Are you EARNING while you’re LEARNING?
I want to talk about earning while you're learning. The title of this blog post,
are you earning while you're learning? What do I mean by that?
Especially in
the home based business arena, in network marketing, there is so many people
who are what we like to call information junkies or addicted to learning or
gatherers of information. Basically there's a group of people who find it much
more comfortable, much more convenient, much more enjoyable the actual learning
process, then the actual doing process.
what they end up doing is constantly learning. They reading the books, they
attending the seminars, they watching the videos, but they're never applying
what they're learning. And that’s the biggest problem, the reason why we're
learning is in order to earn more, is in order to get better results, is in
order to progress.
But if you consume a training, whether that's a video course
or a book or event, or whatever, you consume some sort of a training, and then
you don't go and apply what you learned, you don't go and use what you learned,
that was a wasted opportunity. That was a waste of your time and money because
what's the point of you learning something, if you're not going to be using it,
if you're not going to be applying that thing in your business? Not a great
don't be one of those people who just gets stuck in learning and learning and
learning and learning and never getting started, never actually doing the live
video, never actually doing the presentation, never actually selling something
or recruiting somebody because they're constantly learning. Well, as soon as I
learn a little bit more, as soon as I go through another training, maybe that I
will get started, and they never get started. What you should be doing is you
should be earning while you're learning, which means you should be doing the
actions all the time.
And yes, always progressing, always learning new things,
always advancing yourself and growing yourself, but you should be making money
as you're doing it. If you're just learning when you're not making any money,
there's a problem there. That means you're probably not applying what you're
learning. That means you're probably not using the information that you're
gathering, you should be using what you're learning.
you go through a training, always look at this training that you just consumed
and ask yourself what's one, two or three things I could use from this
training, to make more money in my business, to build a bigger team, to attract
more customers, to get more advantage over maybe my competitors in the business
arena. Always use the thing that you're learning into thinking, how can I make
more money from this thing? And sometimes it will be you using that
information, sometimes you using it and sharing it with your team, maybe making
a training out of it.
One of the best ways to learn something is to actually
teach other people. So, if you read a book, best way to absorb that information
is to actually make a training out of that. You watch a video training course,
best way to absorb that information, make a training for your team out of that.
So this way, you really have to understand it, if you want to teach other
people but don't forget to actually use it yourself so you can also be earning
the money as you're progressing and as you're learning more and more and more.
That’s my
training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if
you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more
amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group There are 10 amazing lessons in
this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!
Yours in
In : Personal Development
Tags: earn while you learn