I know it sounds crazy. You'll say well, I'm thinking all day long.
I know you are, but are you thinking on your own volition? Or are you just
responding? Are you proactively thinking or are you just responding to the stimuli
that surrounds you? “Oh, this thing, oh, this program, oh, this message, oh, I
need to do this and that.” Because you keep being bombarded with this
is why I really love for example, flying long flights like to USA when the
flight is like 10 hours, because the phones are off and I can really just sit
down and focus and start thinking of ideas, planning, jotting some things,
arranging, organizing my thoughts in a way. And same way, I always try once in
a while, I don't do it every day, but I try to find time to think as often as I
can, even if it's 15 minutes just to sit down, phones off, the TV's off, just
sit quietly and think and arrange the ideas.
If you want to get more organized,
if you want to get better at managing your time and disciplining yourself, you
have to give yourself time to generate ideas, to generate thoughts. What is the
most important right now? What's the action plan for right now? What do you
want to achieve this week, this month, this year? What are the most important
actions today? What should you do? What can be delayed? What can be delegated
to somebody else? This all involves you doing some planning and doing some
of the tips that I can give you today is find yourself some time, even if it's
waking up before everybody wakes up and spending 15 minutes just quietly
generating ideas, thinking maybe jotting things down on a piece of paper. Maybe
it's late at night when everybody's already gone to sleep. Again, just spending
few minutes thinking about the day ahead, about what do you want to achieve?
What do you want to do? Putting your ideas in order, maybe once a week,
spending an hour, maybe once a month, spending few hours. Every New Year's, I
always try to plan the whole year in advance and review the year that just
happened just to generate some ideas, just to put things in order, just to organize
everything in my head. Have a thing, could you put this into your daily routine
to help you also achieve things that you want to achieve in your business.
That’s my
training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if
you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more
amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group There are 10 amazing lessons in
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Yours in
In : Personal Development
Tags: time to think