7 Steps To Recruiting and Sales MASTERY

Posted by Gediminas Grinevicius on Friday, January 10, 2020 Under: Personal Development

I want to share with you seven steps to recruiting and sales mastery in your home based business. I picked this up from the legendary Brian Tracy. I've been following Brian Tracy for I don't know how many years, he's one of the first people that when I got into personal development, I started studying his books and audio programs. So he has so much wealth of knowledge is absolutely incredible. I love learning from him and this is from him. So credit where credit is due. What are the seven steps for you to become better at recruiting, for you to become better at selling products?


So the first step is to prospect. So if you want to be having a great results, if you want to be building your team, if you want to be building your customer base, of course, you need to be prospecting. You need to be talking to people. So you have to be basically talking to people who can say yes, but it's not just about talking to anyone, it's about finding qualified people to talk to. So very often, you might have the best script in the world, you might have the best product in the world, you might have the best opportunity in the world, but if you're talking to the wrong people, then you might not be getting great results. So you always need to ask yourself, is this person a qualified prospects for me to talk to?

What is a qualified prospect? Well, a qualified prospect is a person who can say yes and join your business or say yes and buy your product. So for example, if you’re speaking to somebody who could not afford your product, or who could not afford to join your business, then that person is not a qualified prospect. They might be willing to join your business, they might be hungry for better life, but if they haven't got the means to be empowered to become part of your business, then they're not a qualified prospect. You know what I mean? So you always need to think is this person qualified, especially when it comes to social media, sometimes we get into conversations with people who are not really qualified to join our business and this way we can waste a lot of time. So that's step number one.

Step number two is establish trust. So for somebody to buy something from you, or for somebody to join your business, they need to trust you. So you need to do everything in your power to establish trust with that person. So whether that's having a conversation, getting to know each other, maybe jumping on a video call on Facebook or on WhatsApp or on zoom, or whatever but doing whatever you can to share your story perhaps, to make sure that that person starts trusting you because if they don't trust you, they aren’t buying from you and they're not joining your business. Imagine if you were at the bus stop and somebody came up to you trying to sell you some gold jewelry, would you buy it? The chances are, you wouldn't? Well, why wouldn't you buy it? It's a great deal, because you don't trust them. You don't know if it's actually gold. You don't know if it's actually good product.

That's number two. You need to do everything you can to establish trust. Again, if you are trying to recruit people, if you're trying to sell products and you're talking to the right people and they're not joining, they're not buying, the chances are, you maybe haven't built enough trust with that person. So you want to make sure that you build enough trust before you try to sell to that person, before you try to recruit that person especially. So that's number two.

Number three is establish their needs clearly. What do they want a need relative to what you have to offer? So once again, number three is you need to identify their need, which means you want to find out what do they want a need in relation to what you're selling. So if you selling a product, does this person have a need for that product? Does this person need this product? If somebody came up to me and said, “Hey, I have these amazing shampoos.” I might not be the right prospect because I have a lack of need for hair care products, or maybe some hair oil or some, I don't know, you know what I mean? Some gel for the hair. I might not be the right prospect, because I don't really have a need for that product, unfortunately. So what you want to do always is figure out what are the needs of that person?

And again, if you're recruiting people, again, you want to figure out where is the need? Why would the person need your business opportunity? So again, it's about having that conversation with the person asking those questions to figure out, do they need an extra income? Do they love their job or maybe they want to change their career? Do they love traveling and maybe your business opportunity could help them to travel more, maybe they need a new car, and maybe your business, you know what I mean? So instead of you just bombarding them with information, instead of using throwing everything at them and hoping that something sticks, instead, why not have a conversation with that person and figure out where is the need? Do they have a need for that product, or maybe they have a need for another one of your products.

So you might be trying to sell one product to them, but actually need another product that you selling, but if you have that conversation, you can figure it out and same in the business. If you’re offering them a business opportunity, yeah I know it's the same business opportunity, but it's the angle at which you approach. So if you get enough information from that person by chatting to them, by talking, by asking the questions, they will give you all the necessary tools for you to recruit them, but you just need to listen. Number three is you need to identify their needs clearly.

Number four then, you need to present your product or your business opportunity as a solution to what they want. So if you identified at the previous step that the need an extra income, then you present your business opportunity as a solution to that problem that they have, to that challenge that they have. Or if you identify that they have a need for your product, now is the time where you say, “Hey, and by the way, because you said that I'd like to recommend you this particular product, because of what you told me, because of what needs do you have, because of what you want.”

Now it's a lot more congruent and now it's a bigger chance that the person will join your business or buy a product because it's based, your offer is based on something that they told you. So if I come to you and we’re having a conversation and I say to you, “Hey, my car has broke down and I'm really struggling to repair it because we're short on cash." And you go to me, “Well, because you said that Gediminas, I mean, I have an opportunity for you to earn some extra income from home, would you take a look at that?” Now that wouldn't raise questions, I wouldn’t go, “Well, why would you offer me this?” Well you just told me you need an extra income because your car broke down, or here's an opportunity for you to earn extra income. So it’s by having those conversations, by not being too eager beaver to recruit them first second you meet them, actually if you have a conversation with them, you very often might figure out some needs that they have which will lend itself for you to transition into telling them about your business. Okay. So that's number four.

