Best known BEATS best!
I want to talk about being known and why is that important? So the title of
this blog is best known beats best.
So I know it's unfair, I know it
shouldn't be like that, but it is. So you might have the best business
opportunity in the world, you might have the best quality product in the world,
but you will be beaten by lesser quality products or buy less of an
opportunity, because they will get known more than you. What do I mean by that?
They will get in front of more people than you, they will beat you. They will
get more recruits, they will get more customers, they'll sell more products,
not because they are better, not because they've got a better business, not
because they got a better product, but simply because they got in front of more
people. And it happens all the time. Just look on media, on television, on
radio and magazines, and you see lesser quality products being advertised and millions
of people buying them while you know there is a better quality product out
there and nobody even knows about it. And that's the truth.
so many great leaders who could be amazing network marketers, but nobody knows
about them. You know what I mean? There's
so many great products, but nobody knows about them because people don't put
them in front of people. And one of the reasons for that is people are getting
ready to get ready. They’re waiting to have a perfect message, to have a
perfect video to put out there, to have a perfect pitch for the product and they
never and while they’re waiting to design this perfect pitch, this perfect
presentation, somebody with a lesser quality product, with a lesser quality
business opportunity are talking to people, are talking to people, are talking
to people, and they're recruiting the whole world. You know what I mean? So
sometimes it's a numbers game.
So my advice for you is that done is better than
perfect. Starting imperfectly is better than not starting perfectly. You know
what I mean? There's so many people going, “Well, I want to start my Facebook
Lives, but I have to have a perfect haircut and I have to have a perfect makeup
and I have to talk you in a perfect way so that it is no mistakes.” Forget
about it. It's not going to happen ever because the only way to get good at
this videos is to screw up a lot of videos.
only way to get good at doing presentations is to screw up a lot of
presentations. You know what I mean? So even if you have an amazing business,
even if you have incredible products, the first few people you're going to talk
to, you’re going to screw up, you're going to talk nonsense, you're going to
forget what you're supposed to say. And it's okay to. It's totally cool. Those
people are allowing you to practice for free on them. You should be paying them
to practice your presentation because it is horrible. Like, I remember when I
first started, like, I don't know how these people survived my presentation because
it was that bad. I was shaking and sweating and nervous, and like it was hard
to watch. You know, it was hard to watch. However, people were saying, “Hey, awesome,
well done,” then I keep going. So they just encouraged me to carry on right?
But you know what I mean?
So don't wait for you to be perfect. Don't wait for
you to know everything. Don't wait for you to know every ingredient in every product.
Don't wait for you to know everything about the business and the marketing plan
and everything before you start putting it in front of people instead, instead
of becoming really good presenter and really good with product knowledge become
really good at reaching out to a lot of people, at messaging a lot of people,
at doing a lot of videos, at doing a lot of posts, a lot of you know, whatever,
right? How can you get in front of more people because best known beats best?
You know, some of you think, well, all of my friends on Facebook know that I do
this business, right? So nobody's interested. I tell you 90% of your friends on
Facebook probably don't even know what you do. Well, maybe not 90, but a lot of
them. I promise you if you messaged each of your friends personally, a lot of
them would go, “Yeah, you’re doing this? I didn't even know.” It's just the way
it is. We always assume we mind read that, “Oh yeah. All my friends and family
know about what I do.
Nearly all of my Facebook friends already know about what
I do.” No, they don't, is just you need to get in front of more people, you
need to spread your message more so that you become best known. And there is no
competition. You know, sometimes you think, well, there's so many other network
marketing businesses, there's only so many other people selling products
doesn't matter. You get best known. You get in front of more people, you get
everybody talking about you, and you will out do everybody, you will out earn
everybody, you will build bigger teams than everybody. You will have more
customers than everybody just if you manage to get in front of more people. And
today, it's easier than ever to do that.
I first started in network marketing nine years ago, you know, Facebook was
just getting started. There was almost nothing happening on social media for
network marketing. You literally had to get ads in newspapers etcetera in order
to get in front of a lot of people. Today, you can go live on your Facebook and
hundreds and thousands of people can see your message, and how much does it
cost you? Free, it doesn't cost you a penny to get in front of more people. So
become best known. Become a person that everybody knows you that you are the
home based business person that everybody knows you because you are that
product person. Everybody knows you.
That's what you want to do because best
known will beat best. So that's my advice for you today. Get in front of more
people say less to more people get in front of more eyeballs. That's the task
of network marketing. Don't try to be perfect. Don't try to have the perfect
pitch. Don't try to have the perfect presentation. Don't have to want to be
perfect at anything. Just get in front of more people and you will get better
at presenting you will get better at talking to people that will come in time
but now just focus on getting in front of more people. You will see how your
results will explode.
That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!
in success
In : Network Marketing
Tags: get in front of more people