3 Team Building Tips!
I want to give you three team building tips. For some of you, this will be
quite interesting and may give you like a light bulb moment or aha moment. Three
team building tips.
Tip number one is to create an environment where everybody
feels good and you make as little people as possible, as few people as
possible, make them feel bad. What does it mean? As a leader, you're probably
like an alpha male, you're probably building your business, you're probably
crushing it, you probably getting great results and you have big dreams, big
ambitions,. And that's awesome.
However, a lot of people who will join your
team, they don't have the same ambition, they don't have the same dreams,
they're not as hungry as you are. And if you keep everybody to that high
standard, where you have to go hustle, you have to call 100 people a day, you
have to build a huge business, you will turn off a lot of people, because every
time you'll say something like that, those people who are not as hungry, they
will feel guilty, they will feel bad, they will feel as if they are not good enough
to be part of your team. As a great leader, you want to make sure that
everybody feels welcome.
might do a training and say, “Hey guys, if you want to go crush it, if you want
to go to the next level, I really recommend you do that. But if you're just
here because you want to be a customer, totally awesome, we’ll love on you,
keep rocking and rolling.” This way, you're not turning off people who might have
become active later, because it's like a campfire. If you keep enough people
around the campfire long enough, a lot of them may catch fire, but some of them
right now are not yet on fire and if you make them feel like crap, they will
leave and you will never get to the point where they got on fire.
Make sure
that you make everybody feel welcome. Somebody who does a little bit, somebody
who does more and somebody who does loads, don't just make people feel good who
are doing crazy amount of work. That’s team building tip number one.
building number two. Tip number two. The second tip is stop promoting only fast
success. What does it mean? It's always awesome when you have a team member who
joins the business and goes crush it really quickly, gets results, but if
that's the only type of success you promote in your team, you will again turn
off loads of people. Because guess what, there is more people who will get slow
success, then fast success. If the only people you recognize are people who did
a Grand Poobah level in three days, then the people who've been around for
three months, three years, five years, they'll go, “Oh my gosh, I'm worthless,
I'm rubbish. I look at these people so fast achieving success and I'm like, whatever.”
As a leader, you still got to recognize the fast success, people who join the
business and achieve really quick, but you also want to recognize slow success.
If somebody's been in your business for six months, and just got their first
customer, you should go like crazy in your team room, “Oh my gosh, I'm so happy
for this person. They've been in the business for six months just got their
first customer.”
Why? One, of course, it's going to make that person feel good.
But two, it's going to give hope. It's going to give hope for the people who've
been in the business for a month, two months, three months, and they haven't
got a customer yet, they haven't recruited anybody yet. Slow success is super
important to promote in your team as a leader, because it gives hope to those
people who haven't got the fast success. And there will always be more people
who didn't get fast success than there are in your team. I promise you that.
then the last one, number three is stop looking for your team members to do
things that you are not doing. Ouch. I know it hurts for some people. I know it
may be a painful for some people. Stop looking for your team members to do
things that you are not doing. I see it so many times, people are like, “Oh, I
wish my team members recruited more.” And I go, “Oh, hang on a second. When was
the last time you recruited?” “Oh, no, but I'm a team leader now.
So I don't
need to recruit. I just need my people to start recruiting.” What forget about
it, isn’t going to work for you. What you need to do is go, “Hey guys, go
recruit.” And then whether they go recruit or not, you go and recruit somebody.
You go, “Hey guys, let's go sell.” Whether they go and sell or not, you go sell
something. Instead of you going, “Hey guys, let's go to the training.” Whether
they come or not, you should still be there. I lost the kind of amount of times
when I heard a leader, a leader say, “Oh, I'm not going to that training
because none of my team members are coming.” How long do you want that to keep
happening because your team members will never come unless you grow yourself,
unless you show up and show your team members, “Hey, I'm here. I don't know
about you guys, but I'm here, I'm learning, I'm getting great value.”
expecting your team members to do things that you're not doing. That's not
going to happen. The only time when you're going to inspire, not motivate,
inspire your team members to do something is when they see you do it. Do the
action, and then show your team that you're doing it. Don't be a secret agent.
Don't do it in secrecy. You get a new customer, make sure you take a selfie,
put it in your team group. You get a new distributor, make a selfie, put it in
your team group.
Always, always, always document your journey, document the
work that you're doing, and show it to your team so they can get inspired and
go, “Oh my gosh, my sponsor got three customers today. Oh my gosh, my leader, she
recruited five people this week. I need to catch up. I need to start doing
something.” That's how you're going to inspire people. Not by motivational
talks, not by sending them YouTube videos with motivation. That isn’t going to
inspire them, what's going to inspire them is them seeing you do the work.
Makes sense, I hope it does. That’s my three tips for team building.
That’s my training and tip for you. Hope you got value some value in
this blog post, if you did, feel free to share it with other people. If you
would like more amazing trainings check out “Network Marketing Success
Training” group http://titaniumsuccess.co.uk/successtraining.php. There are 10 amazing lessons in
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Yours in success
In : Personal Development
Tags: team building in your business