Number five, is you need to answer their questions and concerns. So I know we all would love people just go, “Yeah, here's my credit card. Here's my cash. Where do I sign? Yeah, awesome. Amen.” We all would love that. But most people, more people than not, will not be jumping on and buying your product right away, will not be jumping on and joining your business opportunity right away, because they have some questions. They have some concerns but very often they won't tell you that. They won't say, “Well, I have some questions and concerns,” you know what they will tell you. They'll say, “I need to think about it.” And that's one of the worst things you can hear as a salesperson or as a recruiter, I need to think about it. Because guess what the news is? Guess what the secret is? They're not going to think about it. What they're basically saying is I'm confused. I'm not sure I have some questions. But I need to think about it.

So just basically give me some time. So what you want to do, whenever you hear, I need to think about it or any other version of it, you need to ask them, “Hey, do you have any questions or concerns that I could answer?” Because what will they think about if they go away from you, that's it. They're not going to ask you about those questions. They’re may be going to Google or whatever. Ask somebody who doesn't even know about your business, you know what I mean? So there and then you want to try and answer any questions and concerns that they might have. Okay.

So one of the questions I very often asked, after somebody watched the presentation, I ask them, what do they like the best? And then once they told me all the things that they liked the best about my business opportunity, then I say is, “Do you have any questions before you're ready to join?” Do you have any questions before you're ready to join? So if they say no, that means they're ready to join. If they say yes, I answer the questions and then I say, “Do you have any more questions before you're ready to join?” You know what I mean? So I answer all the questions and then I get them to join the business.

Okay, number six, is close the sale or close the recruiting process and get them to take action. So you want the person to take action there and then. If you met up with somebody to do them a business opportunity presentation, you want them to sign up there and then, if you met up with somebody to show them some products, you want them to take action there and then because again, there's a law of diminishing intent. So the more time passes, the least likely is this person to take any action.

So you want the person to take action there and then and that's why you need to close the sale and the closing for some people sounds like, “Oh my Gosh this is a really like manipulating somebody or hard-core, selling them and like really pushing them and putting pressure on them,” nothing like it. Closing is basically helping somebody to make a decision. That's what closing is. So for example, when I show somebody the business opportunity and at the end of the presentation I asked them what did they like the best and they start telling me well I like this about it and I like that about it and I like this about it. So I wait till they told me all the things that they like about it and then you know my closing strategy my grand closing technique, I say, “Sounds like you're ready to join.” That's it! Sounds like you're ready to join or the one that I used previously, do you have any questions before you're ready to join? You know what I mean? That's it.

That's the closing. It’s just you have to be not scared of asking that question; because I was. I remember before when I first got started in network marketing, I would be terrified of asking the closing question. We had one lady, we took it to one presentation, she loved it and then we took it to another presentation in a hotel, she loved it. Then we drove her to London to another presentation, and she loved it, and we're driving back from London. She's sitting on the backseat of our car. And she goes, “Guys, so are you going to ask me to join this business or not?” You know, because we just kept taking her to the presentations hoping that she will volunteer to join the business, because we were terrified of actually asking that person, “Hey, so are you ready to rock and roll?” You know what I mean? But if you do it professionally, you will never have to ask the question. So are you buying this? So are you joining my business, you will never have to ask it because it will be a natural flow of your process.

So like, you show the business and then once they told you everything they let you go, “Hey, it sounds like you're ready to join.” So it's not even a closing question like, “Oh, are you joining?” Sounds like you loved it sounds like you're ready to join, and most people will go, “Yeah,” and that's it, you just rock and roll, you just progress. But you have to get that decision there and then don't just go, “Thanks for coming. See you soon. Bye.” I don't do that because so many people do that and they lose a lot of sales or potential business partners.

Last number six, and then the last step, super important, but a lot of people miss this step is you must take such a good care of those people, that they would come back again to buy again, and they would even bring their friends. And that's really where a lot of people drop the ball.

Whether it comes to selling products or when it comes to recruiting, they don't go the extra mile to take care of their customer, they don't go the extra mile to take care of their team member and then they're surprised by their team members not recruiting, then they're surprised by their customer is not coming back for more and bringing more customers, because we haven't really taken care of them well, because if you give somebody such a great service, if you give somebody such a great impression, if you look after them so well that they become a raving fan of your products or your business, the guess what's going to happen, they're going to start talking to other people about it. They'll go, “Oh my Gosh, I joined this business is absolutely incredible. They're really looking after me, they’re answering all the questions. They're supporting me, they keeping in touch with me, they really treating me well. It's just been amazing.” And guess what their friends will do? They'll go, “Well, I want to be part of it too. Sounds awesome, how do I become part?” You know what I mean?

So the better you take care of your customers, the better you take care of your team members, the more customers are going to be attracted to your business, the more people will be attracted as business partners to your business. So go the extra mile to take care of your team members to take care of your customers because that will pay you tenfold in the end in the future.

That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success Training” group http://titaniumsuccess.co.uk/successtraining.php. There are 10 amazing lessons in this training course that will help you get the breakthrough in your business!

Yours in success




In : Personal Development 

Tags: how to sell and recruit more in business 
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